Non team or handicap leagues


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm not even sure if this question makes sence. I am wondering if there are any individual amatuer player leagues out there and if so are there any that do not handicap. Where players only play even up?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm not even sure if this question makes sence. I am wondering if there are any individual amatuer player leagues out there and if so are there any that do not handicap. Where players only play even up?

The Santa Barbara Pool League has been around for 40+ years and has never been handicapped.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Probably not quite what you mean but I shoot in one that the players shoot even up (1 game each round) but the team wins needed are handicapped based on team points played.


Straight Pool Fanatic
Silver Member
We have a non-handicapped Straight Pool League in the Chicago area at Red Shoes Billiards. About 30 players or so. Play weekly matches to 125 even up.