OMGWTF gets stiffed in money game...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lol @ the smooth criminal. Another point. Melinda gave every warning in her blog about how certain peeps would never rob asia of her money because azbilliards will easily ruin a reputation. And here we are.

For those that didn't read the whole blog. asia decided later that she would like to commence the match and acted like she had done nothing wrong!!! Of course when omg agreed as long as the money would be held she was never to be heard from again.

You are correct sir, but there are many pool gamblers that don't visit (computer) blogs or text and can't contact OMGWTF to start the air barrel. To her credit, OMG' documented the negotiations to accurately report the event/fiasco and this will cut down her potential matches and air barrels.

No matter the excuse, post up or don't gamble....even if a robber takes the $$$ off of the overhead light with a gun drawn as happened at the HT before.

Making money shooting pool is a gamble, even if you are playing in an APPA tourney.

OMGWTF is it so hard to get action! After reading your exchanges of emails I was mystified as to the difficulty of getting the matchup.

One phone call right? When? Where? What game? Rules? How much? Let's call them the "big 5". Pretty simple really.

With all the BS back and forth I would have be very wary of her. It just isn't that hard to see when someone isn't genuine.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
HAHAHAHHA Nothing like beating someone so bad they're squeezing their ass through the tiny bathroom window, dropping down on top of the dumpster and high-tailing it down the alley!

Yes there is, actually getting paid. I would probably agree that winning most of the cash and then having someone air the last barrell and leaving there stuff is very fulfilling.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
I also liked the recounting of the story on her blog.

I guess I'm at a loss why 9BP is so vehemently against her and her blog, but I don't understand why some people don't like The Beatles, either. :shrug: :p

Too bad it went down the way it did for OMGWTF. At least it didn't cost her too much other than table time. And she got quite a story to tell. Hopefully she and Borana can work out the details for a rematch sometime.
Notorious pool blogger OMGWTF just got stiffed Sunday night for 2 large ones in a money game while Alex Pagulayan and Mitch Ellerman were battling it out for winner at the other end of the room in the finals of the Swanee Memorial pool tournament at Hardtimes.

Melinda H. (aka OMGWTF) was up 13-6 in a 9 ball race to 21 against "Jessica C." (linked to "GoldenchildMVP" on Facebook) when Jessica said she was going to the restroom and then never returned. A small group, including some legends from the Cali poolworld, had gathered around to watch the girls in action and were all stunned when Melinda's opponent pulled a fast one and snuck off.

Yeah, they should have posted, but things can sometimes get complicated. This Jessica character (not sure if it's her real name) promised to post but then at the last minute claimed that since they were each holding their stake and there were a lot of witnesses they should each just keep holding till the finish.

Melinda's jumping out to a quick seven game lead and steady play must have convinced Jessica (or whatever her real name is) that it was worth leaving her cue and case at the table and sneaking off so as to avoid the inevitable pay off.

Bad action alert - "Jessica" is a twenty-something medium height Asian girl with tatoos on her arms styling herself as a badass. Claims she is living in NC now but was originally from NJ. Jessica may also be associated with "Asia Cantnobodyholdmedown" on Facebook. Am attaching a poor quality phone pic of Jessica.
Thanks for the comments there but next time get some facts. Or is that too much of a bad ass reply??? But thanks for the age decrease, not that I need it. Now you check out my blog since it seems anyone can write s*it these dayz...
Yeah sucks it ended this way :( But im glad we have forums so we can hopefully prevent this from happening to other people she might try and set up games with. Here's a pic of her I found online.
Btw she has since either deleted her fb account or changed the settings on it b/c its not there anymore.

My facebook account is up and running. Never been down so to all you folks who feel you need to be apart of something you have no buisness in do come. My blog has been posted and I haven't even read all this cr*p you have written.
Question: Maybe y'all got too much Dam* time on ur hands. Think about it
I played a girl named Asia in an APA handicapped tournament in Birmingham in 2010 played at Bumper's in Hoover. She was expected to win the tournament. I put her out. I don't know if this is the same girl or not. It could be.

I am sure it would make you feel like a somebody if that was me, but bubble buster: It wasn't. Sorry there....
geeze i know asia from time spent in NJ.
Asia almost caused my wife to walk out on me once. she used to frequent my regular room and 1x during a backroom poker game she asked to borrow my cell. she proceeded to the ladies room where she took a dozen nudie shots of herself to send to her boyfriend. she deleted them but guess who found em the next day in the deleted or sent folder.....
i was like a deer caught in headlights. i had no freakin idea, but there was my wife screaming "why the Eff do you have pictures of Asias's Tits on your cell phone???" as it wizzed by head at 90 mph.


Mel so sorry you had any contact with her at all.

Wow, really that's funny, cuz I don't recollect anything ever being said to me doin this. I am pretty sure I know who this is and if this did happen why not confront me??? Hmmmm... Or were you too busy looking at these so called photo's? How bout you worry bout Jerry and I will worry bout Asia. Keep up wit ur old habits and I will keep being me.
lol @ the smooth criminal. Another point. Melinda gave every warning in her blog about how certain peeps would never rob asia of her money because azbilliards will easily ruin a reputation. And here we are.

For those that didn't read the whole blog. Asia decided later that she would like to commence the match and acted like she had done nothing wrong!!! Of course when omg agreed as long as the money would be held she was never to be heard from again.

i understand this girl power shit but how bout you get ur lips outta someones ass and take a breath for a minute. Unless you know all the facts about something you have no right to judge a person. Opinions, yes.... But don't judge someone you don't even know. Stay in the safe zone wit your opinions. You are making statements and i bet you wouldn't put your life to back those statements. Stay outta the game. You have no buisness in it. As far as reputation goes, it is what it is.....