Are you the same J.Brumbeck that plays champion speed?
Well I used tnly J Brumback that I know of that plays pool though.John B.
Are you the same J.Brumbeck that plays champion speed?
Well I used tnly J Brumback that I know of that plays pool though.John B.
Can you walk the cueball with an open bridge?
Can you walk the cueball with an open bridge?
I'm thinking the use of the open bridge in snooker has less to do with uninterrupted sight lines as it does with being appropriate for the more conical taper of a snooker cue.
I don't really know.I've never heard that term.I'm gonna bet I can though,
just for the heck of It.John B.
I have one last bit of business on this thread but probably won’t be able to get to it tonight. Until then, the dead horses will have to tell each other jokes or something.
Brian kc
I use both open and closed. I never even think about what bridge I'm going to use. I wish the rest of my game was that automatic. This thread probably has sharked me now. I'll be thinking what type of bridge to use for each shot. Johnnyt
I neglected to include you in my thanks for bringing civility, intelligence, and respect into this thread. But you're definitely one of the people keeping it on track, and I thank you. (You can imagine how this thread could spiral out of control with zealots from either side of the open/closed bridge topic.)
As for the discussion and holy grail thing, actually, there might be some truth to the "cat out of the bag" thing. Some really good information is coming out from a number of folks, IMHO. I myself am sharing my observations about the "V" channel thing, which had its catalyst when I was sitting outside on the back patio one day, and looked down at my left hand as it was resting on the patio chair's armrest. I was pencil sketching the scenery out there that day, and suddenly had this revelation about hand bridges and pool. (Don't ask -- I have no idea why I went from nature/scenery to pool hand bridges.) I sketched a lot of notes and drawings at that moment, and still have them. I shared some of those revelations here. I do hope they're useful!
The plot thickens...
Found this thread from 2010 asking the very same question, open or closed?
See the answers given by two prominent az member/instructors regarding sightlines and rifles, posts #2 and #29.
Also, may I introduce you to my good friend, Buddy "The Rifleman" Hall. :grin: :smile:
pt109 responded: KC....don't wanna pull a 'Tolstoy' on you guys...I could wear out a key
board on this subject.
I will say this....unlike shooting a gun, there are more targets to consider
at pool...the cue hits the cue-ball, the cue-ball hits an object-ball, and
the object-ball hopefully hits a pocket.And you have cue-cloth-english-
humidity-non standard conditions-tip shape and hardness and many other
things to consider.
So, if you're LINING UP, you're not understanding the complexity of the
To me,aiming is understanding.
One needs basics to start with, but you gotta move on.
When I'm betting all my cash at 1-hole and I'm jacked over a ball, with
one foot on the floor and one knee on the table, and I gotta hit with low
right and draw the ball out of a kiss......thinking about how to line up and
what a proper stance is...will have you dumpster-diving for your next meal.
...gotta feeling some day you and Sean and I will be discussing this at
a table....regards to you and Sean
You can "go Tolstoy" anytime you want. I always enjoy reading what you have to say. :thumbup:
I do, however, have a minor disagreement with what you said above, but it's probably just symantics. Unless I'm caroming, I feel like I have just one target. Determining that one target comes from, as you said, "understanding" many things such as subsequent paths and all of the variables - the conditions, equipment, etc. But once everything is considered, and hopefully understood, for me there is but one target where whitey either hits an object ball or a cushion (in the case of a kickshot). Even when attempting a complicated three ball combo, it is pared down to one target where whitey needs to strike the first ball. Again, it may just be symantics.
I am with you 100% on the need to move past the basics. And, good Lord, I hope I'm there now after 40+ years of playing.
To be able to process all of the info that you refer to, and to instinctively know exactly what to do without the need for protractors or phone aps, is what I consider to be one of the most beautiful aspects of the game. And I think probably you do, too.
Your, you better not get too stuck on stance or you may end up "dumpster diving" for your next meal comment, was brilliant. To be perfectly honest, I haven't ever been in that kind of a situation where the stakes were like that. But I think I can imagine the pressure of such a situation.
I believe it all comes down to instinctive play and I feel like I know precisely what's needed on any shot that comes up in rotation games and 8 ball. The mental game I like to think I have down cold; spin, speed, position play, the patterns, all of it, he said, humbly. Now, did anyone see where I left my execution? Yep, that's the killer...
I left out 14.1 which I haven't played much of over the last 25 years and I have only recently started to try out some 1 pocket. I can easily see the potential for addiction to this game. :smile:
Regarding you, pt, Sean and I, being able to get together some time, that would be terrific. I know you are up the road a little ways so please know that if you were ever of the mind to come down, you will have a guest room available to you here at Sunnyside. :thumbup:
Brian kc
There are three things you look at when aiming a shot: The cue ball, the object ball and the ferrule. When you are stretching for a shot using a closed bridge, the ferrule disappears from sight on your back stroke. The open bridge is thus better for lining up your shot. I picked up using the open bridge unconsciously while playing on a team with the late Jimmy Scrima back in the early '90s. Since then I use the open bridge for pretty much all shots except for the break and long power draw shots. If your stroke "gets away" from you with an open bridge, you need to work on your stroke, not your bridge.
Oh boy. This has to be true? Can you tell me how sure you are about this?
Matter of opinion. I look at the tip, not the ferrule. So the ferrule disappears when pulling the cue on the backstroke, so what? If you're looking at the ferrule, you're not looking at the shot. Again, other than tip placement, I'm not looking at the shaft at all, unless you're sighting down the shaft, which I don't do. I'm looking back and forth between the object ball and the cue ball, focusing on the object ball just before pulling the trigger.
Matter of opinion. I look at the tip, not the ferrule. So the ferrule disappears when pulling the cue on the backstroke, so what? If you're looking at the ferrule, you're not looking at the shot. Again, other than tip placement, I'm not looking at the shaft at all, unless you're sighting down the shaft, which I don't do. I'm looking back and forth between the object ball and the cue ball, focusing on the object ball just before pulling the trigger.
"but-but-but, mr. Batting instructor, when i swing the bat, it disappears behind my head on the wind-up. Shouldn't i be looking at the bat as it travels behind my head while i'm winding up for the swing?"
WhY did the chicken cross the road!?
I think the answer should be obvious in this case.
..the smell of rotting horse flesh was enormous....:yikes:
There are three things you look at when aiming a shot: The cue ball, the object ball and the ferrule. When you are stretching for a shot using a closed bridge, the ferrule disappears from sight on your back stroke. The open bridge is thus better for lining up your shot. I picked up using the open bridge unconsciously while playing on a team with the late Jimmy Scrima back in the early '90s. Since then I use the open bridge for pretty much all shots except for the break and long power draw shots. If your stroke "gets away" from you with an open bridge, you need to work on your stroke, not your bridge.