Opinions of Pool/Billiards as a Profession

JB Cases

Silver Member
you guys must play real good. you wanna play some. LOL

No they don't. They only hustle guppies. Guys who sneak around don't want to gamble they jut want to steal the money. Now granted, anyone who bets thinks that they can win but we all know what stealing is in pool.

Hustling is an art, the con-artists art. Has zero to do with heart and gamble, in fact the complete opposite. It's basically legal theft without a gun as one hustler put it to me one day in my living room. Hustlers are real honest folks, they will give you the shirt off their back and then take a suit from you later.

Sure there are people who could sneak around back 35 years ago and people who can to a lesser degree sneak around now. But I'd bet that most of these guys weren't living the middle class existence they brag about. Anyone that stays local gets a reputation no matter how much they try to hide their speed. It's like a law of nature that a hustler can't stay undercover for long in one spot. Pretty soon all the locals are wise to the speed trap.

So no, they don't want to play you. Unless you give up the stone hungarians. Then you can get a game.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
well if I must tell the truth

No they don't. They only hustle guppies. Guys who sneak around don't want to gamble they jut want to steal the money. Now granted, anyone who bets thinks that they can win but we all know what stealing is in pool.

Hustling is an art, the con-artists art. Has zero to do with heart and gamble, in fact the complete opposite. It's basically legal theft without a gun as one hustler put it to me one day in my living room. Hustlers are real honest folks, they will give you the shirt off their back and then take a suit from you later.

Sure there are people who could sneak around back 35 years ago and people who can to a lesser degree sneak around now. But I'd bet that most of these guys weren't living the middle class existence they brag about. Anyone that stays local gets a reputation no matter how much they try to hide their speed. It's like a law of nature that a hustler can't stay undercover for long in one spot. Pretty soon all the locals are wise to the speed trap.

So no, they don't want to play you. Unless you give up the stone hungarians. Then you can get a game.

I made 99% of my money off of suckers just like john. No risk of losing and no risk of them ever smartening up because I could control the cue ball. When I needed good rolls I got them, when I needed bad rolls to make it possible for the suckers to win a few games here and there I got them too.

I stayed sharp by practicing on a snooker table a few hours a day and by doing things like nudging balls around to build traps while playing the john b's of the world and then putting the cue ball in them. Most were simple traps like using a couple balls and a rail but sometimes things were right for a timing shot, roll the cue ball in the jaws then a ball it was illegal for them to hit tight in front of it blocking any conceivable shot. The other player would get a stupid look on his face just like those on john's face in that great collage Lou put together.

Once in awhile I would engage in a real battle with a road player but I was on a few road player's lists and they came to me, meaning they played me on my turf. Home field advantage is big and the gaffier the tables and lighting was the bigger homefield advantage was. Because of my MO and homefield advantage no road player took me off for a big score and most if not all left lighter than they came.

When I needed to I paid the mortgage on a home and a piece of commercial property as well as living quite comfortably. The flaw was it was boring work. I called taking the chumps like john off chopping wood. Nothing exciting about suckers you could milk for months or years. I did value my regular customers but geez were they dumb! I don't know of anybody on AZB that reminds me of them as much as john barton does. I know "never smarten a chump" but it is embarrassing to engage someone too unintelligent to smarten even if a bunch of people try to smarten him up. john is living proof you can fool some of the people all of the time!

For those that made it through all of the wasted words that are routine when I'm trying to smarten john up without success I'll give a few tips concerning gambling:

First, cue ball control. When I moved from area position to spot position I spent several years of over 360 days a year of play focusing on the cue ball. Never really quit after that but it took a couple years to own the cue ball.

Second, play by the shortest race possible, by the game is ideal. Easier to let the mark win a few short races or games and they part with their money easier than when you try to take it in long sets and big bites.

Third, no better game than eight ball, preferably on a bar box, to hide speed.

It's true I took off dozens, even hundreds of chumps. All I had to do was get on a table and bang a few balls into the rails and let them come to me. I never raised the bet higher than five dollars a game. For somebody to really get burned they had to try to hustle me. Most nights there was one or a few like john who thought they were smart when they couldn't pour piss out of a boot, or maybe a radio in john's case, with instructions on the bottom. No need for a big con, passive hustling and waiting on the john bartons of the world to try to hustle you is all it takes! They shove their money at you and beg to be taken.

If I was a real stone cold hustler I might have asked for a spot from people like john that can't run three balls on an open table but I guess I had a tiny touch of kindness, I never played with a spot in over ten years of gambling, including playing the road players. Can't claim a win with a spot and as seldom as I got to really compete on a pool table I wanted a victory I could write on the wall!


JB Cases

Silver Member
I made 99% of my money off of suckers just like john. No risk of losing and no risk of them ever smartening up because I could control the cue ball. When I needed good rolls I got them, when I needed bad rolls to make it possible for the suckers to win a few games here and there I got them too.

I stayed sharp by practicing on a snooker table a few hours a day and by doing things like nudging balls around to build traps while playing the john b's of the world and then putting the cue ball in them. Most were simple traps like using a couple balls and a rail but sometimes things were right for a timing shot, roll the cue ball in the jaws then a ball it was illegal for them to hit tight in front of it blocking any conceivable shot. The other player would get a stupid look on his face just like those on john's face in that great collage Lou put together.

Once in awhile I would engage in a real battle with a road player but I was on a few road player's lists and they came to me, meaning they played me on my turf. Home field advantage is big and the gaffier the tables and lighting was the bigger homefield advantage was. Because of my MO and homefield advantage no road player took me off for a big score and most if not all left lighter than they came.

When I needed to I paid the mortgage on a home and a piece of commercial property as well as living quite comfortably. The flaw was it was boring work. I called taking the chumps like john off chopping wood. Nothing exciting about suckers you could milk for months or years. I did value my regular customers but geez were they dumb! I don't know of anybody on AZB that reminds me of them as much as john barton does. I know "never smarten a chump" but it is embarrassing to engage someone too unintelligent to smarten even if a bunch of people try to smarten him up. john is living proof you can fool some of the people all of the time!

For those that made it through all of the wasted words that are routine when I'm trying to smarten john up without success I'll give a few tips concerning gambling:

First, cue ball control. When I moved from area position to spot position I spent several years of over 360 days a year of play focusing on the cue ball. Never really quit after that but it took a couple years to own the cue ball.

Second, play by the shortest race possible, by the game is ideal. Easier to let the mark win a few short races or games and they part with their money easier than when you try to take it in long sets and big bites.

Third, no better game than eight ball, preferably on a bar box, to hide speed.

It's true I took off dozens, even hundreds of chumps. All I had to do was get on a table and bang a few balls into the rails and let them come to me. I never raised the bet higher than five dollars a game. For somebody to really get burned they had to try to hustle me. Most nights there was one or a few like john who thought they were smart when they couldn't pour piss out of a boot, or maybe a radio in john's case, with instructions on the bottom. No need for a big con, passive hustling and waiting on the john bartons of the world to try to hustle you is all it takes! They shove their money at you and beg to be taken.

If I was a real stone cold hustler I might have asked for a spot from people like john that can't run three balls on an open table but I guess I had a tiny touch of kindness, I never played with a spot in over ten years of gambling, including playing the road players. Can't claim a win with a spot and as seldom as I got to really compete on a pool table I wanted a victory I could write on the wall!



More "stories" of the good old days that probably never were.

More trying to justify yourself. Fact is you can't change it, you claim you made a living "clubbing baby seals" as you put it. Well, clubbing baby seals is a reprehensible act and using it as a metaphor for your claimed hustling career only means you are claiming to have been a notch above a thief.

That's about like calling yourself a roofer when all you do is run roofing cons robbing old ladies.

Tell you what though, you can be next on the list if you want to play some. I can be down in Louisiana in November and we can play some at Lacey's on camera for $5000.

Come on and show the world how good you are and club this baby seal.

The type of professional the op is talking about is not a professional hustler Hu. But then you knew that already. By the way, did you report all those winnings to the IRS? Doesn't matter, the statute of limitations has already passed and an "honest" guy like yourself would have reported everything diligently. I wonder what you listed as your profession back then. Bet it wasn't "thief."

Oh and since it's story time why don't you tell us about the time you hustled Johnny Archer again. That one is a classic. Doesn't quite jibe with your baby-seal clubbing story above but hey no one needs a good "story" to be true as you already know.
Last edited:


Hit it like Deluca
Silver Member
Classic. Rack em up and let the stroke do the talkin

Sent from my iPad mini using Tapatalk

JB Cases

Silver Member
No worries, Hu is too deep undercover. He regurgitates what he has read in books about hustling pool and puts himself in as the hustler, vicariously living lives other people actually did.

He tells these "stories" because he knows that he will never have to prove them. Oh I was so undercover no one knew me so the suckers never knew my real name.....oh I was on a few road player's lists but they never got the cheese on my table.....

What road players Hu? Who are they? All dead I bet. Androd on here was a high rolling bookie from those days down in your area? Ever play him? Ironman have you ever heard of Hu Lowery?

ANYONE ever heard of Hu Lowery hustling around Louisiana any time in the past 40 years? I mean has ANYONE ever heard of it from ANYONE ELSE except Hu?

If you were on the radar of road players then someone has to have remembered you Hu.

Someone has to have had your name written down in their spot book. CJ Wiley? Ever heard of this guy?

I mean you said you beat Johnny Archer so you must have been shortstop speed at least and no one is shortstop speed who remains unknown to the players. So please anyone post up that they saw this guy play in the 70s/80s if you did. Just lie to me if you have to and tell me Hu Lowery was as feared as he claims to have been and as smart and cunning as he claims he was, and as successful at fleecing players to earn his "middle class" living.

Let's hear some of those Hu Lowery stories from anyone other than himself, and with some details please because the plagiarizing pool books stories he tells are kinda moldy.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
poor little john


Envy and jealousy are terrible things. Just because your idea of truth is anything you think someone else can't prove wrong doesn't mean others lie.

I always called myself Hu from the time I was fifteen. Pronounced Hugh. Others called me Beard, or The Beard(with apologies to Freddy!), Bear, Hippie, Wolf, Wolfman, Wildman, maybe a few other things. I didn't care as long as it wasn't pool related. I never gave out any name but Hu and always gave my name when asked. That has been my name basically all my life. It has been on most of my businesses. I played the people large and small that came looking for me or tried to hustle poor li'l me on a pool table. I haven't used more names in my real life than some people have used handles on the internet unlike you "john barton". I'm sure I was known for the beard, black t-shirt, blue jeans, and boots, and my habit of stepping in a place and buying a beer with a hundred dollar bill. I always stuck the change in my t-shirt pocket to draw flies and john bartons. More than one person over the years recognized me just from my habit of working out of my t-shirt pocket.

Unlike you, I ran reputable businesses most of my life. Owning my home and my commercial real estate gave me large write offs and there were things like income averaging and such to help with the IRS. Things you wouldn't understand being a young pissant running a sweatshop having your people do piecework in china.

You can come down and play if you want to. Like everyone else that came looking for me you will have to come to me and play my game on the tables I choose and for the bet I choose. Let me know and I'll see how straight my club is. Been a long time since I have clubbed a baby seal. One thing to remember, all of those baby seals were just like you, thought they were killer whales gobbling up this little baby seal!

The truth is we will never play. You would try the same games off the table you played with Lou. Lou is a "citizen" and a gentleman. That gave a dipstick like you a lot of room to work. There is still a lot of the same ol' Hu that is pictured in my avatar in me and when you tried that bullshit you used on Lou face to face I would scatter teeth and then you being the pissant you are would run hide behind mommy's skirts and call the law.

If you feel real brave you can look me up when you come down here. I won't be holding my breath waiting and I won't allow you to put on a six month sideshow psyching yourself into a corner so you have to play me. I know you are a pussy at heart and was scared to death at the thought of playing Lou. I also know that a pissant that has to piece out three thousand dollars doesn't all of a sudden have $30,000 to bet. Knowing that it can't be proven from halfway around the world you can pretend the whole ten thousand against Lou was yours but you and I know that is bullshit too don't we john?

Find me and I'll peel you like a peach. I'll do it the old fashioned way, by the game. I'll fire a toothpick because that is all I need. We'll see if you have a lumberyard!



AzB Gold Mensch
Silver Member
I'm baffled at who would make such a decision to put aside a paying gig for being broke.


There are those who have devoted a life to pool and they love it, so they stay in it. Pool is not just a pastime; it is a culture and a way of life.

Playing pool for a living - that would be too difficult because there are so many good players out there.

But it is also an industry and there are many successful people in it. They are sportsbar/pool room owners, manufacturers, production cue makers, cloth and balls makers, table mechanics, even a few custom cue makers. Both Tad and Gina are very profitable operations.

In any industry, no matter how difficult or depressed, someone will come along and make themselves millions. There is business genius at all levels in all industries.

JB Cases

Silver Member

Envy and jealousy are terrible things. Just because your idea of truth is anything you think someone else can't prove wrong doesn't mean others lie.

I always called myself Hu from the time I was fifteen. Pronounced Hugh. Others called me Beard, or The Beard(with apologies to Freddy!), Bear, Hippie, Wolf, Wolfman, Wildman, maybe a few other things. I didn't care as long as it wasn't pool related. I never gave out any name but Hu and always gave my name when asked. That has been my name basically all my life. It has been on most of my businesses. I played the people large and small that came looking for me or tried to hustle poor li'l me on a pool table. I haven't used more names in my real life than some people have used handles on the internet unlike you "john barton". I'm sure I was known for the beard, black t-shirt, blue jeans, and boots, and my habit of stepping in a place and buying a beer with a hundred dollar bill. I always stuck the change in my t-shirt pocket to draw flies and john bartons. More than one person over the years recognized me just from my habit of working out of my t-shirt pocket.

Unlike you, I ran reputable businesses most of my life. Owning my home and my commercial real estate gave me large write offs and there were things like income averaging and such to help with the IRS. Things you wouldn't understand being a young pissant running a sweatshop having your people do piecework in china.

You can come down and play if you want to. Like everyone else that came looking for me you will have to come to me and play my game on the tables I choose and for the bet I choose. Let me know and I'll see how straight my club is. Been a long time since I have clubbed a baby seal. One thing to remember, all of those baby seals were just like you, thought they were killer whales gobbling up this little baby seal!

The truth is we will never play. You would try the same games off the table you played with Lou. Lou is a "citizen" and a gentleman. That gave a dipstick like you a lot of room to work. There is still a lot of the same ol' Hu that is pictured in my avatar in me and when you tried that bullshit you used on Lou face to face I would scatter teeth and then you being the pissant you are would run hide behind mommy's skirts and call the law.

If you feel real brave you can look me up when you come down here. I won't be holding my breath waiting and I won't allow you to put on a six month sideshow psyching yourself into a corner so you have to play me. I know you are a pussy at heart and was scared to death at the thought of playing Lou. I also know that a pissant that has to piece out three thousand dollars doesn't all of a sudden have $30,000 to bet. Knowing that it can't be proven from halfway around the world you can pretend the whole ten thousand against Lou was yours but you and I know that is bullshit too don't we john?

Find me and I'll peel you like a peach. I'll do it the old fashioned way, by the game. I'll fire a toothpick because that is all I need. We'll see if you have a lumberyard!


The truth is probably that you can't play and never could play. I can beleive you were a $5 hustler. That is probably the ONLY kernel of truth in your stroies.

You wouldn't step up and play for $10,000 no matter what the circumstances.

And, you're right, the whole 10k wasn't mine.

Someone with more heart in her toenails clippings than you ever had or will have asked me if she could have $100 of the action and I said I would be honored. She promptly paypal'ed me the c-note right after I lost and it was painful for me to take it knowing I had failed her.

The other brave soul wanted $500 of the action and given that he and I are kindred spirits standing up to people like you I happily let him bet with me. I failed him too but that's the breaks, when you step up to play for real sometimes things don't go as planned. Not that you would know, baby seal clubber that you claim to have been.

The other 9600 was all mine. And save the country-boy bullshit, yeah you'd bury me in the swamp, make gator food out of me, you're the guy the dixie mafia was afraid of, right.....we know all the stories....

And one other one, Wolfpup, if you were such a player then people would have known about you. That's how the world works...so save the pool stories for impressionable children on some other forum that's not about pool. There you can get away with your conveniently vague "recollections" of hustler days gone past.

When you're ready to step out of the shadows $5 player let me know and we can post the dough and we can play at Lacey's cue in New Orleans. Now that you told us all your claimed MO of clubbing seals on "your" gaffe tables and your proclivity to violence I'd rather play you some place where the light shines on you rather than in some backwoods mosquito trap where you probably would rather spank me and go Deliverance on me rather than play pool, per your own writings here.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lessons Learned

It is difficult to imagine how so many players fail to miss the greatest lesson the game has to offer.... which is you CANNOT Earn a decent living playing pool. Countless have tried and countless have failed. Get your education in an accredited university, choose a decent, well-paying profession, buy a big house, put a brand new table in the basement. When you've done that you will have learned the lessons that pool is trying to teach. Oh yea and it absolutely does not matter how good you think you are. If you think you are good, reread this post from the top and follow the advice.

JB Cases

Silver Member
Also "wolf" there is nothing about you to be envious or jealous of?

I mean you claim to been a backwoods hustler preying on weak players for $5 a game and claim to have made a middle class living at it. Now, while I think that's pure BS from you I will humor you accept it as truth.

I find nothing in being a thief to be envious or jealous of. I wouldn't be proud to say I made a living stealing from people. And to be clear before you threaten to chainsaw me into pieces and scatter my body parts around your Louisiana junkyard....when I say stealing I am referring to the pool player's definition of stealing which is making a game that you absolutely have zero chance to lose at.

All my life I have been the type of person who prefers to gamble so that when I win it's a high you can't buy. I don't get off on "clubbing baby seals" as you put it. I don't consider it honorable to be the type of person who is proud of being a thief.

So no, no envy or jealousy of your in my opinion invented persona as a backwoods hustler. Although I find it interesting that this is the character you wish to portray about yourself. I will stick to the fact that throughout my life the victories I have had were hard fought and hard won and the losses were taken bravely in equally hard fought battles. I can hold my head up and don't have to duck my "customers".

Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
John...Tap, tap, tap! :thumbup:

Scott Lee

Also "wolf" there is nothing about you to be envious or jealous of?

I mean you claim to been a backwoods hustler preying on weak players for $5 a game and claim to have made a middle class living at it. Now, while I think that's pure BS from you I will humor you accept it as truth.

I find nothing in being a thief to be envious or jealous of. I wouldn't be proud to say I made a living stealing from people. And to be clear before you threaten to chainsaw me into pieces and scatter my body parts around your Louisiana junkyard....when I say stealing I am referring to the pool player's definition of stealing which is making a game that you absolutely have zero chance to lose at.

All my life I have been the type of person who prefers to gamble so that when I win it's a high you can't buy. I don't get off on "clubbing baby seals" as you put it. I don't consider it honorable to be the type of person who is proud of being a thief.

So no, no envy or jealousy of your in my opinion invented persona as a backwoods hustler. Although I find it interesting that this is the character you wish to portray about yourself. I will stick to the fact that throughout my life the victories I have had were hard fought and hard won and the losses were taken bravely in equally hard fought battles. I can hold my head up and don't have to duck my "customers".


John...Tap, tap, tap! :thumbup:

Scott Lee

I found that strange coming from a guy that moved his manufacturing to China. If that isn't the same definition of "stealing" in the business world, I don't know what is. Don't get me started on the fact that he had an alt named "Roadie", talked constantly about hanging out with hustlers and tried to high-roll people all of the time on here. My, oh my, how things have changed.

Either way, there's plenty of opportunity out there. Same way with any business.. it's just that there aren't too many savvy people in this it seems.

JB Cases

Silver Member
I found that strange coming from a guy that moved his manufacturing to China. If that isn't the same definition of "stealing" in the business world, I don't know what is. Don't get me started on the fact that he had an alt named "Roadie", talked constantly about hanging out with hustlers and tried to high-roll people all of the time on here. My, oh my, how things have changed.

Either way, there's plenty of opportunity out there. Same way with any business.. it's just that there aren't too many savvy people in this it seems.

Golly gee the China card....who didn't see that coming?

1. I didn't move my manufacturing to China. I started a business making cases in China in my apartment in my spare time. It's grown to employ 12 people. If you want to turn this into a China discussion tell us all how exactly it's stealing to live and work in China? I am really interested to hear your economic analysis.

2. Roadie? You mean the uber-polite poster who never once got out line, never called anyone a name, never offered to bet a nickel on anything. Is that the Roadie you are referring to? If that was my alter-ego you should beg for him to come back because you certainly have it worse off trying to attack me. Roadie would have probably been nice you while totally dismantling your pointless points, I don't have that constraint.

3. The image of the hustler is quite romantic. Lots of people dream of having a life where they can freely roam around and fleece suckers. Just about all pool players have some measure of respect for the hustler's life even if they don't want to live it and don't really respect the act of "stealing" that the hustler has to do in order to have that life. In the end Hustling is not a Crime. Just an unethical way to make a living running around pretending to be a sucker. In the end a lot of them end up as life's suckers because the victims they fleeced had a momentary loss and then went back to their good lives while the hustler, like a shark, never sleeps and has to keep swimming or die.

4. So it's perfectly natural for some guy to come on here and spin "stories" of his hustling days 40 years ago when he knows that no one else will be able to dispute them because he doesn't provide details. One funny thing about the internet is that any time you name dates and times it often happens that someone else will step up and say that they remembered that time and place as well. But if you're sufficiently vague, then no one can back you up. So it's a great spot for someone to reinvent themselves and pretend to be a super-undercover triple smart hustler from 40 years ago. And that you prefer to believe that guy over me out of your silly hatred from me shows that you are simply gullible.

I might be abrasive "Banks" (another cowardly anon) but I step up when I say I will and that's more than can be said for Wolfman Hu or you.

Start posting under your own name before you think about calling anyone out for alleged aliases.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Envy and jealousy are terrible things. Just because your idea of truth is anything you think someone else can't prove wrong doesn't mean others lie.

I always called myself Hu from the time I was fifteen. Pronounced Hugh. Others called me Beard, or The Beard(with apologies to Freddy!), Bear, Hippie, Wolf, Wolfman, Wildman, maybe a few other things. I didn't care as long as it wasn't pool related. I never gave out any name but Hu and always gave my name when asked. That has been my name basically all my life. It has been on most of my businesses. I played the people large and small that came looking for me or tried to hustle poor li'l me on a pool table. I haven't used more names in my real life than some people have used handles on the internet unlike you "john barton". I'm sure I was known for the beard, black t-shirt, blue jeans, and boots, and my habit of stepping in a place and buying a beer with a hundred dollar bill. I always stuck the change in my t-shirt pocket to draw flies and john bartons. More than one person over the years recognized me just from my habit of working out of my t-shirt pocket.

Unlike you, I ran reputable businesses most of my life. Owning my home and my commercial real estate gave me large write offs and there were things like income averaging and such to help with the IRS. Things you wouldn't understand being a young pissant running a sweatshop having your people do piecework in china.

You can come down and play if you want to. Like everyone else that came looking for me you will have to come to me and play my game on the tables I choose and for the bet I choose. Let me know and I'll see how straight my club is. Been a long time since I have clubbed a baby seal. One thing to remember, all of those baby seals were just like you, thought they were killer whales gobbling up this little baby seal!

The truth is we will never play. You would try the same games off the table you played with Lou. Lou is a "citizen" and a gentleman. That gave a dipstick like you a lot of room to work. There is still a lot of the same ol' Hu that is pictured in my avatar in me and when you tried that bullshit you used on Lou face to face I would scatter teeth and then you being the pissant you are would run hide behind mommy's skirts and call the law.

If you feel real brave you can look me up when you come down here. I won't be holding my breath waiting and I won't allow you to put on a six month sideshow psyching yourself into a corner so you have to play me. I know you are a pussy at heart and was scared to death at the thought of playing Lou. I also know that a pissant that has to piece out three thousand dollars doesn't all of a sudden have $30,000 to bet. Knowing that it can't be proven from halfway around the world you can pretend the whole ten thousand against Lou was yours but you and I know that is bullshit too don't we john?

Find me and I'll peel you like a peach. I'll do it the old fashioned way, by the game. I'll fire a toothpick because that is all I need. We'll see if you have a lumberyard!


Tap, tap.

I cannot give you rep before passing it about, but still very nice.

Lou Figueroa


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
tell me one more time just so I understand . . .

Also "wolf" there is nothing about you to be envious or jealous of?

I mean you claim to been a backwoods hustler preying on weak players for $5 a game and claim to have made a middle class living at it. Now, while I think that's pure BS from you I will humor you accept it as truth.

I find nothing in being a thief to be envious or jealous of. I wouldn't be proud to say I made a living stealing from people. And to be clear before you threaten to chainsaw me into pieces and scatter my body parts around your Louisiana junkyard....when I say stealing I am referring to the pool player's definition of stealing which is making a game that you absolutely have zero chance to lose at.

All my life I have been the type of person who prefers to gamble so that when I win it's a high you can't buy. I don't get off on "clubbing baby seals" as you put it. I don't consider it honorable to be the type of person who is proud of being a thief.

So no, no envy or jealousy of your in my opinion invented persona as a backwoods hustler. Although I find it interesting that this is the character you wish to portray about yourself. I will stick to the fact that throughout my life the victories I have had were hard fought and hard won and the losses were taken bravely in equally hard fought battles. I can hold my head up and don't have to duck my "customers".

Just so I understand, this is the same "john" that papered the town with bad checks, then skipped town on both the checks and loans from people that thought you were their friend. Changed your name to hide from that. No idea why you changed your name at least two or three more times, I suspect because you had found it was an easy way to duck out of your obligations. Musta got pretty damn warm or you were mighty scared to move as far away from everyone you screwed as you could. Skipping town is one thing but halfway around the world? That's the "john" that is going to lecture me on morals? The same one that crawfished on every bet he could with everybody he could playing the match with Lou?

You are a master of lies, spin, and half-truths. We saw just how far that got you with Lou. Without Spears laying out a roadmap for you, you would have never made it to four games. That match was supposed to be about the value of aiming systems and CTE. Not even the strongest opponents tried to claim your pathetic showing disproved aiming systems. You could have had the best in the world drawing lines on the table for you and it wouldn't have helped your sad assed execution.

You were born a pissant, have lived your life as a pissant, and will die one whenever the time comes. When you are in the area you are welcome to slither my way to play me some, I'll crush you like a grape.

The games with a stranger always started cheap back about the time the better half hit the wall and then nine months later your parents threw away the baby and raised the afterbirth. Nobody that didn't raise the bet ever played me for more than three or five a game, Johnny started at five and didn't find any reason to go up!

Usually there was a dipstick like you one place or another where I stopped that wanted to stall and jack the bet. Then I played for twenty a game, sometimes fifty, rarely a hundred. Shame on anyone that wants to play hustler and can't rate the other player's speed.

Come on down anytime. You challenged not me. That means I get to choose the time, place, and weapons(pool cues) You do have choice of which of those cues you prefer to use. Since this challenge is about my old stories it is only reasonable we will play in the type of place those stories happened in. You know, the kind of place you are scared shitless to walk in the door of.

While you have a nasty little mouth on you and some big brave fingers on a keyboard you don't have the balls of a bull gerbil so I won't be holding my breath waiting on you.


JB Cases

Silver Member
Just so I understand, this is the same "john" that papered the town with bad checks, then skipped town on both the checks and loans from people that thought you were their friend. Changed your name to hide from that. No idea why you changed your name at least two or three more times, I suspect because you had found it was an easy way to duck out of your obligations. Musta got pretty damn warm or you were mighty scared to move as far away from everyone you screwed as you could. Skipping town is one thing but halfway around the world? That's the "john" that is going to lecture me on morals? The same one that crawfished on every bet he could with everybody he could playing the match with Lou?

You are a master of lies, spin, and half-truths. We saw just how far that got you with Lou. Without Spears laying out a roadmap for you, you would have never made it to four games. That match was supposed to be about the value of aiming systems and CTE. Not even the strongest opponents tried to claim your pathetic showing disproved aiming systems. You could have had the best in the world drawing lines on the table for you and it wouldn't have helped your sad assed execution.

You were born a pissant, have lived your life as a pissant, and will die one whenever the time comes. When you are in the area you are welcome to slither my way to play me some, I'll crush you like a grape.

The games with a stranger always started cheap back about the time the better half hit the wall and then nine months later your parents threw away the baby and raised the afterbirth. Nobody that didn't raise the bet ever played me for more than three or five a game, Johnny started at five and didn't find any reason to go up!

Usually there was a dipstick like you one place or another where I stopped that wanted to stall and jack the bet. Then I played for twenty a game, sometimes fifty, rarely a hundred. Shame on anyone that wants to play hustler and can't rate the other player's speed.

Come on down anytime. You challenged not me. That means I get to choose the time, place, and weapons(pool cues) You do have choice of which of those cues you prefer to use. Since this challenge is about my old stories it is only reasonable we will play in the type of place those stories happened in. You know, the kind of place you are scared shitless to walk in the door of.

While you have a nasty little mouth on you and some big brave fingers on a keyboard you don't have the balls of a bull gerbil so I won't be holding my breath waiting on you.


Just quoting this to make sure that the slander is recorded.