PFD Studios "Black Arrow"


Lock Ness Monster
Silver Member
Some of you may have seen the cue I commissioned Paul to make earlier this year called "Silver Arrow". This cue is the next one in the series dubbed "Black Arrow" with a few more to follow next year. There was a sneak peek I posted a few days ago but here it the finished product.

The cue is a full splice Ebony into Maple with an Ivory Joint, Ivory speartips inside Ebony speartips on each point, Ivory dots at the base of each point and an Ivory dot with the "PFD" logo in the but. The cue also has some nice ringwork consisting of Maple/Black/Aqua/Black/Maple with a matching butterfly in the butt section topped off with Purpleheart. Finally it has matching fancy Purpleheart JP's with matching ringwork. Of course the shafts are premium grade and the ferrules are Ivory with premium tips.

I had a chance to hit a few balls with it tonight and just...... WOW!


Let me know what you think!



I Love Box Cues
Silver Member
This one is special!

Clean lines and separation between butterfly's at the handle area.
Great choice of colors and blends.
Great spears, dots, rings, protectors!

All by the Cuemaker who won the Collectors' Choice Award at the ICCS Show last week in Atlanta (well deserved, too)!

Thanks for sharing,

Will Prout


You watch me.
Silver Member
another cue that makes me crave, those splices are super nice, Tom.



Staff member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Great cue my friend.... thanks for sharing ...

Enjoy it... I'm sure it plays GREAT...


Theewen Custom Cues
Silver Member
I'm not sure why but I've clicked on this thread several times now. I'm drawn to this cue in its elegant simplicity. Very cool. Thanks for posting.


The Great Cue Masters...!
Silver Member
Yeah, Mash, this is the kind of cue I'm talking about...!!!

Wow, What a BEAST !!!!!!!!


King Custom Cue Cases
Gold Member
Silver Member
Hey, great cue but can you leave Paul alone for awhile to get my cue


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Black Arrow

That is one sweet looking stick. Great color scheme and design 5 *****
(MM) thanks for recommending Paul Drexler I picked up The Palmer yesterday
From PFD studios and its Amazing. Will post photos soon.