Slang Words - the World of Pool Gambling


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm going to print this and carry a copy in case the Delorean takes me back to 1978.

Sent from the future.

Gonna at least need Mr. Peabody's Wayback Machine.

Lou Figueroa


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Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
Did I miss?

Did I miss the ever popular "jack it and back it"? When the score is tied late in the set, usually hill/hill, and the players don't want to essentially play one game for the entire bet they sometimes double the bet and start the next set.



WO double hemlock
Silver Member
I gotta stick up for one of my favorite part time players outta Columbus Ohio...
...Kenny the Truckdriver....Howard Vickery was the recognized pro from there...
...but he couldn’t beat the Truckdriver on his best day.

One local asked Kenny how to play a certain shot...he wasn’t hitting it sharp enough...
Kenny says “Ya gotta THUNK IT!”


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Thanks to the O.P. for proving American pool is full of regional degenerate bullshit that is not worth learning, even when you read it in books. Does the O.P. write books?

Below is a fine example of this bullshit, as the usage of "stake horse" should analogously be used to describe the wagered player, but never the "backer".

"Stake-horse or backer- someone that puts up the money for a player"

That usage is just very, very broken. But on the other hand, this broken terminology presents a new contemplation for the Breeders Cup, as maybe the jockeys could race the breeders around the track... that actually would be awesome.


Rep for Smorg
Silver Member

Thanks to the O.P. for proving American pool is full of regional degenerate bullshit that is not worth learning, even when you read it in books. Does the O.P. write books?

Below is a fine example of this bullshit, as the usage of "stake horse" should analogously be used to describe the wagered player, but never the "backer".

"Stake-horse or backer- someone that puts up the money for a player"

That usage is just very, very broken. But on the other hand, this broken terminology presents a new contemplation for the Breeders Cup, as maybe the jockeys could race the breeders around the track... that actually would be awesome.

Sorry that pool sucks in your country


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

Thanks to the O.P. for proving American pool is full of regional degenerate bullshit that is not worth learning, even when you read it in books. Does the O.P. write books?

Below is a fine example of this bullshit, as the usage of "stake horse" should analogously be used to describe the wagered player, but never the "backer".

"Stake-horse or backer- someone that puts up the money for a player"

That usage is just very, very broken. But on the other hand, this broken terminology presents a new contemplation for the Breeders Cup, as maybe the jockeys could race the breeders around the track... that actually would be awesome.

American Pool is Awesome and the Op is one of the greats and has been there and done that. This was a code among the road and just like a pool language , you don't come thru the back door and let everyone know who you are in the room. Like Jasonlaus said to bad pool sucks for you and your people !

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
Kenny "the Truck Driver" McCoy?

I gotta stick up for one of my favorite part time players outta Columbus Ohio...
...Kenny the Truckdriver....Howard Vickery was the recognized pro from there...
...but he couldn’t beat the Truckdriver on his best day.

One local asked Kenny how to play a certain shot...he wasn’t hitting it sharp enough...
Kenny says “Ya gotta THUNK IT!”

Kenny was a great player, wasn't his name Kenny McCoy.....and was his brother Don McCoy from Des Moines Iowa?

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
A backer and stake horse are the same no matter what generation you ask.


Thanks to the O.P. for proving American pool is full of regional degenerate bullshit that is not worth learning, even when you read it in books. Does the O.P. write books?

Below is a fine example of this bullshit, as the usage of "stake horse" should analogously be used to describe the wagered player, but never the "backer".

"Stake-horse or backer- someone that puts up the money for a player"

That usage is just very, very broken. But on the other hand, this broken terminology presents a new contemplation for the Breeders Cup, as maybe the jockeys could race the breeders around the track... that actually would be awesome.

You're welcome.


A backer and stake-horse are the same thing no matter what generation you ask.

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member

Did I miss the ever popular "jack it and back it"? When the score is tied late in the set, usually hill/hill, and the players don't want to essentially play one game for the entire bet they sometimes double the bet and start the next set.


That's a great one, I'll add it right away, thanks.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Wow this is interesting. Lol when I go to a pool hall here is how much money I will have on me. 5 dollars. enough for a few games of pool and a pop or such. its like a different world. Not sure how much gambling goes on in my neck of the woods. But it really is something to think about when most of the lingo is related to gambling and back alley stuff.

Brookeland Bill

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Your description fits, parallels with what the Dem's and the MSM have done to politics
over the same time frame. There's a fly in its ointment now, just a gut feel'n that the same has,
will, show in this game of billiards also.

Can’t help it can you. Got to drag politics into the conversation. Feel better? Feel exalted? Your mission in life is complete.


"In the wax".
Two seemingly unrelated players who conspire to fleece unsuspecting players. Usually when playing doubles, partners, pill pool or money ball.

JB Cases
Silver Member
One of my favorite slang terms is "rail-dumper."

A rail dumper is someone who quietly advises some observers on the rail of an intent to dump, inducing side action from them on his opponent. The rail dumper's accomplice would book as much of the rail's action as possible. Then, when the rail dumper did not dump, he was said to have "dumped the rail." The opponent would often be in on the swindle and would intentionally play poorly to help make it look more legit.

Also known as cutting up the rail.

JB Cases
Silver Member
So i understand that people hate knockers but isn't giving someone the tom signal a form of knocking?

Also, if the suckers have road players with spot books and steer men and detectives lined up against them is it such a bad thing if once a while a game gets knocked allowing them to save their money that day.

A term i didn't see on the list was stealing, when the better player has no chance to lose it is like stealing. An older road player put it to me like this, "it's like robbing people without a gun."

I have never been a fan of playing helpless people. I don't have enough killer instinct. Which, i guess, makes me a mark.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Cocobolo cowboy = someone who has a .........opinion:grin-square::wink::grin::grin-square::)

CJ Wiley

Gold Member
Silver Member
even if we always win it's still gambling, we just have a distinct edge

So i understand that people hate knockers but isn't giving someone the tom signal a form of knocking?

Also, if the suckers have road players with spot books and steer men and detectives lined up against them is it such a bad thing if once a while a game gets knocked allowing them to save their money that day.

A term i didn't see on the list was stealing, when the better player has no chance to lose it is like stealing. An older road player put it to me like this, "it's like robbing people without a gun."

I have never been a fan of playing helpless people. I don't have enough killer instinct. Which, i guess, makes me a mark.

The knockers that get no respect are the ones that do it and have no vested interest in the people or the game, they just do it to show how "smart" or knowledgeable they are. Knocking games to save friends, or partners money is okay, it's happened to me many times and I always understood.

This is road player terminology and we shy away from the term "stealing," even if we always win it's still gambling, we just have a distinct edge which took hard work.

I was never a fan of playing helpless players, usually I gave up significant handicaps, and the goal was to make them wasn't a challenge if they started out that way.

Yes, killer instinct is important, it's best to not gamble high without it.


I certainly have a different recollection of some of the terms CJ presents.

Cut Up - meant burning a backer! As in you agree to lose and split the money from the backer (a dangerous game!)
Chop - would be an agreed split of the winnings!

A Shortstop, was someone who was a regular played well enough at home, and likely should be avoided as he was considered good and could give you a reasonable game/require you to show your speed and lose action and had likely beaten the locals.

Nose Open, also referred to players that were coked up, "Play him loose, and wait until he has his "nose open" to shut him down. or He'll try to keep you playing until you are tired and he'll still have his nose open...

I'd add;

"Squirling or squirled your action" as in someone who knows you play a certain game well whispers in someone else's ear... Like Howard Barrett Squirled my action with Larry Knox (true story!)

Got to add;
Fish - an easy mark
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