OK, I'm watching pool on tv...I'm new to this, so tell me why doesn't the guy shoot? He walked around the table and back. He's stroking the cue into the air towards the light. He gets down to shoot and gets back up. Did one of the balls move? What is a shot clock? Why doesn't he like the way they were racked? Is he pointing to the spot where he wants the cue ball to go next? Why doesn't he shoot the ball in? Oh, he said "extension." They all look like convicted felons.
I'll bet they would hire me to do commentary...because I don't know anything about pool either.
Oh can he say that...the ball hit the titty? How many titties on a table?
I'll bet they would hire me to do commentary...because I don't know anything about pool either.
Oh can he say that...the ball hit the titty? How many titties on a table?