The best sponsor for pool?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
OK, I'm watching pool on tv...I'm new to this, so tell me why doesn't the guy shoot? He walked around the table and back. He's stroking the cue into the air towards the light. He gets down to shoot and gets back up. Did one of the balls move? What is a shot clock? Why doesn't he like the way they were racked? Is he pointing to the spot where he wants the cue ball to go next? Why doesn't he shoot the ball in? Oh, he said "extension." They all look like convicted felons.
I'll bet they would hire me to do commentary...because I don't know anything about pool either.
Oh can he say that...the ball hit the titty? How many titties on a table?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
OK, I'm watching pool on tv...I'm new to this, so tell me why doesn't the guy shoot? He walked around the table and back. He's stroking the cue into the air towards the light. He gets down to shoot and gets back up. Did one of the balls move? What is a shot clock? Why doesn't he like the way they were racked? Is he pointing to the spot where he wants the cue ball to go next? Why doesn't he shoot the ball in? Oh, he said "extension." They all look like convicted felons.
I'll bet they would hire me to do commentary...because I don't know anything about pool either.
Oh can he say that...the ball hit the titty? How many titties on a table?
Niiiice. Good point also. T.V.(or stream) coverage of any tour would have to be top-notch. There are some GREAT commentators out there and their talents would be needed for sure. Guys that talk about trailer wheels and roofing their cabin wouldn't need to apply.

Nick B

This is gonna hurt
Silver Member
Best honest answer I can think of.....drum roll...Red Bull.

Every sport they get into they dominate and put their brand on top.

Transcends nations, ages, genders. They know how to advertise and can get them selfs on TV. Who else could get Plane Aerial Races on the tube. Red Bull. Who else broke into the Cola space with a new Drink. Red Bull. Who else could afford the relatively small marketing expenditure to back stop a tour.... you guessed it RED BULL.

I hate the zhit but the sponsor pool they get my dollars. They understand that.

Read this.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Best honest answer I can think of.....drum roll...Red Bull.

Every sport they get into they dominate and put their brand on top.

Transcends nations, ages, genders. They know how to advertise and can get them selfs on TV. Who else could get Plane Aerial Races on the tube. Red Bull. Who else broke into the Cola space with a new Drink. Red Bull. Who else could afford the relatively small marketing expenditure to back stop a tour.... you guessed it RED BULL.

I hate the zhit but the sponsor pool they get my dollars. They understand that.

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Good idea. They could sponsor pool out of petty cash. What their F1 team spends on tires would stake a pool tour for at least 5yrs.

Nick B

This is gonna hurt
Silver Member
Try two decades. A set of F1 tires approaches 30k USD. Rubber only. Forget the wheels and telemetry.

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Nick B

This is gonna hurt
Silver Member
Red Bull spends 320 Meg a year in F1

The 10 million you would need to fund a 5 year program is a rounding error.

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
only the government would back a losing proposition like this

pro pool ? why would anyone sponsor it?
RJ Reynolds tried ,but they quickly found out the hard way

honestly who even goes to the tournaments


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Try two decades. A set of F1 tires approaches 30k USD. Rubber only. Forget the wheels and telemetry.

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They're not that much. Was curious: tires run about $450/ea and rims are about $1,800/ea.So that's about 2300bux/corner(plus the telemetery kit). Thing i read said about 11-13grand/set. That's still a chunk of change when you figure how many they go thru.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
only the government would back a losing proposition like this

pro pool ? why would anyone sponsor it?
RJ Reynolds tried ,but they quickly found out the hard way

honestly who even goes to the tournaments
Deano you do have a flair for cutting to the chase. Pretty much tells it like it is.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
channelling RKC here...

Red Bull is all about "extreme" sports. Aerial races, bmx, skateboarding, motocross, snowboarding.... The cater to people that already use their product. Not too much extreme in pool.

Out of everything they sponsor, I can remember watching an aerial race on tv once. Doesn't seem like much exposure except to their base crowd.

Hey, this is fun! Somebody else suggest something so I can stomp on that too!

Best honest answer I can think of.....drum roll...Red Bull.

Every sport they get into they dominate and put their brand on top.

Transcends nations, ages, genders. They know how to advertise and can get them selfs on TV. Who else could get Plane Aerial Races on the tube. Red Bull. Who else broke into the Cola space with a new Drink. Red Bull. Who else could afford the relatively small marketing expenditure to back stop a tour.... you guessed it RED BULL.

I hate the zhit but the sponsor pool they get my dollars. They understand that.

Read this.

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Nick B

This is gonna hurt
Silver Member
They're not that much. Was curious: tires run about $450/ea and rims are about $1,800/ea.So that's about 2300bux/corner(plus the telemetery kit). Thing i read said about 11-13grand/set. That's still a chunk of change when you figure how many they go thru.

Really???? Sounds cheap. Tires on my car run $500 a copy (not questioning you). Nothing would surprise me.

Nick B

This is gonna hurt
Silver Member
Red Bull is all about "extreme" sports. Aerial races, bmx, skateboarding, motocross, snowboarding.... The cater to people that already use their product. Not too much extreme in pool.

Out of everything they sponsor, I can remember watching an aerial race on tv once. Doesn't seem like much exposure except to their base crowd.

Hey, this is fun! Somebody else suggest something so I can stomp on that too!

I don't know that it has to be extreme...I think the key thing for them is OWNING the sport. I wonder how much they spent on this guy

Ky Boy

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
If recreational marijuana ever becomes legal on a Federal level, we are guaranteed to see high level pool.:thumbup:;)

And what a sponsor one of those corporations would be!!:woot:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Nike. Obviously they dont need pool, but I think they could make some money and help grow our little sport tremendously.


The hill hill thrilla
Silver Member
If you build it they will come

I'm not sure there is a suitable corporate sponsor at this time. I can't think of a company who's marketing dollars would be best spent on cue sports other than the manufacturers themselves. There is obviously not enough money there, so you would have to pull dollars from outside the sport.

So my answer is pool in high school's and Colleges. I keep seeing these stats that show there are more players now than there ever have been in the US. At the same time more pool halls are closing every day. Best I can tell the majority are barfly bangers just looking for something to do between drinks and smoke breaks. Until we create a base which looks at the game as a sport it will never flourish into something that can give back to a corporate sponsor.

Take it down another level and the best sponsor is you, the player. There are plenty of great people out there doing just what I described above. Mark Wilson being at the top of that list. I guess its the saying "if you build it they will come" build a great base of sportsman and you will in turn build a following of people who want to watch a sport and those people buy stuff so you will attract corporate sponsors.


Well-known member
Silver Member
Hey RKC you're doing a pretty good job of knocking everyone else's take so whats this big idea to save pro pool? Spill it or kill it. You ask and knock so WTF???????????? If you're so f&*(^g smart come with it or just drop it. WHO really cares what a VERY small group( "real" pros) do/say anyway? Regardless of what you do their greed and shortsightedness will torpedo any attempt at "real pros playing real pool".

Save Pro pool? Are you trying to imply that Pro Pool has BEEN a part of this sport and now it's dying? Don't you first have to HAVE something, before you can LOSE it?


Well-known member
Silver Member
I disagree with you that it is a long ways off. I don't think it will ever happened. ...But if it ever did...

I'm the type that buys a lottery ticket every year or so, just to have a dream of What if? Because I know that it's never going to happen! Lol

Maybe thats why people don't know how to think outside of the box when it comes to this business, because no matter what, they've convinced themselves no change will ever happen:eek: