The Legendary Pearl to Take On 14.1 Attempts


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If you use a freshly cleaned cue ball, or have new cloth on your table, guaranteed you'll never make this shot😉


Well-known member
Silver Member
Glen...I like the information you have shared over the years here and especially in the Mechanics forum. I would really like to see the 4 rail spin shot you showed Earl.
Hit the shot to hard, to soft, add a touch of top or bottom right spin, and you'll never complete the distance to pocket the ball in the corner pocket. Earl didn't make the shot, but said he liked it so much he'd figure it out when he went back home because he said it was the best demonstration of straight side spin he'd ever seen, and wanted to use this shot in his shows he does.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Actually, some folks love to watch it. Some folks go to baseball games early just to see one dude take batting practice and watch him hit dingers at will. I did that quite a bit for Frank Thomas back in the day. Enjoyed it every time I went. I didn't care about the other hitters, just want to see him mash the ball in batting practice. lol Straight pool players are a different breed, they enjoy the shit out of watching experts run the patterns and also learning something new.

And again, maybe you are missing the point. If folks don't want to watch, they don't have to. There are not many folks watching this event with several different names attached. Just saying, that is the pool world we live in. 200 lurkers out of 325M folks in the country.
When I go to PGA tour events I head right to the practice range and watch the players warm up. Especially Tiger.


Silver Member
Racist? When you DO see Earl, go ahead and tell him I said he plays pool for the viewing audience like a trained money jumping for the bananas thrown at them. A REAL Professional pool players brought in to entertain the viewing audience gets paid an UP FRONT fee BEFORE they even put their cue together. When Willie and Fats played, they were BOTH paid $5,000 each just to show up, then more for actually playing! So tell Earl I said he's playing like a trained monkey in your event!!! And yes, Earl does know me, ask him about the 4 rail spin shot i showed him when he was up in Washington state!!!
WOW. Thanks Captain Obvious, you mean pro pool players made a living when the game was popular in the US?

Again, what happened to this big event that was going to pay players millions of dollars. You had it all figured out, all the connections in the world, and still nothing. You were going to change the game. Of course, nobody believed that for a second, but it was fun listening to you ramble like a complete moron. I guess you spend too much time online, fixing tables or pissing on the side of customers houses. Just a busy guy, huh?
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Well-known member
I swing by AZB on/off mostly to buy/sell stuff, enjoy the freak show, & occasionally yank folks chains. Most of the grumpy old men circus is amusing & easy to ignore but its super annoying to see BS racism cards thrown around so casually. RKC may be a glue sniffing narcissist ace table mechanic, but nothing about his nonsense came off as racist, the twisting of his “trained monkey” term seems pretty intensional & ridiculous to me & IMO feeds the much larger, more serious problems in society.

Its depressing to me that a bunch of degenerate pool players can’t argue, cuss and call each other assholes - without someone whining & pushing “dangerous words” ideology. To me thats actually way worse than RKC’s sock poppet shenanigans.

I’m off to hunt for my own island now also. @Shuddy - got any extra room? I’ll bring the Soju. BTW, maybe your next YT vid can explore the 4 rail spin shot, you can call it the “trained cobra”.
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Well-known member
Silver Member
I swing by AZB on/off mostly to buy/sell stuff, enjoy the freak show, & occasionally yank folks chains. Most of the grumpy old men circus is amusing & easy to ignore but its super annoying to see BS racism cards thrown around so casually. RKC may be a glue sniffing narcissist ace table mechanic, but nothing about his nonsense came off as racist, the twisting of his “trained monkey” term seems pretty intensional & ridiculous to me & IMO feeds the much larger, more serious problems in society.

Its depressing to me that a bunch of degenerate pool players can’t argue, cuss and call each other assholes - without someone whining & pushing “dangerous words” ideology. To me thats actually way worse than RKC’s sock poppet shenanigans.

I’m off to hunt for my own island now also. @Shuddy - got any extra room? I’ll bring the Soju. BTW, maybe your next YT vid can explore the 4 rail spin shot, you can call it the “trained cobra”.

Dead Money

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
"Monkey" has long been a thing seen as racist in The United States depending on context. There was a time it was common to see in a circus or a street performer using a monkey dressed in a cute costume dancing and doing tricks. Dance Monkey Dance! I think this is what RKC was trying to convey. I will defend him on that point and hope that is all he meant by it.

dancing monkey

A dancing monkey is an accomplice who follows the leader (silver back) at all times, through thick and thin much like an urchin except acts more like a master's puppet.

Dancing Monkey is also referred to as Pinoccio.



AzB Plutonium Member
Silver Member
I don’t want to keep the race train going but to me thinking of monkey as a racist term actually seems to be the “racist” action in this scenario.

The innermost un-sensed type too. Not Dave Chapelle funny type. Well meaning liberal type racism.

We are very strange creatures us humans.

An Orangutan is a member of the Great Ape family, it’s not a monkey. - jay and silent bob strike back.

Back to 14.1 continuous pocket pool...(verifiable last word attempt in play here)

Dan Harriman

One of the best in 14.1
Silver Member
Congratulations to Mr. Chamberlain in promoting the Legends Of Pocket Billiards. So far we have seen 3 Champions in the element of Championship D.C 14.1, anyone in their monkeys uncle can view the unedited footage. The bca/js/cw footage is open to the semi public Only - these people (who try n divide the public) are really a chimp' off the old sock.
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Silver Member
Congratulations to Mr. Chamberlain in promoting the Legends Of Pocket Billiards. So far we have seen 3 Champions in the element of Championship D.C 14.1, anyone in their monkeys uncle can view the unedited footage. The bca/js/cw footage is open to the semi public - these people (who try n divide the public) are really a chimp' off the old sock.
Big question is..... when will you show up?


Well-known member
Silver Member
"Monkey" has long been a thing seen as racist in The United States depending on context. There was a time it was common to see in a circus or a street performer using a monkey dressed in a cute costume dancing and doing tricks. Dance Monkey Dance! I think this is what RKC was trying to convey. I will defend him on that point and hope that is all he meant by it.

dancing monkey

A dancing monkey is an accomplice who follows the leader (silver back) at all times, through thick and thin much like an urchin except acts more like a master's puppet.

Dancing Monkey is also referred to as Pinoccio.

That was EXACTLY my point, and Bobby is the CIRCUS ACT owner, and this ao called HIGH RUN event is to entertain HIM, while everyone else gets to watch for "FREE" and should be GLAD to do so. NO mention of MONEY what-so-ever because that would actually PROVE my point about the competitors dancing like trained MONKEYS to the MUSIC Bobby plays, on the CIRCUS built pool table billed as having STOCK pockets, to keep the event honest, when CLEARLY they're NOT stock, and the players are scratching more because of that fact, all for the purpose of hopefully setting a new LEGITIMATE high run record, on an illegitimate GC3 9FT.

I'd have more respect for an event like this is the players paid a $1,000 entry fee, which would in turn give them 10 chances to run as many balls as possible, REWARDING the players a $1.00 per ball ran over 100, but less than 200, and a reset to their 10 chances each time they run over a 100 balls. If they run between 200-300 balls, they earn $2.00 a ball and again, 10 more chances. 300-400 balls, $3.00 a ball, and 400-500 balls gets $4.00 per ball. 500+ is $5.00 per ball up to 626 balls, then the player collects a new high run record bonus and will be required to quit with the high run title in hand!!! Until IT gets beat, then is eligible to compete again!!

Then there's a reason to come to the CIRCUS, and if you don't bring the skills with you, for a $1,000 you won't find them at the CIRCUS when you get there!!! And 7 days is the longest a player gets to compete, at least then the players have a chance to earn some money, have a reason to compete, and would provide the suspense of viewers watching the players as well as great entertainment!

But nope, the money is just a part of the magical mystery show for Bobby!

That is how you get people excited enough to want to play 14.1 in pool rooms around the world, because every pool room there is can be hosting an in house world 14.1 high run competition in which the top scoring players from all over the world get to play in the world 14.1 competition. Everyone has a year to make it into the highest 64 scores of the year, and now its world championship time, playing against all the other players. INSTEAD of buy your way in!!!

Dead Money

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A famous adviser has used this phrase a few times in her lifetime and it is even on T-shirts:

"Not my circus, not my monkeys, not my problem!"


Well-known member
Silver Member
Just for example, SVB's 308 would have paid $924 not excluding what he would have been paid for his other runs over 100.

Ruslan's two runs of 266 would have paid $1,064 plus his other runs over 100.

Earl's 238 would have paid $476 plus his other runs of 100 or more


Silver Member
I was only half joking since I don’t know what his intentions were when he said it, but let’s be clear here- in this world referring to someone as a monkey in any form is the same as the N word. Ever watch Champions League soccer? Games have actually been played with no fans because a select few were throwing bananas on the field and making ape noises when a certain player touched the ball.

But I get what you’re saying and I probably should have let it go, and most likely for anyone else would have but a little education was needed here.
Dude, get a grip. Calling a white dude from NC is not racist. oh, it was stupid and childish, but lets save the bogey man racist card stuff for the NPR simpletons that love using when they don't have an argument.

Chili Palmer

Give or take an 1"
Silver Member
Just for example, SVB's 308 would have paid $924 not excluding what he would have been paid for his other runs over 100.

Ruslan's two runs of 266 would have paid $1,064 plus his other runs over 100.

Earl's 238 would have paid $476 plus his other runs of 100 or more

Sounds like you need to find a Kmart and get your checkbook out?

Or realize you're just a table mechanic and quit your bitching?

Softail Rider

That was EXACTLY my point, and Bobby is the CIRCUS ACT owner, and this ao called HIGH RUN event is to entertain HIM, while everyone else gets to watch for "FREE" and should be GLAD to do so. NO mention of MONEY what-so-ever because that would actually PROVE my point about the competitors dancing like trained MONKEYS to the MUSIC Bobby plays, on the CIRCUS built pool table billed as having STOCK pockets, to keep the event honest, when CLEARLY they're NOT stock, and the players are scratching more because of that fact, all for the purpose of hopefully setting a new LEGITIMATE high run record, on an illegitimate GC3 9FT.

I'd have more respect for an event like this is the players paid a $1,000 entry fee, which would in turn give them 10 chances to run as many balls as possible, REWARDING the players a $1.00 per ball ran over 100, but less than 200, and a reset to their 10 chances each time they run over a 100 balls. If they run between 200-300 balls, they earn $2.00 a ball and again, 10 more chances. 300-400 balls, $3.00 a ball, and 400-500 balls gets $4.00 per ball. 500+ is $5.00 per ball up to 626 balls, then the player collects a new high run record bonus and will be required to quit with the high run title in hand!!! Until IT gets beat, then is eligible to compete again!!

Then there's a reason to come to the CIRCUS, and if you don't bring the skills with you, for a $1,000 you won't find them at the CIRCUS when you get there!!! And 7 days is the longest a player gets to compete, at least then the players have a chance to earn some money, have a reason to compete, and would provide the suspense of viewers watching the players as well as great entertainment!

But nope, the money is just a part of the magical mystery show for Bobby!

That is how you get people excited enough to want to play 14.1 in pool rooms around the world, because every pool room there is can be hosting an in house world 14.1 high run competition in which the top scoring players from all over the world get to play in the world 14.1 competition. Everyone has a year to make it into the highest 64 scores of the year, and now its world championship time, playing against all the other players. INSTEAD of buy your way in!!!
Hey Glen I got an idea for you. Why don't you set up your own little show and do it just the way you want it done, which will never happen! Then you won't have nothing to bitch about. Everybody else enjoyed the show, as far as I can tell your the only person who has a problem, Get over it! It don't have a damn thing to do with you!


Well-known member
Silver Member
Hey Glen I got an idea for you. Why don't you set up your own little show and do it just the way you want it done, which will never happen! Then you won't have nothing to bitch about. Everybody else enjoyed the show, as far as I can tell your the only person who has a problem, Get over it! It don't have a damn thing to do with you!
You're right, everybody likes going to the zoo to watch the monkeys playing in their pens, some people even bring 🍌 to throw to them😉


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Does it look anything like you with Bobby’s hand up your ass to his elbow working YOU like a puppet?

Ever measure the throats of the pockets on that table yet? Did they measure 4 1/4" at the back like stock pockets, as claimed, or 5" to make them cue ball suckers from hell, because they sure do eat a hell of a lot of cue balls, ending runs😅😅

As Bobby has said here I have a totally free hand in saying what I will or won’t about his event here on AZ.

You, apparently, have no free will in choosing to watch our event, lol.

Fortunately, you are the Lone Ranger with your pitiful outlook. So we will press on and continue to do something very cool for the real pool fans out there and provide a free stream with great players showing us how they play the lovely game of 14.1.

Lou Figueroa