The most impressive pool playing that you have ever witnessed?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Don't think this game is played in very many parts of the country, but is popular on the metro east side of St. Louis, called 3-5-8. I have not officially played in the league or any tournaments, so I don't know all off the finer rules, but the basic premise of the game as I have been told is that all balls are neutral (like in banks) and you shoot all balls straight in, you just have to bank your 3rd, 5th, and 8th balls in. Well, about 15-20 years ago, my mentor and I were looking for some drills and games to work on my banking and kicking skills. We basically took 3-5-8 and modified it to where you had to bank all balls in, except you had to kick your 3rd, 5th, and 8th balls in. We didn't consider balls close to the rail and going rail first as a kick shot. The ball needed to be off the rail enough such that it was just a simple rail first shot. Now that I have given the background to the story, my mentor broke, pocketed a ball (spotted after turn at table like in banks), basically had no shot as he ended up behind a ball, and tried a flyer kick/bank shot. I missed my first bank attempt and he proceeded to run out from there. All 15 balls on a bar table, made a bank/bank/kick/bank/kick/bank/bank/kick all in succession. Pretty amazing feat and he admitted after making the second kick, he was bearing down as if he was playing a $5000 set because he knew that this was probably the one and only time we was going to have a shot at running the table playing like this.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Personally witnessed....

1. About 20 years ago I watched Dan Louie playing a good shortstop level player at the 211 Club in Seattle. I sat back and watched with a few people. Dead silent. Dan obviously knew the guy (they were meeting up just to play, did not see money change hands). Watched for about an hour. Dan put on a clinic. He looked about 10 feet tall walking around that table he was so dominant. Just no emotion, click click click, rack, click click click rack. Did not get out of shape more than a few times in an hour. Like a machine. Total control. Was the first time I had seen something like that in person.

The best pool I have seen in person was Dan Louie also. It was around 20 years ago in Bellingham Washington. A tournament held at Ciccitti's. Not the final, but close to it. I am not sure who he was playing, but Louie broke the first rack, and had to push out. The other guy gave it to Louie. It seemed like Louie was surprised he did not take it. Louie performs a length of the table jump shot, a bit of a cut, and back around three rails for position. In a race to nine, the other guy did not get another clear shot. I believe he ran a 6 pack at one point. I think there was 1 or 2 safeties played by Dan after a break with no position. Flawless pool. Never got out of shape. Crazy precision.


Sock it to 'em!
Silver Member
2006 Derby City One Pocket

Efren Reyes vs Alex Pagulayan in the semifinals and Efren Reyes vs Jason Miller in the finals, best one pocket i've ever seen or probably ever will see

best one pocket that's probably ever been played, at least when the cameras are rolling

The above is on my list (in person).

Michael Coltrain's six-pack of 9 ball (in person) at the Mark Betor invitational - early 90's.

Li-Lo Wen's 10-0 dusting of yours truly at the 2010 (?) US Open 10 Ball Championships. He broke & ran the first two racks. Broke dry. I missed the 3-Ball. He ran the set from there. I applauded him. He ultimately finished in 2nd place - dogging a shot at hill-hill vs. Lee Van Corteza.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
who was the blackman ?

to clarify my question:
the guy that freddie brought in from chicago to play in thebank ring game that shannon laid his cue on the table to measure a straight back shot...freddie said it was the guys first big match under the lights and he snapped it off,,,think they called him "Jack"

anyway would like to see more of his game,,,it was impressive...''bankin like bugs"


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
First round of the Texas Open 9 ball. Not sure who the opponent was but Shane McMinn beat him 9-1 in one inning. Shane broke and ran 2. Broke dry and opponent ran out. Opponent rattled the two ball next game. Shane ran out that rack and then broke and ran the last 6 in a row. Amazing to see because he wasn't soft breaking even though the magic rack was being used.

Same tournament where Bergman won the lag and broke and ran first 8 games then broke dry. He was soft breaking though which diminishes the accomplishment in my eyes. It just looked like a drill playing shape for the one ball in the same corner every time.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
First round of the Texas Open 9 ball. Not sure who the opponent was but Shane McMinn beat him 9-1 in one inning. Shane broke and ran 2. Broke dry and opponent ran out. Opponent rattled the two ball next game. Shane ran out that rack and then broke and ran the last 6 in a row. ...

one inning?

[but a 6-pack is pretty sweet anyway, with a 1.000 TPA]
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West Point 1987

On the Hill, Out of Gas
Silver Member
Shane playing Nikos in Greece… he broke in ran somewhere around 50% of the racks playing 10 ball… an amazing display!

Agree...that was the best I've ever seen. Wish I'd been there (I've played many times in Athens, but never that room). Dead silence for almost 3 hours of watching their man get roasted. Then a 5 minute ovation at the end as they came to grips with having witnessed the strongest pool most folks have ever even heard of, let alone seen.


Gunnin' for a 3 pack!!
Silver Member
One more bump for an old thread!
Frowned upon I know but it's such a great reference!! Thanks again OP

I just ordered 8 DVD's with my Make it Happen Accu-Stats discount, and bookmarked a lot of the other matches on You Tube.:D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The other night I was playing my wife and home, and wow, I was great ..........

Shane's 50% break-and-run percentage in 10-ball is incredible. Hope I can find it on youtube.

Ak Guy

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A tie for me?

It would be this one except for the lucky 9 on the last rack. The 2015 World Pool Masters vs Liu Haitao semifinal with Shane winning 8-0.

But, I think Efren did one better with his 9 rack 9 Ball run on his buddy Busty. Some of the racks looked tough, but Efren just did his thing for 9 racks in a row.

nitty bitty

Bustamante giving CJ the 8 on tight tables in Moline, IL in early 90s. CJ was playing just good enough to get beat about 4 races before he ran out of money.

The top Americans were drawing dead to Bustamante in rotation in the 90s.


Mexican Ron Rosas, back in the late 70's to late 80's

In my limited travels the best player I have ever seen was Ron Rosas back in the late 70's at the House of Billiards, watching him play back then was like magic! I have never seen anybody play like him before or since. Too bad he never toured but as a kid growing up in LA he was our hero. I have mentioned him before and the post died on the vine but even people like David Sapolis have mentioned Ron Rosas as one of the greatest players of all time.


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Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
I havent done any travelling to see pool whatsoever. I did get to see a Mike Massey exhibition a few years ago, that was certainly amazing.

Just a couple weeks ago Mike Dechaine was at our pool hall, mostly messing around as there certainly wasnt anyone there for him to play seriously with. It was simply amazing to see the ease with which he ran racks, the shape he would get effortlessly, the power strokes.

Its one thing to watch pro's do stuff on tv, and its a whole other thing to see it from 5 feet away. Amazing.


Cue Author...Sometimes
Silver Member
I would love to read some stories about the most impressive pool playing that you have ever witnessed (either in person, or a recorded or live online or tv stream)?

And please do not tell stories about what you heard from someone else (for example, I remember hearing about one of the European pro players running 20 racks of 8 ball, but I never actually witnessed this). Please be honest, and tell about what you have actually seen for yourself.

Thanks for sharing any stories that you can think of, which were (in your opinion) the most impressive pool playing that you have ever witnessed.
I don't know if I've responded to this.

I'd say that there was a stretch of racks during the first Shane vs Alex Race to 100 that Shane played the most dominant pool I've ever seen.

But, that might not be the most impressive. I'd have to put the Bobby Pickle vs Jason Kirkwood match where every fifteen minutes, each would have to chug a beer. The fact that Jason was still standing after the match (Bobby was not) was pretty damned impressive!!!

Freddie <~~~ not easily impressed


I have to agree with Malibu Mike,Ha!

I liked Jay Swansons play and also Mike Sigel!


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