It is pretty sad that highly involved fans have to struggle to find the results. The media presence of the 14.1 Worlds is... unexpected, to say the least.
It's not really that surprising - this is how it was run last year, and the year before that and the year before that.
You'd think that DP would learn from one year to the next - my guess is they don't give two shits about disseminating information in a timely fashion. There's not much bottom line to updating anything quickly. A very shortsighted view would also be that by not making info available it might drive more people to pay for the stream.
The same thing happens every year with this shit show production. It's never announced early because locations are always lined up last minute (seriously RIGHT NOW we should know the dates and location for *next* years event - that's the way *real* events are run from year to year). Every year people piss and moan about not being able to find the results anywhere. This is 2012, in 1997 I was building database back ended websites. Today you can do it with no experience at all - hell you could just setup a twitter account to tweet scores as they come up. You could have a FB page doing the same.
There are nearly innumerable ways to get this info out that wouldn't cost DP a dime, other than paying someone to do it. And that's sort of the rub of it - in order to really get this stuff working in a manner befitting a World Championship you do need to pay someone. I have tried before to post regular updates at matches (and I can touch type no problem, don't even have to look

and still, you get carried away, you don't want to miss anything, you forget etc. It really does have to be a job, but the kicker is that if you simply setup these things in advance the job would be nothing more than punching numbers and updates into a very simple web page that would then push that out to all the relevant services like twitter/fb/whatever.
Look it's easy to rant. It's not my job to make this event run smoothly - but check out my post history, I complained about the same things back in 2007, 2008 and 2009 - in threads people read. I know at least some people affiliated with DP or that must pass some of this on are on AZB. Presumably they read all these posts complaining about the quality of the web presence (plenty of people complain) year after year and either just don't care or feel there is nothing they can do about it.
I know that it's unfair to expect DP to give everything away for free, but having someone post micro-updates and some fairly quickly updated running scores of the matches isn't going to do anything to affect possible sales of the DVD's - a blurb about how one player made a miraculous through the stack combo to start a 100 and out run to save a match doesn't replace watching it. So if that's the reason for not devoting any time and resources to it - it's a bad reason.
So frustrating.