To call or not to call the 9

How do you feel about it; sorry if your option isn't here

  • Strongly in favor of calling the 9

    Votes: 43 35.2%
  • Mildly in favor of calling the 9

    Votes: 11 9.0%
  • Don't care either way

    Votes: 21 17.2%
  • Mildly opposed to calling the 9

    Votes: 8 6.6%
  • Strongly opposed to calling the 9

    Votes: 21 17.2%
  • This is a stupid question

    Votes: 14 11.5%
  • It is situational

    Votes: 9 7.4%

  • Total voters


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A game of precision should never be decided by a slop shot. I can't stand 9 ball that is not call the 9.


Fargo Rating 597
Silver Member
This is an asinine post. So, you propose a change. If anyone doesn't agree with your proposal, they're fuddy-duddies, stupid and against all change. It was nice talking to you. I'm out.

Yeah, this exactly. Lost me at "the lower level of intelligence group."

... I hate when people make a fake poll when in reality, they have no interest in what others think... they're only looking to broadcast their own opinion.

Threads like this don't have to go badly.

"In my opinion the game of 9 ball loses some fun and its flavor if you make it a call shot game. However it does suck if the game is ever won directly by a slop shot on the 9. So I think call-9 is the best compromise. You can still have multi-way shots and some luck on kicks etc. but you need to at least make the final ball without luck."

"I agree/disagree"

"well, I can respect that, thanks for the input."


I never call a ball in 9 ball, unless you're playing with someone who says its a game of slop.


John Fischer
Silver Member
I'm not going to bother with a thread that degrades itself to name-calling. I know. shocking. :|

Yeah, this exactly. Lost me at "the lower level of intelligence group."

I said this

The only constant in any game or sport as far as the rules and how it is played are concerned will be change. Those who fight it will be looked upon by history as fools, fuddy-duddies, the lower level of intelligence group or the victims of "future shock". Change is an inevitability.

And I was referring to those in the distant past who said things like "if man were meant to fly he would have wings", "what! a horseless carriage! that's insane!", "what they don't know is that iron don't float" (referring to the 1st metal warships).

To imply that I meant "if you don't agree with what I think then you're stupid" is taking what I said completely out of context

... I hate when people make a fake poll when in reality, they have no interest in what others think... they're only looking to broadcast their own opinion.

Threads like this don't have to go badly.

"In my opinion the game of 9 ball loses some fun and its flavor if you make it a call shot game. However it does suck if the game is ever won directly by a slop shot on the 9. So I think call-9 is the best compromise. You can still have multi-way shots and some luck on kicks etc. but you need to at least make the final ball without luck."

"I agree/disagree"

"well, I can respect that, thanks for the input."

Let me remind you of some of my posts in this thread:

From post #41
You are all welcome to your own opinion but that is just how I see it.

From post #52
I respect your way of thinking I just don't happen to agree with it

If anyone who has posted has done any name calling it's you; you said NOT implied SAID that calling the 9 ball is a "halfassed" idea. It isn't my fault if you missed the "will be looked upon by history as" part of what I said and took it out of context.