Weather check............

Dead Money

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ok folks. Gimme a temp. check where you're at. I'm in Tulsa Ok. and right now the temp is 6deg with a windchill of -14deg. Expecting 5-9" snow. You guys in southern climes feel free to piss me off. ;)


Austin Texas. Snowing now.

Dead Money

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Earlier this week we got a bunch of ice...Thursday into Friday I was without power for 30 hours!


The Boss Stooge
Staff member
Silver Member
Salem, MO; base temp of 2, W/C of -17. ~3" of snow expected tonight, 6~8" overall from this storm. Stay safe everyone, its fruckin' COLD! I called Al Gore and asked if he'd shovel all the global warming off my driveway, he hung up.

Don't leave your cues in the car!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Southern AZ about 60 today a little cooler than it's been recently. I feel for you guys but originally being from Chicago I know what your dealing with.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Northern Kentucky , 24 degrees and have a winter storm coming. 6-12 inches of snow by Wensday it is saying starting tonight. Winter ❄️ is beginning to get on my nerves. To old for it anymore.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Northern Kentucky , 24 degrees and have a winter storm coming. 6-12 inches of snow by Wensday it is saying starting tonight. Winter ❄️ is beginning to get on my nerves. To old for it anymore.

Same report here from SW Indiana. I hope I can get to the grocery on Tuesday or Wednesday because me and my dog might be needing some food.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Ok folks. Gimme a temp. check where you're at. I'm in Tulsa Ok. and right now the temp is 6deg with a windchill of -14deg. Expecting 5-9" snow. You guys in southern climes feel free to piss me off. ;)
When I went jogging this morning the sign said -2 and it snowed a couple inches on top of what we already had. I was born in Northwest Iowa. I love the country and the people there but I couldn't handle those winters. Missouri is cold enough.

Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It's been 80 down here in Largo FL...some pretty hard intermittent rain the last 2-3 days.

Scott Lee
2019 PBIA Instructor of the Year
Director, SPF National Pool School Tour


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
It's a very pleasant 73 degrees where I am at, and I ain't going outside until the weather comes up close to that! 30 degrees outside, and it looks like close to a week before it will be fit for man or beast outdoors! Saturday or Sunday we are supposed to have something fall out of the sky and the weather warm up.

Just as well they canceled mardi gras for all practical purposes. Nipples would be falling like rain if the gals showed their tits in this weather!

I have to go to the corner store about seven miles down the road tomorrow, don't plan to twitch after that!

Back in the good ol' days this was perfect weather. Head to the closest pool table, swap lies, stay warm, and make enough from small bets so that the "rain out" for bad weather didn't cost me anything. A married friend rode to work with me every morning and we often hung together weekends. His wife asked me why it was when we rained out we hit the bars at six AM. We never started drinking that early any other time. I just looked at her like she might be a bit simple, "It's the law!"


Dead Money

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A lot of snow on the ground in Austin Texas:

9°F -13°C

Brrrrrrrrrrrr back to bed for me lol!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Another morning of 30 below temps. Weatherman says we are supposed to get above zero hopefully tomorrow afternoon. Has been saying that for a few days now.


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
-22 wind-chill here. Lowest in over 30yrs. If this is global warming please tell Al Gore and Greta i could do without global cooling. ;)


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
No power. Don’t know if it’s part of rolling blackout or down power lines. Neighbor said they don’t have water and looks like we don’t either. Fireplace in Gameroom works, so that’s where we are. Everything covered in snow, which is weird for Houston. Power company app says TV and internet out until at least 2:15 this afternoon.