
AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thank you for this post. I have written to Aramith to see if they have a concern with it. I will let you know what I learn if they respond...

Dr. Dave here on the boards is a great resource. He has this video of MANY cleaning methods including Alcohol.
He makes no mention about potential harm to the balls. This is the video that gave me confidence in the mixture. Dr. Dave shows a significant throw increase if cleaning with just alcohol because the balls are so "squeaky clean." My experience, thought not nearly as scientific as his, is that I tried a similar experiment using adhesive dots on my table set up the same way after cleaning with just alcohol and my CleanGleem followed by using the mixture described here. When using the mixture of Aramith cleaner and alcohol, the throw is ALMOST identical to the "new out of the box" measure of 7" throw in this experiment. Your mileage may vary :)
I don't think Dr. Dave was testing the best and safest products to clean balls with as much as he was testing which products had the least/most influence on throw. I see acetone in the pic. You can't tell me acetone is good for phenolic balls.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here is a really nice chart on Phenolic Chemical Resistance that shows Isopropyl Alcohol having no effect on Phenolic and listed as an "A" for cleaning:
(Isobutyl should NOT be used)
Let's see if Aramith replies. i'd be interested to hear their thoughts.