What's The Evidence Of Your Pool Obsession...?


I'm not argumentative!!!!
Silver Member
I'm not obsessed. Seriously.
I am under contract on a house here in Alaska. The garage has an RV bay. It's insulated, heated, and is walled off from the other two bays. I don't know the dimensions exactly, but it will fit a couple 10-footers and a safe for my cues and then some more!!!
I love this garage (house is nice, too)!


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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Do you ever feel like a pool astronaut. Space station pool is all that matters. Nothing outside the station supports life...

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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Well....I'm not obsessed with pool (in denial), but I did do something that not many married men would be able to pull off.

I turned my living room into my man cave...pool table...tall tables...spectator chairs...wall hangings...etc. Turned a spare bedroom into the TV watching room...TV hanging on the wall...two recliners, and that's the only seating. Guests come over, and for the most part they have to sit and visit while shooting pool (somebody usually is up for a game). So basically....I made my house a "guest-free" zone...although family and good friends still come to see us and play some pool.

Try that, all you married men out there!!!


I wish I could pull that off...My buddy Shane has his table in his living room and the TV room in a spare bedroom as well...We went over to shoot some and hang out for dinner...I looked at my wife and said "see babe, we have room for a table at the house"....She had some colorful words but the general translation was "HELL NO!" lol...

My obsession with pool?...Well would buying a crappy old $800 honda civic (for my first car) instead of a newer car just so I could go buy me a new Schon qualify?...I reenlisted in the Army and got a pretty good bonus...The first thing I did was go out and buy a new custom cue...Took my pre-demployment leave to go follow and play (donate my money) on the Joss N.E. tour.

Now I live in a town that has no pool hall...Just crappy BB's in little dive bars...I drive the hour and a half one way to go play in an actual pool room a few times a month...If the wife would let me I would go more often...


Silver Member
And it was only $200 a month! A bargain in my estimation. I could sneak away, get in stroke, and then show up at the poolroom and tell them I haven't hit a ball in months. :thumbup:

:nono: C'mon Jay....you know that's just wrong!!!:grin:


West Point 1987

On the Hill, Out of Gas
Silver Member
I go to a guy's house to have him put on a couple of tips...he's got a beautiful G/C in the basement, next to his lathe, set up by RealKingCobra...(this is Vyc here on AZB). My wife came with, decided she'd wait in the car since it should have taken about 20 minutes max...2 hours later I realized I didn't have my cell phone (left in car). I got on that table, and forgot all about my wife or time itself. I ran outside and told her to come in, she declined to speak to me. Yeah, I gotta problem. :eek:


Silver Member
I go to a guy's house to have him put on a couple of tips...he's got a beautiful G/C in the basement, next to his lathe, set up by RealKingCobra...(this is Vyc here on AZB). My wife came with, decided she'd wait in the car since it should have taken about 20 minutes max...2 hours later I realized I didn't have my cell phone (left in car). I got on that table, and forgot all about my wife or time itself. I ran outside and told her to come in, she declined to speak to me.

Next time....have her a couple of magazines, a DVD player, some popcorn, a tall drink, and a blanket........then knock yourself out!!!

Maniac (you're obsessed)


Loose Rack
Silver Member
I keep one of these in my office at work and we play a few times a week at lunch.



Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
I'm almost positive that playing pool is no good for my health, but I'm going to get another table and give it one more try anyhow even if it kills me. Johnnyt


My light saber is LD
Silver Member
Exhibit A: Trying to play with pink eye. From my experience it's almost not worth the blurry vision and mild discomfort.

Exhibit B: Trying to play with a torn right bicep. I tore Thursday night at work and was at the table Friday afternoon. I decided to hang it up with pain shooting up my arm every shot mainly because I might put myself away longer. Right now I'm ice packed up and hopefully it won't be long


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Some recent clues to my obsession (I think my wife is catching on):

- reconfigured my garage which was designed for my previous obsession of rc helicopter flying to fit a "Big-G" pro 8 Gandy
- attended an Allison Fisher class
- made my own clue lathe to do tips, and so my shafts will never be dirty again. (also making sure my wraps are never dirty anymore either)
- achieved a 9 ranking in apa 9-ball


Silver Member
My wife drew the line at putting the table in our living room so its in the basement. But there is a silver lining. 2 years ago I wasnt even a pool player, now we have a GC, got it "Diamondized", matching Brunswick cue rack, Brunswick lite, new Centennials, Delta 13, and 6 cues and she knows that "we" still need more. I also talked her into an addition on the house to fit the table upstairs with hopefully enough room for a Diamond bar box too:thumbup: and a laundry area for her so she doesnt have to go in the basement for the washer and dryer.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
In 1992, I moved from South Dakota (where I was playing VNEA leagues for several years) to an area of Wisconsin without any local leagues. My job kept me on the road, but I found a VNEA team about 60 miles away near Two Rivers that allowed me to play when available. Many Fridays, I would be going by that way on the way home, so would stop in early and spend the evening.

One week, the opportunity came up to record three matches in one night. I was working 130 miles away and volunteered for overtime on Saturday, so I would have to make the return trip. 2.5 hours to get there and just over 4 hours on the return trip due to icy roads.

Mission accomplished, I qualified to play in the State tournament and was picked up by the better team out of that location.

That was one of the craziest things I have done to play some pool.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My wife drew the line at putting the table in our living room so its in the basement. But there is a silver lining. 2 years ago I wasnt even a pool player, now we have a GC, got it "Diamondized", matching Brunswick cue rack, Brunswick lite, new Centennials, Delta 13, and 6 cues and she knows that "we" still need more. I also talked her into an addition on the house to fit the table upstairs with hopefully enough room for a Diamond bar box too:thumbup: and a laundry area for her so she doesnt have to go in the basement for the washer and dryer.

Smart man right there!!!


Banger Extraordinaire
Silver Member
:killingme: One of the funniest threads I've read here! I feel much better about myself now. Can't wait to tell the wife. :D


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

We were playing pool league for the High Country Pool League in Colorado Springs about 25 yrs ago. There was a huge blizzard on league night so bad they even closed the Interstate. We called the bar on the north side of the Springs and asked if they still wanted us to come. They said sure, all our players are here, they all live in the neighborhood, but the roads were closed and we were pretty far away. So needless to say all 5 of us piled into a friends old tricked out International Scout and made our way there from our little mountain town of Manitou Springs. Scouts are pretty small so we were packed in there pretty good. When we got to the interstate they had barricades up and had even stopped trying to plow. So we went right around them and we were the only vehicle on it. Pretty cool plowing our way through the snow being the lone vehicle on the road. So we make it to the bar and everybody is in disbelief we made it and much less even tried. We were the only 2 teams that played that night in league, every one else cancelled. That was one of the most fun nights we ever had playing pool.


D player at best
Silver Member
Well....I'm not obsessed with pool (in denial), but I did do something that not many married men would be able to pull off.

I turned my living room into my man cave...pool table...tall tables...spectator chairs...wall hangings...etc. Turned a spare bedroom into the TV watching room...TV hanging on the wall...two recliners, and that's the only seating. Guests come over, and for the most part they have to sit and visit while shooting pool (somebody usually is up for a game). So basically....I made my house a "guest-free" zone...although family and good friends still come to see us and play some pool.

Try that, all you married men out there!!!


My wife and I are on the same page. We eliminated our living room and dining room and made into my Man Cave. Now I've got a bar and my pool table. Guest come over frequently and hang out, we call it "Marshall's Tavern!"


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Im not obsessed but

This is where I spend most of my free time. It is a nice 9ft WPA approved table. :)


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