Who are the people that claim pool is on the down hill slide?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I haven't played competitively or gambled playing pool since Jan 1990, which is when I made the choice to become a dedicated pool table mechanic, and started working on a plan to take over pool on a professional basis in the future at some point in time. I fully understand the need to gamble as a way of making some money to live on, and as a way of finding out who the better player is, but today, that measuring stick is hurting the American Professional pool players. Placing gambling as a higher priority than training to play in tournaments has made American Pro's to slow out the gate, but great down the long stretch, problem is, the race is over before they even get warmed up. There are a couple of exceptions to the rule, but even SVB would improve if he focused more on his short game, and become a better out the gate starter. Shorter races are SVB"s kryptonite, and that in part also the fault of this sport, having changed the races, changed the rules, changed the format....all so the amateurs could still have a chance to win over a Pro in events, or they wouldn't contribute their entry fees to play, and without that dead money, there wouldn't be any tournaments. THAT has to change!

Make money at pool ... guess u missed it bud . I'm 50 and retired lol I worked 35 years doing flooring and have one of the largest flooring companies in east Texas ! Bought me a 2018 RV 6 months ago and Really just like traveling now and playing strangers . I don't hind deer 🦌 I hunt wanna be pool players !!! Take care Mr Cobra and good luck grinding....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've lived in Germany and Italy and can safely say Europe is no where near close to the US when it comes to player participation. We've lost more bars and pool rooms in this country than they've opened in the last 20 years.

That is simply not true. In Munich, Germany, about half of the pool places I've known 15-20 years ago have gone. Pretty good ones with 9-footers, mind you. I hear similar things about other major European cities. Poorer countries might be different.

The only thing that keeps pool alive are the clubs - they rely on membership dues and some guests playing occasionally. One great advantage we have over here is that a liquor/beer/wine license is dirt cheap and really easy to get compared to the US, so practically every pool place has one.

Purely commercial pool halls are close to non-existant nowadays. I can currently think of 2 in Munich, their equipment s***s and only the neighborhood people show up there infrequently. One of the 2 is actually a traditional Bavarian restaurant existing for over 100 years in a very good area downtown and belongs to the owners. The number of 9-footers has apparently been reduced since the last time I've been there. Once the current owners pass away I would not make any bets that the place will stay a pool room. The other place is mostly empty with lousy tables.

There were about 4 other large commercial pool halls with lots of tables - all of them gone.

The only places that are left are the ones that have clubs supporting them. This is an advantage compared to what I've seen in the US but my current club would most probably not exist if it did not have a pool enthusiast whose rich father (passed away) made him sponsor the club with € 100k per year. This guy is around 60/65. Let's see what happens when he is gone.

A few clubs (about 6-7 in Munich/suburbs) are still alive and kicking. Some of them with pretty high membership fees plus slightly reduced table costs for members. The way it has been going in the last 20 years I doubt that more than half of those will be around in 10-15 years.

Snooker really took off somewhat in Europe. If you talk to regular non-pool people, almost everybody has at least noticed that snooker exists. Why? Because Eurosport 1 (free tv channel) shows a nice selection of the current snooker championships. Even though there are no Germans worth mentioning taking part in these. Pool on tv? Zip, zero. If you mention that you play pool "normal" people either mention snooker or tell you that they have played it some time in their youth on a bar table or maybe once in the past ten years out of boredom in one of the very few bars that still have a lonely 6-footer with the occasional drunk playing a game.

Now, almost nobody plays snooker. Because there are maybe around 5 tables available in 2 or 3 places. Way too difficult to play for people with a passing interest. However, the tv programs draw relatively many people. Most of whom have never touched a pool cue, let alone a snooker cue.

I don't see anything except tv coverage making an impact on pool. The internet is a nice thing but the young people don't google "pool". I mentioned stuff like the MC and other major tournaments even to my pool-playing buddies - none of them has bothered to even look. They all have seen snooker games, though. TV still rules for the general public. Because you have those giant flat screens nowadays, it is "free" and all you have to do is use one finger on the remote control to "accidentally" hit a snooker program. Yes, you can set up all kinds of streams etc. on your tv. But this is only for the aficionados, not the general public. The people beyond the closely-knit pool community don't bother with that. They rather shop online, play video games or do Netflix etc. Pool is not on their mind when online.

Thus, I don't see 3-hour games on some PPV as a solution. It won't create any interest in pool beyond those few that are already and still interested.

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
Make money at pool ... guess u missed it bud . I'm 50 and retired lol I worked 35 years doing flooring and have one of the largest flooring companies in east Texas ! Bought me a 2018 RV 6 months ago and Really just like traveling now and playing strangers . I don't hind deer 🦌 I hunt wanna be pool players !!! Take care Mr Cobra and good luck grinding....

I don't know why I like this post so much but I do. The thought of a successful older guy roaming the country in a nice RV enjoying life and playing pool now and then is enticing to me. My chance at this life passed me by long ago. Although I did have a period of several years where aspiring players would jump on the unsuspecting tournament director who never hit a ball and try to hustle me. That didn't work out so well for most of them.:wink:


If not now...
Silver Member
I have to dissagree with this, the problem is not with the fan base not showing up as much to watch live events, the problem is people don't really like leaving home much anymore. Shopping malls are dying because the shoppers are shopping online more now than ever, no need to go out to xi as much shopping anymore, and it's declining more and more every year. You have to solve the problem of getting the snooker/pool events in front of that stay at home viewer now, and as advertisers are declining to support the free TV viewing, instead turning to internet advertising, free TV isn't so cheap by the hour for snooker/pool events anymore, so THAT is why matches are being shortened up, it's not for the good of the viewers.


More old malls are redefining their spaces to include things like pool halls and other gaming places that are the main attraction now, since many big box stores have folded.

This means better pricing for space, I'd think, and this might be an avenue for your ideas to take.


Jeff Livingston


If not now...
Silver Member
When was the last time you saw a new tournament shown on ESPN ?

The WPBA people aren't saying pool is on the down side because they no longer exist afaik.

When Hard Times closes here in 2019, the pool scene in LA is really going to take a major blow .

When is the last time anyone watched ANYthing on espn? Months ago for me, on espn 3, but that was just a stream, and that's a hint to the future.

TV won't be in this formula, I'd bet...at least not espn kind of tv.

Jeff Livingston


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When is the last time anyone watched ANYthing on espn? Months ago for me, on espn 3, but that was just a stream, and that's a hint to the future.

TV won't be in this formula, I'd bet...at least not espn kind of tv.

Jeff Livingston

I haven't watched ESPN in many many years.....


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Tell you what, I'll just do my own thing and leave you people in the dark, you don't need to know anything, I'm fine with that.

That stance is almost as dumb. Not quite but close. Settle down and make a business plan and stick to it. I suggest you start a plan that doesn't:

A. Piss of your potential clients.
B. Piss off your potential distribution chain.

Good luck to you.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't know why I like this post so much but I do. The thought of a successful older guy roaming the country in a nice RV enjoying life and playing pool now and then is enticing to me. My chance at this life passed me by long ago. Although I did have a period of several years where aspiring players would jump on the unsuspecting tournament director who never hit a ball and try to hustle me. That didn't work out so well for most of them.:wink:

I agree with you on all but one thing here...50 is not older guy. 50 is the new 35.


If not now...
Silver Member
That stance is almost as dumb. Not quite but close. Settle down and make a business plan and stick to it. I suggest you start a plan that doesn't:

A. Piss of your potential clients.
B. Piss off your potential distribution chain.

Good luck to you.

Doesn't every poster get the same posts to read around here? Or do some get or not get some posts and so they can't read what the rest of us read?

What has he been talking about BUT his business plan? :confused:

Cripes. No wonder such good posters run away from here.

Jeff Livingston


Well-known member
Silver Member
That stance is almost as dumb. Not quite but close. Settle down and make a business plan and stick to it. I suggest you start a plan that doesn't:

A. Piss of your potential clients.
B. Piss off your potential distribution chain.

Good luck to you.

I've been making plans for over 20 years buddy, including my King Cobra Adhesive. There's plenty of people who knew about my plans well over 10 years ago, everything I said I was going to do, I have done to get to this point in time.


Well-known member
Silver Member
Doesn't every poster get the same posts to read around here? Or do some get or not get some posts and so they can't read what the rest of us read?

What has he been talking about BUT his business plan? :confused:

Cripes. No wonder such good posters run away from here.

Jeff Livingston

I thought I was pretty clear laying out my plans, from sponsoring small Pro Tour stops, building up attention, drawing a line between Pro's and amateurs. Leading into building event centers to broadcast live events to the world in order to bring in the greatest sponsors there is, the viewers world wide. Supporting pool rooms world wide with in house regional tournaments to support amateur world events that lead into the event centers for live broadcasting to viewers, which in turn creates a circle of players, events, viewers, sponsors, that will continue to grow the cycle bigger and bigger with basically unlimited funding from the public viewers world wide. But, I guess not.

What I should probably do is just build the event center, set up the live broadcasting so I can pick up the viewers, then support the Pros in 1 event center, and skip trying to help anyone else, that's the American way isn't it, make as much money as I can, screw anyone else.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Doesn't every poster get the same posts to read around here? Or do some get or not get some posts and so they can't read what the rest of us read?

What has he been talking about BUT his business plan? :confused:

Cripes. No wonder such good posters run away from here.

Jeff Livingston

I didn't mean to insinuate he didn't have a business plan, because you're right we have been hearing about it for some time, I just suggested he tweak it to not include upsetting potential clients and posting private emails from potential distribution chains.

Do you disagree?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I've been making plans for over 20 years buddy, including my King Cobra Adhesive. There's plenty of people who knew about my plans well over 10 years ago, everything I said I was going to do, I have done to get to this point in time.

I hope it works out, chief. I get on a plane almost every week, it would be nice to be heading to a pool Supercenter instead of just work. As long as it doesn't cut into my fishing trips of course.


Well-known member
Silver Member
I didn't mean to insinuate he didn't have a business plan, because you're right we have been hearing about it for some time, I just suggested he tweak it to not include upsetting potential clients and posting private emails from potential distribution chains.

Do you disagree?

You sure do fail to understand me, I already HAVE a distribution network in place, it would just be nice to pick up Fastenal as a main distributor, but they're NOT a requirement. My plans have never included them, they were a last minute thought, that may, or may not pan out. I might have to build my sales up more before they get involved, who knows. Not picking up Fastenal is not going to change my plans. Reaching my goals fast or slow isn't going to stop me from reaching them.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hell, just off the top of my head, here are some of the pool rooms in the Metro DC area I can remember from the 60's and 70's, and I'm sure this list isn't complete:

14th & Irving (Brunswick)
14th & Park Road (Baggy's)
14th & Decatur (bus barn)
14th & W
14th & T (Lowe's or Louie's)
14th & Swann (Wordy's)
14th & H (above the Casino Royale)
14th & G (below the barber shop)
1200 block of U (Lincoln)
9th & U/Florida
600 block of T (Golden Q and Stage Door)
7th Street below Florida
Georgia Ave. just south of Missouri Avenue (Louie's)
100 block of G St NW (next to the GPO building)
1200 block New York Avenue (next to the Town theater)
11th St just north of Pennsylvania Avenue
200 block of Pennsylvania Ave SE
Benning Road near Spingarn High School, next to the Miles Long Sandwich Shop
Several along H St NE near 8th St.

Guys & Dolls (best action room before Beanie's opened in '68)
Coral Hills
Bladensburg Golden Cue
Thayer Ave. Silver Spring
Flower Ave. Silver Spring (Roman's, another great action room)
House of Lords, Wheaton
Glenmont Cue Club
Rockville Pike near the auto dealership
Bethesda Billiards on Old Georgetown Road
Some Old School place on U.S. 1 north of the DC line
Langley Park (Joey Spaeth ran it for awhile while Gary was learning his trade)

Northern Virginia
Jack & Jill (Beanie's) (best action room in practically the entire country)
Top's (just off U.S. 1 South, across from Crystal City)
Westmont (Columbia Pike & Glebe Road)
Some place on Lee Highway before Falls Church

And as I said, that's just a partial list drawn from an imperfect memory. I'm sure I missed quite a few, especially in the suburbs.

The closing of pool halls may not be the best barometer to measure the pool world's health. It's possible that just as many people play today as they did 50 years ago however the majority of players now play in bars on bar tables rather than going to a pool hall. The direction of pool has certainly shifted however it may not be a bad thing.

For example, big box stores (Walmart, Kohls, Target, etc.) are not doing very good today. Does that mean that the shopping industry is down? No, it just means that people have been shopping online more since shipping costs are so minimal now.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Social pool, recreational pool, league pool is not on the downhill side in the United States.

USA professional pool, however, *is* on a downhill slide. Heck, I think it's just about as low as it's ever been today in USA.