Why CTE is silly

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Showin some A$$
Silver Member
It's like a damned black hole. I avoided it for 90 pages and it kept popping up to the top. And I decided to jump in, but not head first. I'm trying to be more like Marge Simpson and less like Smithers.

Fred <~~~ it works, dammit and I don't care how or why!!!!

No no no Fred....See...I already coined the phrase that CTErs and 3-liners and shis ke bobers should be using about 30 or so pages ago...

They should be saying.... "It works for me...and Jimmy Crack Corn and I don't care"

This is a family board dammit...er I mean ya know...:wink:


Cue Author...Sometimes
Gold Member
Silver Member
No no no Fred....See...I already coined the phrase that CTErs

Arghh!!!! I should have read the rest of it. I had no idea how I was going to spell "CTErs" and tried to avoid it until I had no choice. I knew I shouldn't have bothered trying.

Fred <~~~ wrong again

P.S. And I don't care!!!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I could have let this one go, but since we're all just doing the good-natured ribbing thing...

Lou says Hal Houle's Systems Work

And to be fair, you gave as good a reason as any as to why it works. And Pat Johnson has been saying a similar reason as to why it might work as well for years. I think he was peaking over my shoulder, but I digress. But, you did exclaim that "it works. " No "might" or "sometimes." And you said itw as "useful." If it was true then, I think it's true now.

And also to be fair, I'm sure anyone can find posts where I also ridiculed the believers because of their crazy claims. I ridicule them today (because I feel the claims can be downright silly), but I'm still a proponent of all of the crazy systems.

Fred <~~~ it works!!!!

I said right up front it was the cabernet :)

Lou Figueroa


Instructional Author
Gold Member
Silver Member
Sorry Dave, but I'm only here for the childish banter at this point. There isn't anything earth shattering in this thread that would make me want to do anything else.

The thread can be summed up as follows:

Haters with no integrity campers say: BS system because the geometry gods will give you an F on your math score. Your future is doomed at this game.

Overzealous non-descript 2-point wafflers say: you'll see, you'll see, you'll, see, you naysaying, non-videoing , egomaniacs. I make every shot, every time.

And I could point at any of the other hundred threads in the past ten years, and it would be the same synopsis.
I aim aware of (and I contributed to, in good and bad ways) many of the "dysfunctional" threads in the past. Every time a new thread emerges, I will continue to try to get a little further. I actually think we have made some (albeit little) progress over the years. For example, I think people in both "camps" have reached some common ground concerning the potential benefits of CTE.

You show three shots. My system uses three different starting points. I don't know what CTE'ers use. Your illustration is pretty good because if you just keep duplicating that setup vertically down, it seems obvious (to me) that there is a finite number of aim points that would get you every shot in the corner pocket. Maybe 7? 9? Not 50.
If you are curious, I have some math in TP A.13 that attempts to figure out how many lines of aim are required to pocket balls into pockets of different sizes, for different distances, over a typical range of cut angles. I don't have exact numbers for the shots in the diagram, but with tight pockets on a 9' table, I think the number is much larger than 9 (unless you are changing "eye alignment" and "pivot" to "adjust" between the lines). When I get some time, I'll try to run some numbers.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Now that all of the childish banter, schoolyard bullying, accusations, and passionate defenses to accusations are over (I hope anyway), can we now return to some meaningful discussion concerning CTE?

You know what, Dave? We all participate in these discussions at our own level and within our own areas of interest. I have written things you couldn't hope to write, just as you have written things I could not hope to write (or in some cases, understand). Your protractors and calculators are just a part of the discussion. If you ever want to "play some," I get out to Colorado occasionally and I'd be happy to demonstrate.

So you do the science. But don't dole out grief to those of us that want to be passionate and funny and defensive and childish about pool. It's a game -- part science and part art. The equations only get you so far ;-)

Lou Figueroa
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Showin some A$$
Silver Member
1.There is no parallel shift,
3. CTE has nothing to do with CBIT
4. Some do,but thick or thin has no effect on my set up
5. As far as which side the pocket you play, CTE is a center pocket system
it is up to the player to make that allowance

Petey...I truly appreciate your effort...but I don't understand the answers...or which one they apply to...Here is a repost of those questions...I removed the 1/2 ball hit question..I really don't care about that one...

I don't think any of the questions below are out of line or insinuating that CTE does not work...I think I understand how the basic system works to make balls in the corner pocket...but I don't know how CTE is applied for the situations below.

NOTE: As a reminder...I use what I now call a "modified" 3-line method...(if I just say 3-line Duckie gets all froggy).....The base 3-line method has a problem with question #2....Years ago I posted about it being the "hole in the houle" method...However...using the "modified" 3-line method #2 becomes very possible...#1 falls into the same category.

1 - How do you make shots to other places than the corner pocket? (please describe)

2 - How (keeping both balls in the exact same spots) do you send the OB in two different directions? (hit the corner pocket on the first shot...set it up again and hit a diamond and a half over on the end rail)

3 - If you can't align straight away from center CB to 1/4 OB or center CB to center OB...How can you make an "air pivot" to determine the contact point (somewhere in between) and then be able to set up to that alignment?

4 -How on earth does CTE compensate for CIT? (This is a insinuated claim from a CTEr)

5 -Why (once I have made my parallel shift from center to edge) would I need to look back up at the OB....should'nt I just be able to pivot to center and shoot center CB?

6 -How do I determine what center CB actually is when I execute this pivot? Is it base center from "initial center alignment" or is it the "new center" viewed from the parallel shift? (because remember....just as the "edge" changes as your perspective changes...so does the center)

All joke have been removed as to not offend JoeyA.....(sorry for the boring post)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
So you do the science. But don't dole out grief to those of us that want to be passionate and funny and defensive and childish about pool. It's a game -- part science and part art. The equations only get you so far ;-)

I agree. Anyone can take from the discussion anything they wish. There's no reason someone serious can't follow the serious posts, while others do other things--that's what's great about the internet: you take from it what you want.

From my point of view, it has been the CTE advocates who complain bitterly about "poster attitudes." IMO the reason is plain: it's one way to dodge serious discussion and embarrassing questions.

The one ILLUMINATING characterization of these threads is the (either) AVOIDANCE of challenging points raised by the con-CTE crowd...or the blatant inability of advocates to address those points.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
How would you explain this relative to these three shots:


The CB-OB distance and CTEL (OB to CB, or CB to OB) are the exact same for all three shots, both in the 2D illustration and in 3D perspective. The only thing different is the amount of cut required. The CTE information I've heard and seen so far doesn't provide guidance on how to deal with this, other than: It takes "visual intelligence" and "experience at the table" to develop a sense for how to adjust the "effective pivot length". That's fine, but if there is something more specific than this, I think it would be interesting and useful to describe and discuss it in a calm, logical, and objective way.


I thought spiderwebb already addressed this. Why bring it up again?


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
Sorry Dave, but I'm only here for the childish banter at this point. There isn't anything earth shattering in this thread that would make me want to do anything else.

The thread can be summed up as follows:

Haters with no integrity campers say: BS system because the geometry gods will give you an F on your math score. Your future is doomed at this game.

Overzealous non-descript 2-point wafflers say: you'll see, you'll see, you'll, see, you naysaying, non-videoing , egomaniacs. I make every shot, every time.

And I could point at any of the other hundred threads in the past ten years, and it would be the same synopsis.


You show three shots. My system uses three different starting points. I don't know what CTE'ers use. Your illustration is pretty good because if you just keep duplicating that setup vertically down, it seems obvious (to me) that there is a finite number of aim points that would get you every shot in the corner pocket. Maybe 7? 9? Not 50.


Good stuff Fred. You should be a comedian. :wink:


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member
It all depends on whose ok is getting gored.

Oh, I don't know. Most people who have come up with very IMPORTANT true things were first made fun of. I think you take the issue too seriously. The NORMAL human thing to do when you think someone has a "goofy idea" is to make fun of it. The one who's right gets the last laugh--I'm quite sure Lou understands that clearly.

As I understand it, the ideas that are the source of CTE have been discussed for AT LEAST ten years--so "from the very beginning" statements...certainly don't apply to ME. Furthermore, it was Hal who called LOU originally, to offer information on the topic. When someone puts information and ideas in the public sphere, there's every reason to expect those ideas to get a good going over.

But there HAS been a tendency toward mean-spiritedness (at least from me). That's fundamentally because CTE advocates insist on making ASSERTIONS that they won't back up! The ONLY reason this has gone on so long is that CTE advocates CONTINUE to make the same assertions while CONTINUING to refuse to back them up. Sorry, but that gets annoying after awhile. If they don't WANT to back up their assertions (their right), then they shouldn't keep MAKING them--and not expect some critically-minded people not to get tired of listening to baseless assertions which, on their face, don't seem to make sense.

That's right, we do (well, personally I'm just assuming--since Stan seems to be widely known as trying to have a positive influence on pool for many many years). If this is all about's Lou's one post, I think it has been misjudged. I don't think it was his intention to frame STAN like a carnival barker, I think he was putting it in terms of the carnival barkers you CAN see anytime you turn on a TV (which I haven't done for ten years--I'm going on memory on that one).

Sometimes I AM left to wonder why SO MUCH emotional energy is spent defending the PEOPLE involved with CTE, and SO LITTLE intellectual energy is spent defending the IDEA of CTE. I'm 95% interested in the idea.

I don't believe such claims without convincing evidence. I know from a great deal of real world experience that many people often MISJUDGE such things. And this is exactly where the religion analogy comes in: Just BELIEVING something doesn't make it true; and things don't BECOME true just because they're strongly believed.

OTOH, from a geometrical perspective, there IS reason to think that people could be confused about what CTE does, or does for them. The whole scenario invites EXAMINATION--which is what these threads try to do. The reason they devolve into something less is almost always the relentless LACK of information input from CTE advocates to SUPPORT the CLAIMS they wish to make.

I've been told that you're a formidable player. That certainly must mean SOMETHING. I have to say though, that NO voice of authority could make me reject fundamental rules of geometry--stuff I've known and lived by since the fourth grade. People have accepted, lived by, even put their LIVES ON THE LINE based on certain basic, simple mathematical realities for a good TWO THOUSAND YEARS. Giving that up would take a WHOLE lot more than what I'm seeing on this forum!

Well, around 1900 or so, poking fun at a wagon-maker's livelihood might eventually come to have been seen by the wagon-maker as doing him a FAVOR.

When you put your ideas on a public forum (as Hal did), you're subjecting them to public examination and criticism. Nobody gets to have one but not the other--unless you live in North Korea.

Your posting has improved immensely and I'll be looking forward to reading some of your posts in other threads as well. BTW, it's OK to make a few jokes as long as they're at the expense of North Korea. :rolleyes:

Formidable player indeed. I still haven't been able to beat Dippy Dave, even up one pocket. So much for formidable.
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14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
Just out of curiosity (so I can find my sleeping bag tonight)...which "camp" do you have me in?


Nice try with the "sleeping-bag-diversion-thing"! Ok, here's the truth from the "one-liner wonder" -- can you handle it? "You suck! You're in the non-believers camp! You will burn in h3ll! How can you denigrate Fal Falafoule like that! <It's served with a delicious tahini-based sauce, on the side, by the way.>"

"How can you call yourself 'BRKNRUN' -- you can't run any balls unless you use CTEEEEEEEEEEEE!"


-Sean <-- has had too many Long Island Iced Teas, and is wondering himself if he had too many... <hick!>


14.1 & One Pocket Addict
Gold Member
Silver Member
Post title: "It all depends on whose ok is getting gored."


Even with [4] tall Long Island Iced Teas in me, I caught that one! Can you explain to me what happens when one's "ok" is getting "gored"? And with what? :D



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Formidable player indeed. I still haven't been able to beat Dippy Dave, even up one pocket. So much for formidable.

Yeah. Well....do you really think there are people around who are dumb enough to play people who CLAIM they're no good?? :D

I wouldn't go NEAR somebody with a fistful of money who says he's "no good." :D


Efren's Mini-Tourn BACKER
Silver Member

Even with [4] tall Long Island Iced Teas in me, I caught that one! Can you explain to me what happens when one's "ok" is getting "gored"? And with what? :D


I meant to spell it correctly and just left off the "s". My bad. There, now, are you satisfied?

Thanks to the "spelling police" for taking a guy down a notch.

JB Cases

Silver Member
I aim aware of (and I contributed to, in good and bad ways) many of the "dysfunctional" threads in the past. Every time a new thread emerges, I will continue to try to get a little further. I actually think we have made some (albeit little) progress over the years. For example, I think people in both "camps" have reached some common ground concerning the potential benefits of CTE.

If you are curious, I have some math in TP A.13 that attempts to figure out how many lines of aim are required to pocket balls into pockets of different sizes, for different distances, over a typical range of cut angles. I don't have exact numbers for the shots in the diagram, but with tight pockets on a 9' table, I think the number is much larger than 9 (unless you are changing "eye alignment" and "pivot" to "adjust" between the lines). When I get some time, I'll try to run some numbers.


Get Me There - send me your full name and address and when I have a diagram of exactly how CTE works I will laser it onto a cue case and send it to you.

Dr. Dave, the aiming lines for any shot are infinite since nothing is ever actually touching and space can be infinitely divided. The only thing you can truly calculate is the approximate boudaries which define the beginning of where the object ball WILL NOT go into the pocket no matter what. As to the number of PRACTICAL lines that a human can adjust to to make any given shot I would say that they are very few given the actual indexing that a human is capable of while holding a 1lb 4oz object in the bent over position that is 13 mm in diameter with a 2mm contact patch and dependent on the placement of a bridge hand which is a big fat fulcrum point to place on a "line".

All three of your shots can be and have been made using CTE.

When I say using CTE I mean using CTE as defined thusly;

Aligning myself to the cue ball and the object ball using the approximate center of the cueball to the visible outer edge of the object ball, in this case the edge which is away from the pocket. Then placing my bridge hand down on a line that allows the cue tip to be aligned with the edge of the cue ball. Then pivoting to center cue ball and shooting the shot.

By following those steps I can make all three balls with no conscious "adjustment". Notice the steps are not infused with instructions like foot placement and body placement, distance from the cueball, etc... Those are things that are easily shown in person and which are personal just like the exact way a person uses the Ghost Ball concept is personal to them.

Now, even if using CTE requires SUBCONCIOUS adjustment then it still holds true that the shots can be and have been made using "CTE". I.e. the same initial approach to each shot plus whatever subconscious adjustment might be thrown in. For what it's worth using CTE FEELS consistent with no conscious adjustment needed.

Here is the video of me doing the three shots in your test. Sometime in the future when I have my setup all complete with an overhead camera I will repeat this test with two or three views so that the action can be seen from different perspectives.


JB Cases

Silver Member
Petey...I truly appreciate your effort...but I don't understand the answers...or which one they apply to...Here is a repost of those questions...I removed the 1/2 ball hit question..I really don't care about that one...

I don't think any of the questions below are out of line or insinuating that CTE does not work...I think I understand how the basic system works to make balls in the corner pocket...but I don't know how CTE is applied for the situations below.

NOTE: As a reminder...I use what I now call a "modified" 3-line method...(if I just say 3-line Duckie gets all froggy).....The base 3-line method has a problem with question #2....Years ago I posted about it being the "hole in the houle" method...However...using the "modified" 3-line method #2 becomes very possible...#1 falls into the same category.

1 - How do you make shots to other places than the corner pocket? (please describe)

Line up differently.

2 - How (keeping both balls in the exact same spots) do you send the OB in two different directions? (hit the corner pocket on the first shot...set it up again and hit a diamond and a half over on the end rail)

Line up differently.

3 - If you can't align straight away from center CB to 1/4 OB or center CB to center OB...How can you make an "air pivot" to determine the contact point (somewhere in between) and then be able to set up to that alignment?

CTE/Hal's Methods have nothing to do with contact points.

4 -How on earth does CTE compensate for CIT? (This is a insinuated claim from a CTEr)

Good question. As a CTE/Hal's Aiming Methods user I'd like to know the answer to this as well. Damnedest thing I ever saw.

5 -Why (once I have made my parallel shift from center to edge) would I need to look back up at the OB....should'nt I just be able to pivot to center and shoot center CB?

Is the question really 'once you have the final position do you need to look at the object ball?' If so the answer is that you can make the shots without looking at the object ball about as much as you can by lining up using Ghost Ball and then closing your eyes. Lined up is lined up. If you're off using CTE then you're off. There are two ways to miss a shot, be hopelessly out of line when aiming or throw the cueball hopelessly off line with your stroke. Not responding to the technical aspect of your question.

6 -How do I determine what center CB actually is when I execute this pivot? Is it base center from "initial center alignment" or is it the "new center" viewed from the parallel shift? (because remember....just as the "edge" changes as your perspective changes...so does the center)

I have no idea what you mean by parallel shift. The center of the cueball does not change. The true edge of the object ball does not change either but you can be slightly inside or slightly ouside that true edge depending on which line you need for the shot. When you learn CTE this becomes apparent fairly easily.

I wish that Pat and I had had more time on another day in another place and perhaps he would have been able to analyze what I am doing and perhaps he would tried what I know so that he could have figured out the missing piece of the puzzle. But we didn't and so it will have to wait until another time.

Patrick Johnson

Fish of the Day
Silver Member
if you just keep duplicating that setup vertically down, it seems obvious (to me) that there is a finite number of aim points that would get you every shot in the corner pocket. Maybe 7? 9? Not 50.
It takes 15 aim points to make any shot on the long string near the pocket (ignoring some space at the top of the string to put a cue ball) - more on strings farther away. The drawing below shows how this is true, but it may take some staring and scratching to understand.

Each two contiguous balls (and any ball between them) can be made in the upper right corner pocket (5" wide) with the same cut angle. Each ball can be made with the cut angle of both balls contiguous to it. So they show when the angle must change and the maximum it can change without leaving any OBs that can't be made.

For illustration, the common cut angle for each of the first two pairs of balls is shown by parallel lines of matched color (red or white) - these lines show that both balls will fit between the pocket points using the same cut angle. By cheating the pocket the maximum amount one way or the other, the second ball can be made using either cut angle #1 (cheating the pocket to the right) or cut angle #2 (cheating the pocket to the left) - this dictates the change in cut angle from #1 to #2, ensuring there are no gaps between OBs that can be made.

Cut Angles on Long String - POOL TABLE.jpg

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