wood gradation


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
im curious: what is it?
for example: McD sells cues that has A grade of wood for $200 while some others say that they made their cues from AA or even AAA grade of wood and sellem cheaper
what does this graduation based on?is it cosmetic appearance or durability and quality?or is it some fiction?):)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
im curious: what is it?
for example: McD sells cues that has A grade of wood for $200 while some others say that they made their cues from AA or even AAA grade of wood and sellem cheaper
what does this graduation based on?is it cosmetic appearance or durability and quality?or is it some fiction?):)

In my opinion it is all opinion. Hope this helps.



Silver Member
im curious: what is it?
for example: McD sells cues that has A grade of wood for $200 while some others say that they made their cues from AA or even AAA grade of wood and sellem cheaper
what does this graduation based on?is it cosmetic appearance or durability and quality?or is it some fiction?):)

I think this is a can of worms for a player. All a player should be concerned with is whether or not they are happy with their cue and their purchase, NOT what "grade" wood was used.

As long as you trust the person who made the cue, I really don't think these questions are really relevant. When I bought my McWorter, I knew nothing about cues except it looked great and hit just as well.

If you start examining ring count and getting 20 different opinions, the "thought" of having purchased a "lesser" quality product will ruin the whole experience.

If you are asking about wood suppliers, then I suggest you buy samples of each grade and judge for yourself.
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Maker of Joey Bautista Cues
Silver Member
If it's on Ebay, it'd be glorified to the max and some poor soul starting out cuemaker will get suckered and get a run-around when he calls back for a refund on the crappy dowels he received that were supposed to AAA grade.:eek:
Joey~Thinks you can't make a cue for a living with A grade woods for $200~