WPBA Rankings don't look right


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Wyoming Will, this is a sample points ranking that I came up with... Any thoughts are welcome! :D

1_______10000 pts
2_______7500 pts
3-4_____6000 pts
5-8_____4500 pts
9-16____3500 pts
17-24___2500 pts
25-32___1750 pts
33-48___1000 pts
49-64____500 pts



facets58 said:
Wyoming Will, this is a sample points ranking that I came up with... Any thoughts are welcome! :D

1_______10000 pts
2_______7500 pts
3-4_____6000 pts
5-8_____4500 pts
9-16____3500 pts
17-24___2500 pts
25-32___1750 pts
33-48___1000 pts
49-64____500 pts


I like 1 and 2 but think that 3-4 should not be as close to 2...maybe 5000...and scaled down from there. Actually, maybe #2 is only half the achievement of #1 but certainly 4th is not 80% of the achievement as


Melissa Herndon

Pro Player
Silver Member
Johnnyt said:
I don't see any of the top five or ten players sitting on the board. If a top player was on the board and said no to the new ratings, would it matter? Me thinks not. Me thinks what ever the queen bee wants the queen bee get's. Johnnyt

None of the top 10 ranked players have run for the Board of Directors in years.

And I don't know who you think the queen bee is, but there are 7 on the Board of Directors, and we make decisions as a group of 7.

And decisions affecting rules, formats, rankings....these are all voted on by the membership. Alternate break...voted on by the membership. Redraw at 16...voted on by the membership. The new points system....voted on by the membership.



Member, .25% Club
Silver Member
sjm said:
Melissa, with all due repsect from one who admires both you and the WPBA as much as anyone on the planet......

Allison Fisher has every right to say that she is presently dominating the WPBA tour. Not only should she be #1, but she should have a very big lead over #2. For her to be ranked #6, well that's just a joke.

I'm in whole-hearted agreement. This is "The Emperor's New Ranking System" (and Allison is most assuredly NOT in the royal good graces).

I am all for a "Player of the Year" and a separate "Number One Player" - with cumulative statistics to determine the overall number one. In the current system not only are they the same; but the method of choosing that player is just wrong.

Just voting on a system (with motives as yet, and probably forever, undisclosed) does NOT make it valid to the true fans of the game. No right minded fan could think that Allison is not number one in both areas.

A single two and out should never be held as more important than tournament victories - any ranking system that does so is fundamentally and fatally flawed. The sport will find that when true competitive genius is not rewarded; the fans will ignore the sport in droves - it will be hard to gain acceptance as a serious sport with such a system continuously drawing ridicule.

If all the members want viewership at the expense of the competitive fairness of the sport (which is my view of the motives so far), it will not be long until we are subjected to the new "Women's ESPN Three-Ball and Mud Wrestling Championships" with winners to be chosen by the fan's call-in votes. It seems inevitable.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I can definitely see both sides here. On the Board's side, they want to look for ways of making things different and making things more exciting. With their decisions, they probably understand the risk of upsetting some people? Melissa, have any players (not on the Board of Directors) expressed any negative feelings towards the new system?

I brought up the tennis similarity that the last few posters have talked about (having a rolling yearly ranking and a "best of the year" ranking). I do get the point that, as of right now, Allison isn't the best player this year (so far) due to going 2-and-out. Obviously, that is an anomaly, but it will hurt when no one else around her goes out early too (I believe Jeanette is the only other top player to gout 2-and-out this year).

With the mention of Roger Federer (my favorite; so sad he's losing the #1 ranking), he hasn't been the top player in 2008 all year (in the "best of the year" ranking) since he hasn't won a grand slam. However, due to his consistency, he's still been number 1 until this past month.

It's definitely exciting this year on the WPBA. Unfortunately for Allison, the timing was the absolute worst for her to go 2-and-out. There are only 3 more events and with them counting 4 for the seeding, the 150 points from the US Open will stick with her until next year.

In a way, I think this is good because whether it's a policy people like or dislike, it's gets everyone talking. And, there's that saying that any press is good press (or something like that).

Melissa, when there was discussion on changing the rankings (both by restarting every year and using only 4 tournaments for seeding purposes), was there discussion about revamping the point distribution system?



Member, .25% Club
Silver Member
Pjadedd said:
I do get the point that, as of right now, Allison isn't the best player this year (so far) due to going 2-and-out.


Just because the current rankings say this, doesn't really make it a defensible point. Players may have a bad week due to health issues, family issues, or even luck issues (believe it or not, in short race 9-ball strange things can happen). No decent ranking system should give that much weight to what might just be an anomaly.

I wonder if the current system differentiates between a bad week and a week off. Are we going to encourage players to play when they shouldn't; or to not play when they should? Either way, if such weight is given to "two and out" it is a new issue for the ambitious player.

One player this year played a week and a half after a very major surgery - should they have sat out instead of competing??? Such considerations are the antithesis of most people's idea of a good ranking system.


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
When are the present terms of the 7 that sit on the board now up? Are ALL 7 up at once? I can't seem to find that info. Johnnyt

JB Cases

Silver Member
Geez, you know what, we wouldn't even be discussing this if this system had been in place when Allison started on the WPBA.

The PLAYERS voted for it. Maybe Allie voted against it but without the other 100 or so women on the Pro Tour who dutifully PAY their entry fee each tournament then there wouldn't be any tour to dominate.

Kelly Fisher is a LEGITIMATE NUMBER ONE player under the CURRENT system adopted by the PLAYERS who compete on the TOUR.

We always gripe about how the players always get shafted and how they don't control anything and yada yada..... but as soon as things don't got the way the FANS want it but instead the WAY the Players want it then let's just yank that control right away from the stupid players.

NO ONE is looking at the flip side of this. Under the CURRENT system it is much harder to reach number one and much harder to hold it.

And in the end WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT? IF in the next two years a player manages to hold on to number one then they certainly will have proven that they are dominant under a MUCH HARDER SYSTEM to do that.

There is NO DOUBT that Allision has dominated women's professional pool for the last 15 years based on her record.

However RIGHT NOW Kelly Fisher is the legitimate Number One Player on the Women's Professional Billiards Tour. Next tournament she might not be.

Don't belittle all the work that she and all the OTHER women are putting into their games to be competitive. It's just as hard for them. Don't think that any of them care to be facing Allison no matter what the format is.

This particular tournament shook things up in a very unique way. You had two NEW players finish very high, you had the number one player go two and out - an almost unthinkable thing. Normally she would be on cruise control and finish top five at least. And you had a driven, capable player who has not shown us her best game consistently do what she does best, finish high and with a little bit of luck finish first!

This tournament was not just about Allie going two and out it was about newcomers finishing high and taking points away from established players. it was more than an anomally, it was formal notice of changing of the guard under the new PLAYER APPROVED format.


I haven't read a single post that belittles Kelly. I may have missed it but if I did, I hereby refer to any such post as nonsense.

Having said that, you stated that there is "nothing wrong" with the current system but there is. Any system wherein the winner of 2 of only 4 events is in SIXTH place is fundamentally, statistically flawed...at least from fairness and logical points of view.

It MIGHT be right from a MARKETING point of view. We'll just have to wait and see what the ratings are on the U.S. Open event.

The other aspect of the new rules that is patently unfair is the final 16 reshuffle to single elimination which can and I think has resulted in a one loss player being sent home with chump change in prize money and another one loss player winning the event!

Possibly that has not happened...I'm not sure...but obviously, it could happen.

Actually, I am not against sudden death with 4 players left which eliminates the possible need for two matches between the same two players at the end of the tournament...in a true double elimination event.

But I am NOT in favor of sudden death with as many as 16 players left.

But here's the deal. Will the new rules/rankings lead to an improvement in TV ratings? Or will the ratings remain about the same...or will they decline?

Those questions WILL be answered and when they are, we'll see whehter the new rules are right or wrong from a BUSINESS point of view.


JB Cases said:
Geez, you know what, we wouldn't even be discussing this if this system had been in place when Allison started on the WPBA.

The PLAYERS voted for it. Maybe Allie voted against it but without the other 100 or so women on the Pro Tour who dutifully PAY their entry fee each tournament then there wouldn't be any tour to dominate.

Kelly Fisher is a LEGITIMATE NUMBER ONE player under the CURRENT system adopted by the PLAYERS who compete on the TOUR.

We always gripe about how the players always get shafted and how they don't control anything and yada yada..... but as soon as things don't got the way the FANS want it but instead the WAY the Players want it then let's just yank that control right away from the stupid players.

NO ONE is looking at the flip side of this. Under the CURRENT system it is much harder to reach number one and much harder to hold it.

And in the end WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT? IF in the next two years a player manages to hold on to number one then they certainly will have proven that they are dominant under a MUCH HARDER SYSTEM to do that.

There is NO DOUBT that Allision has dominated women's professional pool for the last 15 years based on her record.

However RIGHT NOW Kelly Fisher is the legitimate Number One Player on the Women's Professional Billiards Tour. Next tournament she might not be.

Don't belittle all the work that she and all the OTHER women are putting into their games to be competitive. It's just as hard for them. Don't think that any of them care to be facing Allison no matter what the format is.

This particular tournament shook things up in a very unique way. You had two NEW players finish very high, you had the number one player go two and out - an almost unthinkable thing. Normally she would be on cruise control and finish top five at least. And you had a driven, capable player who has not shown us her best game consistently do what she does best, finish high and with a little bit of luck finish first!

This tournament was not just about Allie going two and out it was about newcomers finishing high and taking points away from established players. it was more than an anomally, it was formal notice of changing of the guard under the new PLAYER APPROVED format.


Anywhere but here
Silver Member
Dang, you guys are discussing who is the best there is when the WPBA already moved on to who is playing good at the present.

This ranking system is not flawed. It's just ranking for current season.

I believe if there is an incentive for ranking first at the end of the season, this is the way to go.
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JB Cases

Silver Member
av84fun said:
I haven't read a single post that belittles Kelly. I may have missed it but if I did, I hereby refer to any such post as nonsense.

Having said that, you stated that there is "nothing wrong" with the current system but there is. Any system wherein the winner of 2 of only 4 events is in SIXTH place is fundamentally, statistically flawed...at least from fairness and logical points of view.

Maybe so. But the point is that the board proposed it and the players voted on it. These are smart women, they can use a calculator as well or better than most of us. Maybe it's flawed in your view but maybe it rewards the things that the WPBA players WANT to be rewarded more highly than just winning. Then again, perhaps they agree with you and will tweak it next year using suggestions from the smart people on this board.

But to suggest that a player who has also been to each tournament and played under the same system is not a legitimate number one is crazy. Kelly earned this distinction fairly through good play.

It MIGHT be right from a MARKETING point of view. We'll just have to wait and see what the ratings are on the U.S. Open event.

I very much doubt that the ratings will change much. Nor do I think that this was the reason the system was changed. However I don't know and haven't asked.

The other aspect of the new rules that is patently unfair is the final 16 reshuffle to single elimination which can and I think has resulted in a one loss player being sent home with chump change in prize money and another one loss player winning the event!

That's how you see it. Another way to look at it is that the first rounds are qualifying rounds where everyone gets two shots to make it into the single elimination round. Everyone knows the rules, the PLAYERS voted on this way to run the tournament.

Possibly that has not happened...I'm not sure...but obviously, it could happen.

Sure it could and that is what makes it more exciting and pressure packed. I am guessing that players of Allison's caliber feel less pressure when they have a second shot at the tournament all the way through. Now it's a much tougher road to the winner's circle. Especially with the REALLY UNFAIR races to seven at the end of the tournament.

Actually, I am not against sudden death with 4 players left which eliminates the possible need for two matches between the same two players at the end of the tournament...in a true double elimination event.

But I am NOT in favor of sudden death with as many as 16 players left.

But here's the deal. Will the new rules/rankings lead to an improvement in TV ratings? Or will the ratings remain about the same...or will they decline?

Those questions WILL be answered and when they are, we'll see whehter the new rules are right or wrong from a BUSINESS point of view.

I guess the only ones who will care about it will be the players in the end. Will they see that the income level goes up on average? Will the income level of the top players go down as the income level of the rest of the field goes up? Was this part of the reason for changing the system?

But WHATEVER the reasons it is what it is and all the players know what the system is - they all have to play under the same conditions and whoever can fade the pressure is legitimately and fairly ranked under the system.

Now, I will concede that Allison, as the dominant player, has far more to lose. This totally blows for her. On the other hand though Allison has enjoyed an illustrious career under a system that was perfect for a player of her caliber to dominate. She has received (earned) the most money from the WPBA system in the last 15 years. Dropping in rankings and finishing less than top three are things that will definitely not sit well with the game's most dominant player.

I, for one, find it more exciting as a fan to watch what happens under this system. I was not aware of the change in systems and was under the impression that Allison had number one locked up for the next decade or so. Be interesting to see where this goes.


crosseyedjoe said:
Dang, you guys are discussing who is the best there is when the WPBA already moved on to who is playing good at the present.

This ranking system is not flawed. It's just ranking for current season.

I believe if there is an incentive for ranking first at the end of the season, this is the way to go.

I think you are missing the point. In the current season, Allison has won 2 of 4 events..placed 5-8 once and say placed 64th (or whatever) at the Open. She is 6th.

Sarah Ellerby (no disrespect intended to a fine player) has placed 9-16 twice...3-4 and 5-8 but ranks 5th.

That simply makes no sense...at least not to me... and is a function of the points for the lower places being FAR too high relative to the higher places.

I don't know the prize money totals this year but I would guess that Allison is not 6th in prize money which only further reduces the credibility of the ranking points.

If, in fact, Allison is 6th in prize money as well as points then I have much less of a problem with the ranking.



Originally Posted by av84fun
I haven't read a single post that belittles Kelly. I may have missed it but if I did, I hereby refer to any such post as nonsense.

Having said that, you stated that there is "nothing wrong" with the current system but there is. Any system wherein the winner of 2 of only 4 events is in SIXTH place is fundamentally, statistically flawed...at least from fairness and logical points of view.

Maybe so. But the point is that the board proposed it and the players voted on it. These are smart women, they can use a calculator as well or better than most of us. Maybe it's flawed in your view but maybe it rewards the things that the WPBA players WANT to be rewarded more highly than just winning. Then again, perhaps they agree with you and will tweak it next year using suggestions from the smart people on this board.

Granted the players voted on it and therefore, the changes were "democratic." Not to get into a debate on political science but democracy is not necessarily "fair" to all citizens. In fact, it is generally UNFAIR to large numbers of people.

Women were denied the vote in our democracy and blacks had less than one vote per person in the same democracy.

Of course, all the voting players had a right to vote as they saw fit and when they were given the opportunity to cast a vote that was unfairly biased in the favor of just about everyone other than Allison, they took it and so would every other group of people cast in the same situation.

I am NOT being critical of the players who voted for their own benefit as well they should.

But the fans have a right to have opinions on the fairness of the rules for all concerned and there are quite a few of us who believe the rules are unfair to Allison.

But to suggest that a player who has also been to each tournament and played under the same system is not a legitimate number one is crazy. Kelly earned this distinction fairly through good play.

It's not that Kelly being #1 is illegitimate because it is not. She is #1 because the rules say she is #1. But being the legitimate #1 does not necessarily mean that she is the FAIR #1 or the LOGICAL #1.

Don't get me wrong. I have met Kelly a number of times and think she is a GREAT person and a GREAT player who is improving all the time and who can play JAM UP. I am personally thrilled about her current success.

That's how you see it. Another way to look at it is that the first rounds are qualifying rounds where everyone gets two shots to make it into the single elimination round. Everyone knows the rules, the PLAYERS voted on this way to run the tournament.

I can't agree that a way to look at it is that the first rounds are qualifying rounds because they are not. And again, the players voted democratically but the RESULT of the vote was to increase the odds that their toughest competitor...BY FAR...would be more likely to get knocked out of the finals.

THAT is the reason that the rules were changed quite obviously. Certainly no one would suggest that the new rule makes it more likely that Allison would be IN the finals, so we all should just call a spade a spade and express out opinions as to whether we like spades more or less than diamonds, hearts or clubs.

If were going to have a democracy than the expression of such opinions should be defended to the death...not called crazy...especially since they are not crazy.

Sure it could and that is what makes it more exciting and pressure packed. I am guessing that players of Allison's caliber feel less pressure when they have a second shot at the tournament all the way through. Now it's a much tougher road to the winner's circle. Especially with the REALLY UNFAIR races to seven at the end of the tournament.

Races to 7 aren't "unfair" because ALL the finalists play races to 7. Unfair would be to single out certain players and make those races 8/7 or to give games on the wire to lower ranked players.

These are pros in the big league and not league players who get handicapped.

As a matter of fact, if races to 7 ARE unfair, they are more unfair to Allison. If the problem with short races is that the lesser player can "get the rolls" and beat the better player...that favors most other players and disfavors Allison.

But it really doesn't make much difference in the long run. If they played races to ONE, Allison would still be the dominant player because she has won more individual GAMES than the other players...by a LOT.

Sure as hell would get the players to practice their lags a lot though!!



JB Cases said:
I guess the only ones who will care about it will be the players in the end. Will they see that the income level goes up on average? Will the income level of the top players go down as the income level of the rest of the field goes up? Was this part of the reason for changing the system?

But WHATEVER the reasons it is what it is and all the players know what the system is - they all have to play under the same conditions and whoever can fade the pressure is legitimately and fairly ranked under the system.

Now, I will concede that Allison, as the dominant player, has far more to lose. This totally blows for her. On the other hand though Allison has enjoyed an illustrious career under a system that was perfect for a player of her caliber to dominate. She has received (earned) the most money from the WPBA system in the last 15 years. Dropping in rankings and finishing less than top three are things that will definitely not sit well with the game's most dominant player.

I, for one, find it more exciting as a fan to watch what happens under this system. I was not aware of the change in systems and was under the impression that Allison had number one locked up for the next decade or so. Be interesting to see where this goes.


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
Might be a little off subject here but I think if they went back to winner break, true double elim., and money won rating system right now, that no one will dominate. Now you not only have Allison and Karen, you have Ga Young Kim, X Pan, Kelly F., Monica, Sarah E., Jasmin, Iris Ramola, Anna K, Yu Ram Cha...any of which could win it all on any given Sunday IMO. There will still be a top 10 or 12, but I don't think you will see a top two anymore. As far as the other 50 winning a tournament they need more practice or a few on the wire right now. :) . Johnnyt


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Williebetmore said:
Just because the current rankings say this, doesn't really make it a defensible point. Players may have a bad week due to health issues, family issues, or even luck issues (believe it or not, in short race 9-ball strange things can happen). No decent ranking system should give that much weight to what might just be an anomaly.

I wonder if the current system differentiates between a bad week and a week off. Are we going to encourage players to play when they shouldn't; or to not play when they should? Either way, if such weight is given to "two and out" it is a new issue for the ambitious player.

One player this year played a week and a half after a very major surgery - should they have sat out instead of competing??? Such considerations are the antithesis of most people's idea of a good ranking system.

I disagree. Unfortunately for the WPBA, they don't have the luxury of other sports (again, like tennis) where players get the opportunity to shine on a weekly basis. They have a year-long calendar, but only play seven events this year. Having one bad tournament (even after winning two) while the rest of the top is consistently having high finishes will impact your ranking.

However, I will admit that there appear to be some flaws. Dropping from first to sixth due to one tournament is very harsh. While I do believe one tournament (especially if you go 2-and-out) should impact your ranking when there are so few events during a year, such a drop does seem somewhat off.

There was also a point that Kelly would've been number 1 without a title in 16 months had she only made the final. Sorry for bringing up tennis again, but the same thing happened in women's game. A player (Jelena Jankovic) is going to be the new number 1, and she never won a Grand Slam. She just plays a lot and is very consistent. There are times when ranking systems reward consistency. Obviously, whether that is good or bad is still up to each person to decide (I admit that I'm on the fence).

And, as for the point concerning injuries and illness, and then deciding to play, I would never suggest that someone plays when she is not ready. That, again, is a decision any athlete in any sport has to make, regardless of ranking system. No player should come back before she is ready because the risk may be greater to do further harm.

Using the WPBA's site, I was able to do calculations for the last 8 tournaments (the brackets for the last 2 to make 10 were not working for me). Assuming last year's US Open still used the regular points and not the added 50%, Allison would now be ranked number 2 behind Kelly (by 1225 points).

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Clique Wannabe
Silver Member
facets58 said:
The #1 ranked player should not drop from #1 to #6

I couldn't disagree more. Allison dropped because she went 2 and out. She had an extremely favorable draw being the #1 seed and she couldn't win a single match. Just ask the Michigan Wolverines what happens to your ranking when you lose to an opponent that you're clearly favored (and expected) to beat.


David J. Baranski
Silver Member
poolsnark said:
I couldn't disagree more. Allison dropped because she went 2 and out. She had an extremely favorable draw being the #1 seed and she couldn't win a single match. Just ask the Michigan Wolverines what happens to your ranking when you lose to an opponent that you're clearly favored (and expected) to beat.
Apples and oranges. College Football rankings are totally subjective, while the WPBA system is based on one factor, where you finish. That's the way the WPBA should be set up, but if they don't give enough points for winning an event, they've basically made it so that #1 is a revolving door, and therefore, in my eyes, meaningless. If they're going to keep this ranking system, why not just change it so that whoever won the last tournament is number 1, whoever finished 2nd is number 2, and so on. That would be just as stupid as what they've got going on now.



Anywhere but here
Silver Member
av84fun said:
I think you are missing the point. In the current season, Allison has won 2 of 4 events..placed 5-8 once and say placed 64th (or whatever) at the Open. She is 6th.

Sarah Ellerby (no disrespect intended to a fine player) has placed 9-16 twice...3-4 and 5-8 but ranks 5th.

That simply makes no sense...at least not to me... and is a function of the points for the lower places being FAR too high relative to the higher places.

I don't know the prize money totals this year but I would guess that Allison is not 6th in prize money which only further reduces the credibility of the ranking points.

If, in fact, Allison is 6th in prize money as well as points then I have much less of a problem with the ranking.


So your point is really questioning why US Open has been given a bigger weight and not really the ranking system?

Going back to the original post, the ranking that was posted is for the current season and not for the all time best.

Some of you are somehow affected by the "celebrity factor." Yes, we all know that Allison and Karen are the top 2 players of this era, but somehow we are forgetting the Allison didn't do well in the US Open, and some of you still think that that dismal showing shouldn't have affected her current ranking because she is truly the best. The William sisters of tennis should be rank 1 and 2 if that is the case even if they only play selected tournaments because of their strong showing on tournaments that they played on. The ranking system is not designed to determine who is the best, it's designed to guage who is doing well.

I don't like tweaking the ranking system here and there just to make it "seem" right. It will be more problematic and, at worst, more controversial. I prefer sticking to the standard that was agreed upon.

Money is also not good way to determine the ranking or at least predict ranking as the money won is not proportional to the points garnered by the players. Case in point, winners of 9-Ball WPC will very well end up on top even if they don't do well on other tournaments. Dennis Orcullo is rank no. 1 but is only 3rd in the money list.
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Wyoming Will

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
crosseyedjoe said:
So your point is really questioning why US Open has been given a bigger weight and not really the ranking system?

We should just follow the money. That seems to be the most accurate score at this point.