

Silver Member

What do you mean "wtf"? It sounds as if he did everything he could do for his opponent, and in what sounds like in a sportsmanlike way. I'm not a huge Danny H. fan by any stretch....but he is 100% right about he rules on 3-fouling a player.

It seems as though he did everything right....but that's just one side of the story.

I thought the comment he made about straight pool actually being professional (knocking 9-ball a little bit) was hilarious.


decent dennis

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What do you mean "wtf"? It sounds as if he did everything he could do for his opponent, and in what sounds like in a sportsmanlike way. I'm not a huge Danny H. fan by any stretch....but he is 100% right about he rules on 3-fouling a player.

It seems as though he did everything right....but that's just one side of the story.

I thought the comment he made about straight pool actually being professional (knocking 9-ball a little bit) was hilarious.


Sportsmanlike!!! He knew he was on two fouls and after the third pulled this crap!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What do you mean "wtf"? It sounds as if he did everything he could do for his opponent, and in what sounds like in a sportsmanlike way. I'm not a huge Danny H. fan by any stretch....but he is 100% right about he rules on 3-fouling a player.

It seems as though he did everything right....but that's just one side of the story.

I thought the comment he made about straight pool actually being professional (knocking 9-ball a little bit) was hilarious.


If I remember correctly, his opponent didn't speak much english and likely didn't understand what harriman was saying.


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
I like DH....but he is out of line here.

Reffed matches would solve a lot of bs.


Silver Member
If I remember correctly, his opponent didn't speak much english and likely didn't understand what harriman was saying.

That's not Danny H's problem, imo. He still MUST warn Danny that he's on two fouls when Danny comes back to the table...if that's the rules...and apparently that was the rule for this tournament. Ken Shuman ruled in favor of Danny apparently, so...........



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I always thought it was to be told before the next trip to the table even in the other players turn I had to look up the rule to see and it does say

6.14 Three Consecutive Fouls
If a player fouls three times without making an intervening legal shot, it is a serious foul. In games scored by the rack, such as nine ball, the fouls must be in a single rack. Some games such as eight ball do not include this rule.
The referee must warn a shooter who is on two fouls when he comes to the table that he is on two fouls. Otherwise a possible third foul will be considered to be only the second.

He was right and following the rules as they are written.


Silver Member
Sportsmanlike!!! He knew he was on two fouls and after the third pulled this crap!

A LOT of players know they are on two fouls when indeed they are......doesn't change the rule any to where the outgoing player MUST inform the incoming player that he is on two fouls while he (the player on two fouls) is coming to the table.

I see it where Danny broke no rules, written or sportsmanship....but once again, that's just my opinion...the way I see it.....not saying I'm right or wrong....just how I view this.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
That's not Danny H's problem, imo. He still MUST warn Danny that he's on two fouls when Danny comes back to the table...if that's the rules...and apparently that was the rule for this tournament. Ken Shuman ruled in favor of Danny apparently, so...........


The referee is always right, even when he ain't! :wink:


Ready, fire...aim
Silver Member
Standup Guy

He was saying "I am a sleezy hustler that will work a technicality in my favor because I konw you dont understand a word I am saying, right?" He stated you were on two, you saw the table and knew he was going to lock you down so you whined a little and got your story straight. You missed your chance to erase the two and then cried foul. Now the tourney director has to go along with you so the match isnt called into question. I have an 8 year old that knows thats wrong. What a douche.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
A LOT of players know they are on two fouls when indeed they are......doesn't change the rule any to where the outgoing player MUST inform the incoming player that he is on two fouls while he (the player on two fouls) is coming to the table.

I see it where Danny broke no rules, written or sportsmanship....but once again, that's just my opinion...the way I see it.....not saying I'm right or wrong....just how I view this.


Danny is correct just as the ref. explained.

Maniac actually it's not just your opinion, it's what the rules state, so it was also the ref's opinion.

I love people who try to say that Danny was wrong, if you don't like the rule campaign to have the rule
changed, but don't try to jump on Danny when you don't have a leg to stand on in this situation.

Sorry but you don't get to say Danny should play by the rules, the way you see them, not how it works.
Opinions are just that, opinions. That's why they have rules.
It's also each players own responsibility to know the rules, not Danny's to teach him.
Last edited:


Ready, fire...aim
Silver Member
Which Rules

I dont know the specific rules they were playing under but it sounds like "you must inform your oppenent as he approaches the table or after "the inning has been completed" is an interpretation.

8.2 THREE CONSECUTIVE FOULS: If a shooter commits a foul three times in a row without making an intervening legal shot, the result is a loss of game. The three consecutive fouls must occur in one game; fouls do not carry over to next game. A warning must be given by the referee (or by the opponent if referee is not present) before the possible third foul for the foul to be a loss of game.

Technically, he did warn him prior to his third foul. Do they need to start having the other player sign affidavits that they are on two and have been warned properly?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
He was saying "I am a sleezy hustler that will work a technicality in my favor because I konw you dont understand a word I am saying, right?" He stated you were on two, you saw the table and knew he was going to lock you down so you whined a little and got your story straight. You missed your chance to erase the two and then cried foul. Now the tourney director has to go along with you so the match isnt called into question. I have an 8 year old that knows thats wrong. What a douche.

So now we are going to knock the players for actually knowing the rules and abiding by them?


Don Pearce
Silver Member
I always thought it was to be told before the next trip to the table even in the other players turn I had to look up the rule to see and it does say

6.14 Three Consecutive Fouls
If a player fouls three times without making an intervening legal shot, it is a serious foul. In games scored by the rack, such as nine ball, the fouls must be in a single rack. Some games such as eight ball do not include this rule.
The referee must warn a shooter who is on two fouls when he comes to the table that he is on two fouls. Otherwise a possible third foul will be considered to be only the second.

He was right and following the rules as they are written.

So shall it be written; so shall it be done.


Ready, fire...aim
Silver Member
Tecas Express

Again, I dont have a copy of the tourney rules but they typically state they are either following Texas Express or US 9 Balll rules. The last were the US Rules. Here are Texas Express:

7.1: Three Consecutive Fouls
Three fouls in a row by the same player in a single game results in a win for his or
her opponent. The opponent must warn the player when he or she has fouled twice, and
the player must acknowledge the warning. If the opponent has not warned the player and
received acknowledgement for the two fouls, and the player fouls a third time, then the
player will begin his or her next inning in the same game with two fouls.

Nothing about the exact time the warning had to be issued, only that it had to be acknowledged.
Maybe there are a different set of rules that they followed but i still think it is a cop out.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
i see his point. at first he really seems like a db for acting like this, but the rule is there for a good reason. it is so the shooter knows without a shadow of a doubt he is on two and so both players are in agreement about this. it prevents a situation where you foul and your opponent just starts grabbing balls off the table saying he won because he says that was a third foul.

it is after all possible, even in pro pool, that someone may forget or not realize they are on their third foul. if someone didn't realize this they may take a lower percentage hit than they could have if they realized if the game was on the line...

im not sure i would have acted like this because the guy did warn him, just not at the correct time is all. If he said nothing at all I would definately fight it, but in the case in the video i would have taken the loss.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Again, I dont have a copy of the tourney rules but they typically state they are either following Texas Express or US 9 Balll rules. The last were the US Rules. Here are Texas Express:

7.1: Three Consecutive Fouls
Three fouls in a row by the same player in a single game results in a win for his or
her opponent. The opponent must warn the player when he or she has fouled twice, and
the player must acknowledge the warning. If the opponent has not warned the player and
received acknowledgement for the two fouls, and the player fouls a third time, then the
player will begin his or her next inning in the same game with two fouls.

Nothing about the exact time the warning had to be issued, only that it had to be acknowledged.
Maybe there are a different set of rules that they followed but i still think it is a cop out.

The U.S. OPen 9-Ball Championship is sanctioned by the WPA
Here is the rule;

6.14 Three Consecutive Fouls
If a player fouls three times without making an intervening legal shot, it is a serious foul. In games scored by the rack, such as nine ball, the fouls must be in a single rack. Some games such as eight ball do not include this rule.
The referee must warn a shooter who is on two fouls when he comes to the table that he is on two fouls. Otherwise a possible third foul will be considered to be only the second.

Opinions are opinions, above is the rule .^^^^^^^^^


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Again, I dont have a copy of the tourney rules but they typically state they are either following Texas Express or US 9 Balll rules. The last were the US Rules. Here are Texas Express:

7.1: Three Consecutive Fouls
Three fouls in a row by the same player in a single game results in a win for his or
her opponent. The opponent must warn the player when he or she has fouled twice, and
the player must acknowledge the warning. If the opponent has not warned the player and
received acknowledgement for the two fouls, and the player fouls a third time, then the
player will begin his or her next inning in the same game with two fouls.

Nothing about the exact time the warning had to be issued, only that it had to be acknowledged.
Maybe there are a different set of rules that they followed but i still think it is a cop out.

I don't see it any different than at some tournaments you are allowed to touch another object ball, and at some you are not. No more nittier than calling a foul because you had a hair touch an object ball during all ball fouls. Rules are the rules, period. You are playing in a tournament, you are responsible to know what the rules are at the time.


WO Wedge Lock
Silver Member
My experience with Danny

I played Danny in the Maryland State 14.1 a few years ago. I had Danny on two fouls and I forgot to tell him when he approached the table. Danny calmly looked at me and said "You need to tell me when I am on two fouls". I apologized and he said no problem. In my opinion Danny acted like a Pro and cut me some slack. BTW he won that tournament!
