WTH is wrong with the last 2 balls that they can't go in???


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Once again I managed to turn into what should have been easy wins in a tournament into losses.

Both losses were because I missed the last or second to last ball in every game. And the shots I made to get to those last balls were harder than anything I missed.

Lost 3-0 and 2-0 where I should have shut out the other guy. One game I had 2 chances to make the 8, although tough shots one rattled out one hung in the jaws.

I'm going to stop competing in tournaments till I can figure out why I always miss the game winning shots even when I am in perfect shape to make them. It's no fun clearing a table in 8 ball to the 8 or second to last then miss a makable shot to watch the other guy shoot in his balls with nothing in the way.

I swear that there is something in my Karma that just does not want me winning. I leave the place pissed off at myself and that's just not fun.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Once again I managed to turn into what should have been easy wins in a tournament into losses.

Both losses were because I missed the last or second to last ball in every game. And the shots I made to get to those last balls were harder than anything I missed.

Lost 3-0 and 2-0 where I should have shut out the other guy. One game I had 2 chances to make the 8, although tough shots one rattled out one hung in the jaws.

I'm going to stop competing in tournaments till I can figure out why I always miss the game winning shots even when I am in perfect shape to make them. It's no fun clearing a table in 8 ball to the 8 or second to last then miss a makable shot to watch the other guy shoot in his balls with nothing in the way.

I swear that there is something in my Karma that just does not want me winning. I leave the place pissed off at myself and that's just not fun.

Do it all the time myself. That's why they call us amateurs lol


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
I can only speculate here but players who habitually run most of the rack and then miss at the end often have an issue with playing rhythm and slow down near the end of the rack. Try to maintain the same tempo from the beginning to the end of your run-out.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Next time you are faced with the last one or two balls, try this: Walk away from the table and take a sip of water or wipe down your shaft. Then walk back and shoot them in.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Pressure increase with every ball made. You have a problem with your conscious mind getting in the way with you subconscious mind. Quit thinking. When you have the shot figured out..before you get down on the ball..just get down and shoot it. Don't spend time over the cue ball. When any thought come into your head say the words to yourself, Stop, Stop, Stop, then shoot.


Silver Member
The irony of your screen name...... All joking aside it sounds like you have a mental block and your misses are compounding because you can't get it out of your head. Need to ignore the past and just focus on making the ball. Its just a game, stay focused and make the ball as if it were any other ball. Easier said than done but you have to find a way to put yourself in a better place mentally.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The irony of your screen name...... All joking aside it sounds like you have a mental block and your misses are compounding because you can't get it out of your head. Need to ignore the past and just focus on making the ball. Its just a game, stay focused and make the ball as if it were any other ball. Easier said than done but you have to find a way to put yourself in a better place mentally.

It's not irony, it's why I picked it. I make players look good because they don't have to work for a win against me :frown:

It's not even the last ball, when I am in line for an easy run, I miss the easy shot complete the run. Play a tough shot with tough shape, get where I need to be, then miss. Even if I get another chance in the rack, in my mind I already lost because the other player should not even be at the table again.

I don't play pool for a living, but it's not fun to lose when you know you should have won. And do it over and over week after week.

I don't even know if quiting tournaments and league till I can make every ball in practice will work since it's not the same mentally. But I don't WANT to play in tournaments since I've had 20 years of the same missing the last few balls or missing easy shots to setup a run out.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't know how to help with the second to last ball, but a lot of decent players miss the last ball.

I think a big contributor to this is that we switch from making balls and playing position to "just make the ball" mode, a mode that our brain has a lot less practice with. To avoid that switch, I recommend intentionally playing position on the last shot. Nothing fancy, just think about whether you are playing a stop/stun shop, the natural roll, whatever.

Also, a lot of people try to just slow roll the last ball in, but it's usually better to shoot it at a more comfortable speed to reduce stroke errors. Let the weight of the cue and your arm do the work without fighting it to slow down.


rack master ;)
Silver Member
You could start by changing your screen name to "sink the nine."

Put positive vibes out there, and positive things will happen. :D


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
I feel for ya.... I'm sooooo guilty.

"Getting out"....grrrr. It's very frustrating. Oh so frustrating.

Yup. I'm in the club.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Once again I managed to turn into what should have been easy wins in a tournament into losses.

Both losses were because I missed the last or second to last ball in every game. And the shots I made to get to those last balls were harder than anything I missed.

Lost 3-0 and 2-0 where I should have shut out the other guy. One game I had 2 chances to make the 8, although tough shots one rattled out one hung in the jaws.

I'm going to stop competing in tournaments till I can figure out why I always miss the game winning shots even when I am in perfect shape to make them. It's no fun clearing a table in 8 ball to the 8 or second to last then miss a makable shot to watch the other guy shoot in his balls with nothing in the way.

I swear that there is something in my Karma that just does not want me winning. I leave the place pissed off at myself and that's just not fun.

Some players have a fear of failure while others have a fear of success. Check out Pleasures of Small Motions. It sounds like your motivations are different playing in tournaments than they are in league. Maybe you are too focused on the outcome in one scenario vs the other.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Probably the only thing I like about APA 9 ball is that the 9 isn't really a pressure shot (other than losing the break if you miss).

Cardigan Kid

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Once again I managed to turn into what should have been easy wins in a tournament into losses.

Both losses were because I missed the last or second to last ball in every game. And the shots I made to get to those last balls were harder than anything I missed.

Lost 3-0 and 2-0 where I should have shut out the other guy. One game I had 2 chances to make the 8, although tough shots one rattled out one hung in the jaws.

I'm going to stop competing in tournaments till I can figure out why I always miss the game winning shots even when I am in perfect shape to make them. It's no fun clearing a table in 8 ball to the 8 or second to last then miss a makable shot to watch the other guy shoot in his balls with nothing in the way.

I swear that there is something in my Karma that just does not want me winning. I leave the place pissed off at myself and that's just not fun.

"PLAY GREAT POOL" by Mark Wilson.
Chapter 9 page 59
Mental game in competition.

This is a chapter that is worth the price of the book for you. A must read. The entire book has set me on a new course.


Silver Member
It's not irony, it's why I picked it. I make players look good because they don't have to work for a win against me :frown:

It's not even the last ball, when I am in line for an easy run, I miss the easy shot complete the run. Play a tough shot with tough shape, get where I need to be, then miss. Even if I get another chance in the rack, in my mind I already lost because the other player should not even be at the table again.

I don't play pool for a living, but it's not fun to lose when you know you should have won. And do it over and over week after week.

I don't even know if quiting tournaments and league till I can make every ball in practice will work since it's not the same mentally. But I don't WANT to play in tournaments since I've had 20 years of the same missing the last few balls or missing easy shots to setup a run out.

Read the book "The Inner Game of Tennis"


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Easy to say hard to do

Nonsense like "I swear that there is something in my Karma that just does not want me winning" and "I make players look good because they don't have to work for a win against me " and "in my mind I already lost because the other player should not even be at the table again." HAS TO STOP.

I've struggled with this in the past and once in a while I catch myself and have to correct myself.

You're consciously and subconsciously killing your game. If you're a book reader then small motions is a must read and I also really like The Art of Mental Training.

You need to start telling yourself the right things in your head and even out loud (probably when you're alone).

When you get down to a couple of balls you NEED to tell yourself:

I'm a good player
I can make this
I believe in myself
I got shape for this shot
I want to advance

and anything else that comes to mind. This might sound silly and I sure as !@# wouldn't suggest this to some of the bar players I run across but you're here and this is how you fix it.


Allen Brown

Pool Whale
Silver Member
Maybe you are like me and just flat out suck at playing pool. This is why I give people the last 3 so they wont have our problem...LOL.


OP, take some comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Many of us have the same affliction.

I generally feel like I suffer from a drop in focus. Once I get past the "hard part" of a rack I don't continue with the same attention to detail. Consequently, I've adjusted my practice to focus on finishing the run.


Shoot...don't talk
Silver Member
When I start to feel the pressure I fall back on
my mechanics. I realized a long time ago that
the pressure fouls up the mechanics so when
the pressure shot is on I concentrate on getting
the mechanics right. PSR, stroke and finish. I
never think about making the ball, it just goes

Good Rolls,


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I don't know how to help with the second to last ball, but a lot of decent players miss the last ball.

I think a big contributor to this is that we switch from making balls and playing position to "just make the ball" mode, a mode that our brain has a lot less practice with. To avoid that switch, I recommend intentionally playing position on the last shot. Nothing fancy, just think about whether you are playing a stop/stun shop, the natural roll, whatever.

Also, a lot of people try to just slow roll the last ball in, but it's usually better to shoot it at a more comfortable speed to reduce stroke errors. Let the weight of the cue and your arm do the work without fighting it to slow down.

This is what helped me with this problem. I just play the 9 for an easy position somewhere on the table and it keeps me from getting complacent.