Your favorite "stroke" shot

Cardigan Kid

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Now we're talking! I love the stroke shots.

Yours in the video is one I like. I don't have a favorite, but basically like any shot that moves the CB considerably, especially when it takes CB spin to alter the route.

I made this video of 24 stroke shots about 8 years ago. They aren't my favorites, as they mainly go to scratch routes, but adaptations to these form the basis of many shots I love to play.


That is some sweet juice on that cue ball, Colin.
Nice video!

Cardigan Kid

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here is one I like to do, near straight in, using inside english almost to the miscue limit.

Really, there just isn't much else better in life than standing at the end of your own gold crown ball return and firing shots in with perfect English to return the cue to you, and you reach down grab another object ball, and repeat.

You captured that in your video. Well done.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My favorite shot is the stop shot........when properly executed, it's like simply connecting the dots on a mapped table runout.......bam........bam.......bam.........bam.......nice smooth strokes where the cue ball stops like it had Velcro......the coolest shot is the table length draw for position which so many players overstroke.....but my personal favorite shot remains the stop shot.

Matt B.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Here's another I like: isn't always fun to pocket a ball in the side at an angle and just see how much running english you can put on it? I love that!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Now we're talking! I love the stroke shots.

Yours in the video is one I like. I don't have a favorite, but basically like any shot that moves the CB considerably, especially when it takes CB spin to alter the route.

I made this video of 24 stroke shots about 8 years ago. They aren't my favorites, as they mainly go to scratch routes, but adaptations to these form the basis of many shots I love to play.


Hey Colin,

The link goes to YouTube but then I get video not available. Any chance you can repost it?