your paying too much for cues


Well-known member
looking for a west Germany lamy 2k.
I've got one. Wasn't keen on 2Ks, but caught a little bit of a bug after getting a Bauhaus blue from a friend. Found one on Xianyu that needed minor repairs. Pelikan is the GOAT of German pens imo. Seconded by Soennecken.
prefer built in piston systems.
Same, pistons or vacfillers only for me (minus the odd pen here or there)
They still work flawlessly but I don’t have ink in pens I don’t use. Maybe 2 pens filled at the oat at any given time.
Same pretty much. I used to keep one at work, but it was stolen (bit if a sour point). Now two at my desk, one in my daily carry.
My signature color is Orange. Have been using noodle ink for years now.
Which Orange is your go to? I like J.Herbin - Orange Indien - I have hundreds of inks. Kobe/Nagasawa Melancholic Blue is probably a favorite.
I want to go purple but it’s hard to find a nice purple.
J.Herbin - Poussíere de lune is a lovely purple.
I don’t use black or blue ink.
You're missing out on some fantastic shimmers and sheens. But each to their own.


Well-known member
Slightly off-topic 😅
Well we have a common interest.

I like Pelikans and have a German friend and showed him my pen. He immediately recognized the pelican beak on the clip. Said he used them all through school as a kid. They were as common as the pencil. He said he used pelikans but nothing like the one I showed him. It was a pelican 215. LOL

I love Lang 2k and consider it one of the best. It’s very modern with a small nib. Nobody will notice it’s a fountain. This was a 60’s design too. I wish I got the limited blue. Hard to find now and commands a premium. The brown too.


Runde Aficianado
Gold Member
Silver Member
No pen pal porn please. Get a room please
Pilot, Pelican, Lamy 2000, looking for a west Germany lamy 2k. I have a couple of old Montblancs showing signs of hairline cracks. I prefer built in piston systems. They still work flawlessly but I don’t have ink in pens I don’t use. Maybe 2 pens filled at the oat at any given time.

My signature color is Orange. Have been using noodle ink for years now.

I want to go purple but it’s hard to find a nice purple.

I don’t use black or blue ink

Well we have a common interest.

I like Pelikans and have a German friend and showed him my pen. He immediately recognized the pelican beak on the clip. Said he used them all through school as a kid. They were as common as the pencil. He said he used pelikans but nothing like the one I showed him. It was a pelican 215. LOL

I love Lang 2k and consider it one of the best. It’s very modern with a small nib. Nobody will notice it’s a fountain. This was a 60’s design too. I wish I got the limited blue. Hard to find now and commands a premium. The brown too.
No pen pal porn please. Get a room! lol. Also, stop talking about small nibs.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Good point….So shouldn’t irregardless mean in regard to instead of “not” as its colloquial meaning is applied?
Unregardless apparently doesn’t qualify because it’s so infrequently used in contrast with irregardless that isn’t.
I've irrespective as well.
Abregardless should be fair game.
Would’ve been great having a $100 cue today in league. Or is it “an $100”. Idk??🤷‍♂️ sure you all know. The old guy on our team used my $4000 cue as his cane today for a game. Said he wasn’t shooting well with his and needed to switch sticks. He literally grabbed my stick. He walks with a limp and was using it as his cane walking around the table between shots. First time I’ve ever felt a burning desire to punch an 82 yr old in the face. I don’t let anyone use that stick.


Runde Aficianado
Gold Member
Silver Member
Would’ve been great having a $100 cue today in league. Or is it “an $100”. Idk??🤷‍♂️ sure you all know. The old guy on our team used my $4000 cue as his cane today for a game. Said he wasn’t shooting well with his and needed to switch sticks. He literally grabbed my stick. He walks with a limp and was using it as his cane walking around the table between shots. First time I’ve ever felt a burning desire to punch an 82 yr old in the face. I don’t let anyone use that stick.
No 4k cue, if I ever have one, is going to he pool hall. Your a bigger man than, or is then, me?
No 4k cue, if I ever have one, is going to he pool hall. Your a bigger man than, or is then, me?
Lolol. I had it built to play with it. Why get a stick to your specs with a design you drew up yourself to just be a case queen? Mine even has a little blood stain on the linen wrap because a dog bit me outside the hall one day before playing. But I also won’t take it to Vegas(APA) or to any shady halls. Nobody has had a cue stolen at the one I frequent. The tables are away from the bar and there are usually a lot of regulars in there.🤞🤞
No 4k cue, if I ever have one, is going to he pool hall. You’re a bigger man than, or is then, me?
And Shooter. No CF or keilwood shaft on it when it gets left on the table. Who wants a cue with a regular maple shaft these days? They think the one over there with the CF is a much more expensive piece….

Edit: plus a crappy looking 20 yr old Giuseppe case to go with it.😂😉
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Well-known member
Would’ve been great having a $100 cue today in league. Or is it “an $100”. Idk??🤷‍♂️ sure you all know. The old guy on our team used my $4000 cue as his cane today for a game. Said he wasn’t shooting well with his and needed to switch sticks. He literally grabbed my stick. He walks with a limp and was using it as his cane walking around the table between shots. First time I’ve ever felt a burning desire to punch an 82 yr old in the face. I don’t let anyone use that stick.
I don’t t mean to laugh but you are a good storyteller. I was picturing the scenario in my head. I see some old guy holding it like it was a walking stick. My heart pains for you. Lol

You are a nicer guy than me. I would have stopped him.
I don’t t mean to laugh but you are a good storyteller. I was picturing the scenario in my head. I see some old guy holding it like it was a walking stick. My heart pains for you. Lol

You are a nicer guy than me. I would have stopped him.
No joke. He was holding it about half way down the shaft limping around the table with it. He has a cane because he got hit by a car sometime or another and his hip is messed up. I got him back though. Afterwards I wiped down the cue and told him it needed the old wiped off of it.😂.

And oh well. At least he can say he played with a custom at least once. Maybe it was on his bucket list.

Btw. I’ve been looking every so often for another Giuseppe. They are nice and were the go to brand for a lot of people way back when. You had the basic(which seem to be hard to find now) and those that were a bit flashier with the metal rivets. And anyone remember tassels?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Every cue I carry is kind of expensive, except for my Stinger Break cue. But every one is just so enjoyable to play with
and the tab was paid a long time ago. When I started having to take the MDA on my IRA every year, I started adding
more expensive cues and simply traded the dollars into pool cues I designed. I didn’t need the IRA money but had to
start taking withdrawals so I converted that into ordering some custom made pool cues. Heck, at one time, I had two
different customs underway from different cue makers. In hindsight, I have more cues than I need but parting with any
just seems too hard to do. Maybe some day since I just really need a cue for each of my children and grand kids.

As far as playing in a pool hall, my case goes wherever I play. And there’s heck of a lot more in it than $4k of value.
I am not concerned about losing my cues. I am not careless with them. If I had to play at some location where it was
truly seedy and run down, I wouldn’t bother going in. I realize bad things can occur anywhere anytime and I pray that
it never befalls me. In the final analysis, it’s only property but to my way of thinking it’s my property not anyone else’s.

So unless I am donating my property to a good charitable cause, you cannot have it or take it from me & I’ll defend it.
Not my property, of course, but my person since I will physically resist anyone attempting to take it from me. And as
a vulnerable senior citizen, I have added reason to defend myself to the full extent the law allows me to do. So while
I carry my cue case, I do my best to remain aware of, and alert to, any changes to my immediate surroundings.

The satisfaction from owning a cue you had made is accomplished best by actually playing with the cue. Heck, why order something made to your exact specifications unless you are going to wear, shoot or play with it? A pool cue is not art, although some designs could easily be viewed that way. If you have a custom cue, play with it whether the cue cost
$4,000 or $10,000. Otherwise just carry a photo of it to show all your friends but do make sure you are in that photo.
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Pelzer Pete

New member
300 tops for a strictly top of the line made and hitting playing cue.

ill go to 500 for some that have to add things.

anything over that is fluff, or name brand value that has nothing to do with its playing.

go ahead and blast me or agree
I have cues (around 45) that go all the way from a 100 dollar Players up to my 2000 dollar M29B Mc Dermott. Lots of 400 to 700 dollar sticks. It all depends on how important the match is and what I'm hitting the ball well with. Name brand doesn't mean anything to me as I have several brands. I had a couple expensive cues and sold them because I have too many (jacoby, Diviney, Harris) One of my all time favorites is an EF-4 McDermott I call Awesome because it is. It doesn't matter which shagt I put on it, it simply spanks the ball.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
custom cues are nice and all my playing cues except the one always in my car as a bar cue are custom cues. made for my taste.

my point which many keep missing,, is that after the first say 300 dollars that is where the play ability cost of the cue tends to stop.

and fluff meaning inlays, special wraps, special shafts etc. are fluff for the buyer and not necessary for a playing cue.
can be worth it for many including me to make you happy or believe it helps you win or play better. some times it does.

as you can buy a great toyota for 25000 new that gets you from point a to point b, safely and comfortably. or spend much more on bigger and nicer.
that is the fluff and not necessary for the drive, but certainly nice to have.
I agree with you that at some dollar amount, you start getting diminished returns on playability. I believe that amount is more than $300 though...maybe around 800 or 900. I've also noticed that good quality (expensive) cues tend not to warp as much as inexpensive cues. I have some 40, 50, 60-year-old cues and everything is straight as an arrow. Pretty amazing in my book.


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Gold Member
Silver Member
Judging by price is always a bit of a shot in the dark. I can't see paying twenty to forty dollars for a tip or chalk. I have given away a handful of both, untried. My personally selected tip and chalk suit me just fine. Not much reason to change. However, in my gambling days I would have bought either if I thought they improved my game.

I hit a few balls with a gambler's four to five thousand dollar cue. I wish I could say it didn't hit better than my cue, but it did. A beautiful custom that he had an emotional investment in that helped win tens of thousands a year, that was a more than reasonable price for him to pay for the cue.



Well-known member
I have bought a few cues lately, and I don't expect to play any better with them then previous cues I have purchased. Strangely enough, the first cue I owned was a Cuetec Avid Era Sneaky Pete style it has a glass coated wood shaft that is very good quality for the price, $240. I play just as well with that cue as any stick I own , but I like to buy sticks that are aesthetically pleasing, and artistic. Usually these types of cues are a bit pricier, so that's why I spend a bit more. I would imagine most established pool players buy cues for the same reason.


Raised by Wolves in a Pool Hall
Silver Member
There’s an old adage, “You get what you pay for”. It became a known adage for a reason. “Playability” is subjective, to each individual it means something different. Quality is not subjective, and top quality handcrafted cues, almost all of them will stay straight and play well and last you for a lifetime where a $300-500 cue won’t. Your mileage may vary.