2017 US Open 14.1?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I hope the players list just havent been updated.

Unusual to start on a Monday.

I see there are tourneys in houston later this week. So possibly schedule conflicts for some.
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jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
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I found it interesting that on the poster it says the entry fee is $550, including registration and greens fees. But below in the tournament information page the entry fee had been raised to $600? Am I the only one who noticed that?

I commend Mark Griffin for trying to keep 14.1 alive, but he may find it to be a futile task. I see three or four good players and the rest are all Straight Pool shortstops.


Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
I found it interesting that on the poster it says the entry fee is $550, including registration and greens fees. But below in the tournament information page the entry fee had been raised to $600? Am I the only one who noticed that?

I commend Mark Griffin for trying to keep 14.1 alive, but he may find it to be a futile task. I see three or four good players and the rest are all Straight Pool shortstops.

Yes, saw that also...550...600. A shame that 14.1 has so few players and fans.14.1 was my first pool game 65 years ago. Johnnyt

Mark Griffin

AzB Gold Member
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The event will honor the $10,000 added money. (that is adding $625 per player).

The entry fee is $550 (including a $50 registration/green fee).
Thanks for pointing out the error on the event information. The $600 number is incorrect.

This is the 2nd event held at Pool Table Magic in Windsor Locks, Ct. It is an excellent venue, hotels are around $70 - including breakfast. That is for 2 people. AND THEY ARE 500 FEET FROM THE POOL ROOM.

There will never be a better 'deal' for players.

We elected to not stream the event. The costs are prohibitive, and in all honestly, I don't want to throw any more money away on this event.

Please don't ***** about the event not being streamed.

Mark Griffin

Positively Ralf

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Sucks to see a short turnout. I will be buying DVDs when available though as it is my favorite game and I'll keep supporting it anyway I can.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Will the entry fee be lowered next year to encourage more entries? (If there is a next year?)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Props to CSI for trying but 14.1(in the U.S. anyway) is deader than HulaHoop. Yeah yeah i've heard all the "learn 14.1 and you can play anything" sayings and as a training-game i'd agree. On the flip side, playing(and watching) 14.1,to me anyway, is like watching paint dry. To those that play and love it, knock yourself out but don't get your panties in a wad when a 16man tournament isn't streamed. Maybe combining CSI and the WorldTournament into just one big event might be a good idea.
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AzB Gold Member
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... in all honestly, I don't want to throw any more money away on this event. ...

Hi, Mark.

1. Given the disappointing turnout last year (20 players), what was done differently this year to attract a larger field of quality players? If such efforts were made, what do you think accounts for the results (16 players)?

2. In the snippet I quoted above, are you referring to just this 2017 edition of the event, or do you also mean this event going forward?

In your commentary at the 2016 edition, I think you expressed a hope to grow the event with the objective of it eventually receiving WPA sanctioning and possibly even supplanting the current "World" event and becoming a true world championship.

Am I remembering that correctly? If so, or if it is at least close to what you felt then, what are your feelings about it now? Do you see any way to make a success of this event in the future for players, fans, and the promoter(s)?


AzB Gold Member
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The event will honor the $10,000 added money. (that is adding $625 per player).

The entry fee is $550 (including a $50 registration/green fee).
Thanks for pointing out the error on the event information. The $600 number is incorrect.

This is the 2nd event held at Pool Table Magic in Windsor Locks, Ct. It is an excellent venue, hotels are around $70 - including breakfast. That is for 2 people. AND THEY ARE 500 FEET FROM THE POOL ROOM.

There will never be a better 'deal' for players.

We elected to not stream the event. The costs are prohibitive, and in all honestly, I don't want to throw any more money away on this event.

Please don't ***** about the event not being streamed.

Mark Griffin

Kudos to you and Mark K. for keeping the 14.1 US Open alive.
I was there last year photographing the event for Billiards Digest and enjoyed the atmosphere and quality of play.
After speaking to a number of 14.1 players prior to this year's event, very few knew that the tournament was even scheduled.
The added money is excellent.
I wonder why the word doesn't spread ?

Scott Lee

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was reading Mike Panozzo's column in the new BD, and he was pointedly talking about people like you, garczar...people who never have anything positive to say about anything, but are always ready to bash anything posted on here. You are not a player, or you would already know that 14.1 can help you improve any other pool game...something that every good player already knows. You show no respect for anything you post here. I find that really sad. You should read the article, because posters like you and several others are hurting the game (all pool games). :(

Scott Lee

Props to CSI for trying but 14.1(in the U.S. anyway) is deader than HulaHoop. Yeah yeah i've heard all the "learn 14.1 and you can play anything" sayings and as a training-game i'd agree. On the flip side, playing(and watching) 14.1,to me anyway, is like watching paint dry. To those that play and love it, knock yourself out but don't get your panties in a wad when a 16man tournament isn't streamed. Maybe combining CSI and the WorldTournament into just one big event might be a good idea.


Don't hashtag your broke friends
Silver Member
Mark and Mark, are both Straight Pool Guys.. this is a great event, that needs a springboard. Straight pool is not totally dead, there is enough of a following to get off 2-3 decent events a year.

People do not know how tough it is to get someone elses room to hold a qualifier.. thank heavens for guys like Ed L. at Sandcastle. He has unbridled enthusiasm for pool and it shows.

I could go on and on with the list of issues that pool has, but this will just turn into another why pool gets nowhere thread.

Mark and I are working on something for 8/4-6..I'll let you know what I think about pool after that. :)



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
14.1 is not dead. So why the low turnout? It is a puzzlement.

But I will say this (as I have often said before): tournaments like this are built on the backs of amateurs willing to donate.

I love 14.1 and would be happy to donate a $200 entry *and suck up travel expenses* to support with *zero* chance of cashing. But $500-600 entry, on top of travel expense... no. That fantasy camp is a little too rich. AND Monday through whatever is nuts. People have lives. People have jobs (well, not me, I'm retired :) Friday through Sunday is the way to go if you want the working stiff shortstops.

But then I have to wonder what's going on with the pros. Is it the same thinking or is something else going on? Is that the NY guys won't travel a little south? The PR was not so good, was something else an issue...?

Bottomline for both camps is that, as a fact of life, doing these things has gotten exponentially more expensive. Years ago I could grab a $79 SWA flight, a cheap hotel, pay $150 to get into an event, donate and have a good time. That is not possible anymore.

Lou Figueroa
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
To add to what Lou said, only two people played in the qualifier at the Sandcastle. One of the guys was a local who plays out of the Sandcastle. Only Johnathan Smith came out of the city to win the event. There should have been at least a dozen players there. Only $100.
I have traveled from NJ to see the tournament. Four hour drive. Hotel fees. I am so disappointed in the event. Only 3:30 and 9:30 matches.
Why not 1,3,7,and 9 matches. There will be 8 matches going on at one time. This makes it difficult for viewers to enjoy.

Mark Griffin

AzB Gold Member
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Hi Lou,

The dates were decided because we immediately followed Darren Appleton's world Pool Series - which followed the SBE.

3 events in a row within a 2hour drive. And the straight pool had BY FAR the best hotel deal.

Seems the 'pro players' have no interest in straight pool. It's a shame- so a new plan will be conceived.

Mark Griffin


Silver Member
Great Event

The event will honor the $10,000 added money. (that is adding $625 per player).

The entry fee is $550 (including a $50 registration/green fee).
Thanks for pointing out the error on the event information. The $600 number is incorrect.

This is the 2nd event held at Pool Table Magic in Windsor Locks, Ct. It is an excellent venue, hotels are around $70 - including breakfast. That is for 2 people. AND THEY ARE 500 FEET FROM THE POOL ROOM.

There will never be a better 'deal' for players.

We elected to not stream the event. The costs are prohibitive, and in all honestly, I don't want to throw any more money away on this event.

Please don't ***** about the event not being streamed.

Mark Griffin

Looks like Carlos and LeeVan decided to make the event....16 players.... Sad many players did not make it, but $600 is a lot more money. More qualifiers to fill the open slots. 12-16 players regionally to fill 1/2 the field would be a great experience for those still interested in 14;1

I was rooting for Bob Jewitt from Cali. But tried to wager on Hit man as the underdog. Thanks Mr. Griffin for all you do for POOL.