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  • Mr. Hartman,
    When you start making cues again, I would appreciate hearing so. I like your Plane Jane, no points, no inlays. Save the wood for the eyes! No reason to destroy a nice piece of wood for points or inlays.
    I enjoy looking at your cues on AZBilliards,

    just got off phone with chuck spence, had back sugery last month, hes been stuck home since, if you want to call and help lift his sprits his ph number is 214 244 0437. he is one of the good guys.

    btw, i am building a new shop, 18 by 30 going to be set up for cue building only. take care chuck
    got the photos for my auto feed coring setup for the delux, its in the ask the cuemaker section, have a very safe new year chuck
    Hey Merry Christmas butterfly man!Now get out of that casino and get to work on my cue! LOL:thumbup:
    Hey "RAINBOW CUE GUY" said that you could make my cues with "HOPPE RING" in the butt....can you do it like that and still have a bumper in the bottom?
    i bought the newer screw feed type hightower lathe and decided while i'm waiting for it to be delivered, i would clean and paint, rearrange my shop. i ran across some wood you might like. send me your address. when we meet you are buying the beer. later chuck
    i dont have PM's turned on here,

    email me at

    i havent checked email in 3 or 4 days and am triple sick, so it might take me a few days to respond, but i will. please email me anytime.

    Hey I could'a used some help last night,the Coors light was cold and frosty! LOL,couldn't make a ball though!
    Hi Brent, I am finally coming down to Cincy with my wife for a weekend vac. WE should arrive by early afternoon on Friday Aug 13, and plan to return home on Sunday. Can we plan to meet, I would love to see your shop. Let me know if its possible for you then? I also plan to meet Dick Neighbors, and maybe Sherm. Get back to me buddy, hope all is well with you ... Lou.
    Well it finally happened,Lorene,the woman I was living with left so I'm by my self now.We'll have to get together,I'll have plenty of time now,might see if I can get down there next weekend,Mark(Lawman66)wants to hit some.
    hey dude sorry I didn't call today,my knee was killing me and couldn't get out of bed.getting old and all my parts are starting to hurt!
    Hey Brentster,whats up?How was the derby,sell any cues?I went for one day and had a good time,met Cincyman there.
    i'm out making friends tonight on AZ, the posts were kinda boaring so i thought i'd go around and say hello to people I read alot of their posts but dont talk to often,

    Thanks Brent,

    Great Website. Can you pm me the Kars site and name of your clearcoat.


    Let me know how the MINWAX natural stain thing works out. Thanks for sharing info, we will bang heads again!!!!!
    my emsil is:

    i love all old pool pics, the scott Kitto were real special as i briefly knew him in around 91 or 92. thank you very much!!!!!!
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