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  • Don't worry... I didn't forget about you! Just been diligently working away on improving my skills. Thanks for the compliments. I'll keep your 'envy' in mind when you're on stage dripping in groupies and record contracts. =o]
    Hey, Sam-

    I am tracking the vocals on the second song today. I hope to have 5-6 tunes done by June. I have been focusing on music rather than pool lately. Probably will be at Crown only during the week for the next couple of months so I can get this music done. I am doing everything from scratch, writing, tracking, mixing, mastering. I would love to check out your cue sometime. Give me your email and I will send you an mp3 preview. My cell is 925-330-1200. You going to crown today? You coming from Sac?
    How's the CD coming bro? you making it to crown this weekend? i still want to get your opinion on my new cue (the bcm we talked about before)
    No big deal Eric. Hope to see you next year. I will be in Vegas with my team in May, maybe we can hit a few then-

    sorry i didnt make it up to the sshow, next year i will be ablle too, this has been a tough year.
    David, I'd like to have a table at the West Coast Cue Show. Can I make a reservation with you?
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