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    A 100-point difference in Fargo ratings predicts that the higher rated player wins in a single game ("race to one") twice as often as his opponent.
    Thanks for sharing your insights on pre-shot routine. I’m watching and re-watching those videos right now.
    Wishing you a wonderful birthday today. They only come once a year, so dance like you've never danced before!

    Happy Birthday to you, Mike. Wishing you many more years of happiness and success. Hope all your balls fall in the hole. :)
    Congratulations on the Billiards Digest Best New Room award, Mike - it's an understatement.

    Did you think when you "retired" from teaching that you'd start working even harder?

    Pat Johnson
    Mike-- I would like your help in finding out about a pool tourney they put on in fargo i believe around late 60's or 70-71 . It was called the WORLD AMATEUR 14-1 tournament . I am writing a story about a strange ride home from the tourney . If you could get some information about it i would be in your debt . I remember that they had the finals on local radio . If you could find number of players , winner , any stats it would really help . I think it was held in the fall . Good luck with your new room . It looks fantastic . ---REAL IRISH
    Hope to come see the new room Mike. Sounds like it will be a great pool hall.

    I always enjoy your posts and am looking forward to meeting you.
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