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  • Still baffled at times by some of your responses. Hope you are well. My pool game has not improved, dang it............
    Got your reply. Did not read that post of 9/11. I don't put a lot of time here anymore. Trying to improve my pool game................ (grin)...................
    I actually should have said it is the best post I have ever read on NPR. Funny how that verse referencs "dark glasses" because that is all they see.
    Hi Sof,

    Just wanted to say "thanks" for the greenie! I enjoy our occasional little conversations. It's nice to know that there are still a few thinkers out there and I certainly count you in that group. All the best to you and yours in this new year!


    "Thanks for the rep, AVM. We with the longer time frame (I turned 60 in March) have had the benefit of seeing that longer history unfold to see the terrible trends, which are worsening before our eyes."

    I exceed you by 10 years……… The trends are a reverse course of history….. or it's most terrible repeats.

    Be well………….
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