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  1. B

    Great uploads of SVB

    same here. Link doesnt work.
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    Weight lifting and pool

    I have been lifting pretty regularly for about 6 years and have never had any issues with lifting hurting my game. Immediately following a workout it can be a little trying, as the muscles are quite fatigued. Particularly following a leg workout. Its hard to stand still when you legs are aching...
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    Seminole Pro Tour
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    My grudge match with Drew

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    Sminole Pro Tour **STREAMING PPV Event** Brackets for those who are interested.
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    Magic Rack

    Giggity.... Sorry, the child in me couldn't resist. Carry on!
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    Pool Hall in New Port Richey Florida

    Strokers 2 in Tampa is closed. The Palm Harbor location is still open.
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    Earl/Shane Scoreboard

    yup... I Cant get in =(
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    I paid for the stream, how do I watch it???

    im getting the same thing. There was a button to access the content a few minutes ago, but it has since disappeared.
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    The inevitable result of "excessive skill" in a handicapped league

    Maaaaybe in 9 ball..... The handicapping in that league is more effective at balancing the opposite ends of the spectrum. (If the team totals were 25 and pushing were allowed, id still be playing apa 9 ball.) The concept of throwing 2s, 3s, and 4s at 7s in 8ball works for the lower tier 7s.. I...
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    The inevitable result of "excessive skill" in a handicapped league

    I played in the APA for about 8 years. I enjoyed it, for a while. Once you start hitting the handicap ceilings, its less fun and more BS. Particularly in the 9 Ball (I used that term loosely, as its a game with 9 balls, but it is not 9 ball.) The rules are so skewed against the better player...
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    TV Cue Ball vs Regular Cue ball

    One of the pool halls I frequent have some red circle balls that are, in fact, smaller than the Brunswick Centennials that they have been coupled with. I have my own measle ball that I bring to play with here. I can verify that the red circle cue ball is smaller by placing the cue between two...
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    i have problems with my mental game

    Been meaning to pick this up for years.... ordered... ty.
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    Getting back to the center of the cue ball helps me. I have a tendency to get lazy with where i'm hitting the cue ball after while. Something about focusing on just that one thing helps quiet the rest of my mind, thus allowing me to play the game properly.
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    Archer's View on Diamond tables

    I dunno what to tell ya then. Id love to see a video of this phenomenon. The sharper angles push the ball into the pocket. Thats just physics. Get 2/3 of that ball inside the tit going down the rail at pocket speed and it will go. Shots with more velocity require you to hit it directly into the...
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    Archer's View on Diamond tables

    Operator Error! :thumbup:
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    Archer's View on Diamond tables

    a pro-cut diamond (4.5"ish pockets) accepts balls hit down the rail just fine. You just have to hit them well.
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    Dress Code for Gold Crown Billiards, Erie, PA

    Well done. Im a little disappointed about the backwards hat rule. I have to turn mine around when im shooting, otherwise I cannot see the object ball..... =[ I still cannot believe that is a photo of the mens room.
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    Playing better players

    Truer words have never been spoken. Pool players are a broke ass bunch too. There is always a world beater around willing to beat you to death for cheaps..... =]