Search results

  1. sfleinen

    Time to start ignoring the whack-a-moles

    Folks: Most may have on their mind the "red glow on the horizon" that appears to be certain posters -- many that had long bans in some cases -- that continue to tilt at the aiming systems windmill. Some folks -- like one that recently reappeared after a 2.5 year ban -- seem to be so fixated...
  2. sfleinen

    Rare AP footage of Willie Mosconi playing snooker

    Folks: While searching through the AP (Associated Press) archives for any news articles (as Lou Figueroa mentioned) with interviews of people who witnessed Mosconi's 526 in 1954, I stumbled across this footage. It is not attributed or attached to any particular news article that I can see...
  3. sfleinen

    Deletion of "John Schmidt Performance Enhancing Video" thread

    Yup, it seems to have disappeared. And rightfully so, too. The OP was just getting too "out there" with the charges and innuendos. That could've taken a completely different turn, too, if it'd been satire. Hoo-boy, that would've been brilliant to make fun of the 626 haters with a satirical...
  4. sfleinen

    Cornelius Dryfhout -- aka "Neil" here on AzB

    Folks: It is with a sad and heavy heart that I share this news that our long-time friend "Neil" here on AzB has passed on:!/Obituary Many folks here know Neil, have probably had lots of in-depth discussions (or arguments) with...
  5. sfleinen

    George A. Phillips (aka "nygeorge" on AzB) has passed on

    Folks: I don't come around to AZB anymore, but this is a special occasion. I'm thinking about my good buddy, George A. Phillips, who passed away recently after a long bout with cancer. George was an artist pool/billiards cue-maker, and a great one pocket player. He never failed to be there for...
  6. sfleinen

    Earl Strickland vs. Stephen Hendry (Chinese 8-ball)

    Folks: A great match between Earl and Stephen Hendry, in Chinese 8-ball. They're not playing their best and make some "human" mistakes; e.g. at one point Stephen nearly loses grip of his cue and misses as he's stretched over the table. Some missed shots in some frames, but it displays how...
  7. sfleinen

    Japanese Sashimono -- precision woodworking

    Happy Holidays, folks! Not necessarily about cuemaking, but I just stumbled on and watched this 30-min video about Japanese Sashimono -- precision woodworking that uses no nails or artificial fasteners -- and thought you folks would love it: Amazing...
  8. sfleinen

    "Tip talk" -- interesting exchange between Corey D. & Mike D.

    Folks: Just stumbled across this exchange between Corey Deuel and Mike Dechaine concerning what tip products they use: This link cheat will take you right to it (24:30) in the video. The players are mic'ed and off-screen, so you have to listen...
  9. sfleinen

    AZB'ers perception of skill "yardstick": bar table vs. 9-footer

    Found in another thread: Folks, not to single-out the author of the above text, but it is Exhibit A of something I've been scratching my head about. I'm curious what "bar table expertise" has anything to do with tourney competition on a big table? Especially when discussing tournaments held...
  10. sfleinen

    Happy 60th birthday to Efren Reyes!

    26 August 1954: Happy 60th birthday, Bata! :thumbup2: -Sean
  11. sfleinen

    InsidePoolMag's gift to us: Darren Appleton's 200-and-out

    Folks: This looks like it's been out there since Darren's wedding day, and is a gift to us from the kind folks at InsidePoolMag! This is Darren's 200-and-out against Francisco Bustamante in the 2013 World 14.1 Tournament: Enjoy! P.S.: as described in...
  12. sfleinen

    InsidePoolMag's gift to us: Darren Appleton's 200-and-out

    Folks: This looks like it's been out there since Darren's wedding day, and is a gift to us from the kind folks at InsidePoolMag! This is Darren's 200-and-out against Francisco Bustamante in the 2013 World 14.1 Tournament: Enjoy! P.S.: as described in...
  13. sfleinen

    FYI for folks experiencing problems getting to AZB

    Folks: Just FYI, in case you might've experienced trouble getting to AZBilliards in any way/shape/fashion (whether that be from desktop, mobile, app, etc.), you might want to be aware that there's an issue that's known, but was not properly prepared for by hosting companies and Internet Service...
  14. sfleinen

    Gene "Iron" Mann: Unsung hero of World Tournament of 14.1

    Folks: I just wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate our own Gene Mann ("BayGene") on such a fine job he did "holding the fort" in the commentator's booth. I watched just about every streamed match, and was also physically there on the final day. I mean, really, he was there like...
  15. sfleinen

    What happened to duckie's "Fourth tip of aiming"?

    Aw shucks, folks, wha happen? While scrolling through the forum listing yesterday afternoon... I tawt I taw a putty tat! Oops, sorry about that -- too many cartoons in my youth. What I meant to say, was I thought I saw a fourth tip of aiming posted from duckie yesterday here, but when I...
  16. sfleinen

    Evgeny Stalev 151-and-out against Mike Davis (and continues run to 226!)

    Folks: Those that are following the news in the 14.1 forum (or otherwise watching the live stream) just witnessed a 151-and-out from Evgeny Stalev against Mike Davis. They each started out with an intentional foul, -1 - -1, and then Evgeny just got up there and ran 151 balls and out. They...
  17. sfleinen

    SVB vs Gareth Potts, 2014 Chinese 8 Ball Masters

    Folks: As a diversion from the threads whining about dress codes and what-not, here's a four-parter of the SVB vs. Gareth Potts match during the 2014 Chinese 8 Ball Masters. Part 1 of 4: Part 2 of 4: Part 3 of 4...
  18. sfleinen

    Stu Pettman's 117-ball run on 10-foot Diamond

    Folks: As we ramp up in eagerness for the World Tournament of 14.1, here's a bump of what would seem to be a very unlikely 117-ball run from former snooker pro Stuart Pettman. It includes *very* entertaining and engaging commentary from J.R. Calvert and Freddie Agnir ("Cornerman" here on AZB)...
  19. sfleinen

    Method to APA color tiering?

    Folks: I have a couple friends (and acquaintances) that play in the APA, and I like to cheer them on in support when they qualify and go to APA Nationals in Las Vegas. One friend of mine even says, "I play in the APA specifically for the purpose of 'punching my ticket' to Vegas." That's cool...
  20. sfleinen

    Fess up

    Ok now, fess up -- how many of you cue makers made yourself one of these? :p