Sounds good. I just want to mention, I have no dog in this fight. I don't make a dime. I'm not coming here to argue or make people mad. I'm genuinely interested in finding out if common ground can be made. I have no personal plight with anyone on this forum, and I try very hard not to make something into a personal issue. You guys make it so tempting sometimes

but I do my best to refrain. I'm just trying to relay details around CTE that I understand that may not be prevalent to the uninitiated. Especially with more refined vernacular exposed in the book and truth series.
So with that, I made another video. This is not a shot demo, this is a concept clearing demo. All I do is talk. Don't bother comparing cue alignments frame by frame

I wanted to put some concepts to video, for those that ignore the details laid out in the thread. I don't know if it will just start new arguments, but I'm trying to explain things as plainly as possible from my point of view. I watched it once and noticed some things:
- This was impromptu, I pause here and there a little but did get concepts across.
- I said "aim line and shot line" a few times when I mean "aim line and sight line".
- For Pro One I explain how to get on the CCB before we had stepping. But you can use stepping also with Pro One, which I do as well.
- I tend to mix "CCB" and "NISL" and "shot line" throughout the video. They are all conceptually the same thing.
The HD version is still processing at the moment, but you don't really need it to hear me talk.