Here's one player's view on how pivoting systems can help...
A little at a time.You watched that whole thing?
I think he has some good points, but it's mostly about his personal journey.Does it get worth watching? ..
Good story teller for sure.Here's one player's view on how pivoting systems can help...
Because it doesn't really take you to the exact shot line without tweaking by feel? That describes all kinds of aiming.Pivoting ( unless it's BHE )is a gimmick
Because it doesn't really take you to the exact shot line without tweaking by feel? That describes all kinds of aiming.
Exactly. Fact is, we could all incorporate a pivot to arrive at the correct aim line, if we wanted to of course. But knowing exactly where to begin the pivot, and where to stop, is 100% dependent on our individual/subjective experience or estimation.
If subjective experience weren't required, then all pivot-based systems would work for every shot right out of the box for any user. Instead, pivot aimers have to work at getting the method to work, which is another way of saying they actually have to develop the hand-eye coordination and visual skills required to recognize exactly how to make the pivot land on the correct aim line.
For some shots, it might seem very objective at first, especially when you follow the instructions with machine-like accuracy and the ball hits the pocket. But that's no different than me telling someone to aim every cut shot with one of 7 eighth of ball fractional aim lines. Sure, many times one of those aim lines will work perfectly, but for all the in-between shot angles the player will have to rely on their own subjective visual experience to pocket the ball.
Pivoting ( unless it's BHE )is a gimmick
Because it doesn't really take you to the exact shot line without tweaking by feel? That describes all kinds of aiming.
chgo doesn't really take you to the exact shot line without tweaking by feel? That describes all kinds of aiming.
Hi John. What's the latest on Stan's plan to sweep the nation with CTE and become a HOF inductee? Any progress yet?In this video I tried to STRICTLY apply a manual half-ball pivot for each shot.
I didn't practice this before making the video. It was in response to someone who said that the CTE method COULD NOT work if the same steps were followed with parallel shots a diamond apart.
I disagree that CTE and other methods like 90/90 are not OBJECTIVE. I have demonstrated this more times than I can count in person and to the amazement of those whom I was demonstrating it for. I have set up shots that were ridiculous and that no one would normally attempt and nailed them. The fact is that the OBJECTIVE-steps part of the systems is far more important than the possible teeny tiny unconscious subjective part that MIGHT be there at the very end.
What I wrote back then:
18,517 views Apr 7, 2011
This is a video I did to show that the motions using CTE are nearly identical shot for shot. Many of the opponents of CTE have put up diagrams of these shots and claimed that it's impossible to do the SAME motions on different shots and make the balls. The reality is that from the shooter's perspective every shot done here looks exactly the same. I use the CTE line as the starting point, put my bridge hand down with the tip pointing to the left side of the cue ball and pivot to center cue ball and shoot. Every shot done the same way.
This is one of the strongest advantages to using the CTE method of aiming. Even if there are some "adjustments" from shot to shot they are so small as to not be noticeable by the shooter. This gives the shooter a tremendous sense of confidence on each shot with the feeling that he is lined up perfectly and then can focus on the stroke. For a CTE user none of these shots is any tougher than any of the others.
If you are not a CTE user try these shots and see how you do.
I don't recall that Stan has such plans. He is however quite busy teaching cte and selling books.Hi John. What's the latest on Stan's plan to sweep the nation with CTE and become a HOF inductee? Any progress yet?
No actually it doesn't. Nowhere in my videos do you see me "tweaking the aim" to "find" the shot
Your own video demonstrates it.
pj <- maybe another 13 years
We don't have to see anything - your video demonstrates it all (thanks to your careful setup).Nowhere in my videos do you see me "tweaking the aim" to "find" the shot line.