ACS tournament craziness in Iowa


Rep for Smorg
Silver Member
If my team is playing for ANY place in the $$$, I feel like the entire team should be able to sit there and watch. If they had been using multiple tables during the whole event then that MAY be a different story.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member
As has already been said, we don't know all the details. I still find it difficult to understand why folks resist starting the next match, unless it's an obvious strategic match-up matter.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The fact is that if they had been flexible with the TD, as irrational as the TD might have been, they wouldn't have lost thousands of dollars 🤷‍♂️


Short Bus Russ - C Player
Silver Member
My tournament director just got a full pardon from Joe Biden., for what he did and for what he might have done.
I am expecting a pardon for the mob that attempted to murder government representatives, too...



Short Bus Russ - C Player
Silver Member
Sometimes it's not about how much time you will save. I don't know what time it was, but if they were risking being kicked out at closing time there would be a whole lot of other issues to deal with. If there was no danger of that, then it's the finals so don't push it, who cares if it ends ten minutes later. There have been many times over the years when, to keep a tournament on schedule, I asked two teams to start the next match on a different table. I always get "But if so-and-so wins this game, it's over." So-and-so hardly ever wins this game (Murphy's Law), and often they're still playing that match half an hour later. My only point is the TD has his/her reasons for making decisions, and without knowing those reasons it's hard to comment.
It can very much change the strategy on both tables if the number of tables is switched in the middle of the match, at a time where one game matters. Leagues in America the way they are run, is one of the biggest reasons why we can no longer produce top talent. ESPECIALLY APA.

Leagues in Europe look absolutely nothing like the mess in America.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
My pool room formed a team in the local tavern league as a way to try and recruit players. I gave coupons out for free pool and offerred to host money added tournaments. I realized most of these characters are taking the bus.

The teams consisted of some of the dregs of society in some of the shittiest bars in town. We made the finals our first year where we almost had a full on brawl with the other team. I made the call to just forfeit because Big Mike would have decimated their 5 man team by himself and the big man was ready to go.

The next season we played again and went undefeated. Had their trophy for 6 months.

Then you got the cult that is the APA which is even worse.

Pool in the Cuse is in the toilet.
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Short Bus Russ - C Player
Silver Member
You lost...and are the with it.
Oh, at this point.. I just want him to implement every single one of the policies he ran on, and that you guys voted for. And I really do mean that. I am not being facetious, even a little bit.

The combination of deporting millions of illegal aliens + across the board tariffs alone, is gonna equal skyrocketing grocery prices. A lot of low-information voters don't realize how big a part seasonal workers, whether they be legal or not, play in the prices at the grocery store. Here's another clue: The U.S. unemployment rate is 4.1 percent. When a couple of million people get deported? There aren't enough people to work the jobs. Which equals higher prices for those specific goods. Heh Heh... Good luck widdat, buddy! But I do sincerely hope he does push those deportations through, though. I want his voters to really feel the results of what they voted for.

He's also talking about "drill, baby, drill", like it is gonna have any effect on energy prices. The price of oil is set by global markets, not US markets. Rolling back efforts to implement renewable energy is only gonna have one result: Making us more vulnerable to wildly fluctuating global oil prices, as a result of world events. That's the entire point of becoming energy independent. No country can become energy independent by continuing to rely on fossil fuels. And for the record? America produces a lot of oil it cannot use, because it's the wrong type of oil for our refineries.

I am over here in Germany, so I have no dog in this fight..... I am just sitting back watching, eating popcorn, waiting for the inevitable f***ups, and interested in seeing how it will all be blamed on the "last administration".

Just FYI... History is full of examples of populaces who "thought" they were making the right decision with their vote... Only for the results to be disastrous on a country-wide (and in some cases, continent-wide) scale. You might wanna hold back on that celebrating for a while, so as to not get potential egg on your face.

It's a moot point, however. I think it is gonna become more and more apparent he is suffering from early stages of dementia...


I was on the team that took first.

We won the first match on the hill 9-8, which was played continuously on 3 tables until round 4 was over. When it was tied 8-8 we started the 5 round, which is a single rack to decide the win.

Coming out of the losers bracket we had to double dip for first place and got put on the same tables we just played on. Again, we played continuously on 3 tables up to round 4. The score is 8-6 us, the last 2 matches of round 4 are being played at the same time.

A player from the other team came over and said the ref told us we have to be playing on 3 tables. He said that he explained the situation and the ref said he didn't care and his word was final.

We wanted to finish round 4 before we started round 5. This is what every team we played did over the course of the tournament. (The comments about us agreeing to refuse starting the match are around this I guess)

The TD (ACS ED) then got on the overhead speakers saying something about continuous play but it was really hard to hear. Me and the person from the other team went over to the desk to understand whats going on.

The TD would not talk about it, listen to what we had to say. It's continuous play start the match.

Me and the other team mate walked back to the table, he racked the balls and I went to the bathroom. (I didn't screw around, seriously went to the bathroom and walked back). I get back to the table the balls are racked and seconds later one of our teammates won their game and it was over. Later I found out that she came over to the tables while I was in the bathroom and claimed that I was screwing around with the person on the other team.

We're really happy, played all weekend, came back through the losers bracket and won! The other team comes up to us and said that they were disqualified, no trophy, no cash.

We walk over and were told the same thing. DQ'd because we didn't play continuously. The TD is laughing at us and appeared to be enjoying this way too much. When people were met with laughters and dead ears they became very frustrated. This is were things escalated, people felt helpless and dumbfounded by what just happened.

A good tournament director knows how to deescalate tense situations. In the finals people's emotions are always high, it's a stressful situation for both teams especially after being double dipped. These high emotions mixed with a petty power trip from an ACS executive director laughing in your face is asking for drama.

If we were disqualified then why let the game keep going?


Saw some comments about the match taking to long. I really don't think it did. The first match started at 3PM went to the hill and ended just after 4:30PM. We took a quick break and started the second match around 4:40 and ended before 5:45.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Saw some comments about the match taking to long. I really don't think it did. The first match started at 3PM went to the hill and ended just after 4:30PM. We took a quick break and started the second match around 4:40 and ended before 5:45.
Did the money go to 3rd/4th? Did they get adjusted to 1st/2nd?


It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that ping.
My wife just got back from this tournament. She had left when this happened.
The top two teams were battling for 1st/2nd place. The match is held on two tables. Apparently they were running behind so the tournament director wanted them to also play on a third table. Both teams refused and got in her face about it, so she DQ’ed both teams. Neither got paid and all were kicked out of ACS. Police had to come and escort them out.

If anyone was there and can flesh this out with more details or perspective please do. Crazy!
ACS is a bit shit to be honest. I went to the state championship with a few buddies. One buddy got 2nd in the "standard" class 8 ball and was on the winning team of teams 8 ball. I think he got like $300 total. Gas, hotel and $7.50 beers ate that up pretty quickly. I think he left in the red and he really didn't drink over 6 or 8 beers over 3 days.

It's kind of a fun experience but it's ran poorly and the only one making any money is the house.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I was on the team that took first.

We won the first match on the hill 9-8, which was played continuously on 3 tables until round 4 was over. When it was tied 8-8 we started the 5 round, which is a single rack to decide the win.

Coming out of the losers bracket we had to double dip for first place and got put on the same tables we just played on. Again, we played continuously on 3 tables up to round 4. The score is 8-6 us, the last 2 matches of round 4 are being played at the same time.

A player from the other team came over and said the ref told us we have to be playing on 3 tables. He said that he explained the situation and the ref said he didn't care and his word was final.

We wanted to finish round 4 before we started round 5. This is what every team we played did over the course of the tournament. (The comments about us agreeing to refuse starting the match are around this I guess)

The TD (ACS ED) then got on the overhead speakers saying something about continuous play but it was really hard to hear. Me and the person from the other team went over to the desk to understand whats going on.

The TD would not talk about it, listen to what we had to say. It's continuous play start the match.

Me and the other team mate walked back to the table, he racked the balls and I went to the bathroom. (I didn't screw around, seriously went to the bathroom and walked back). I get back to the table the balls are racked and seconds later one of our teammates won their game and it was over. Later I found out that she came over to the tables while I was in the bathroom and claimed that I was screwing around with the person on the other team.

We're really happy, played all weekend, came back through the losers bracket and won! The other team comes up to us and said that they were disqualified, no trophy, no cash.

We walk over and were told the same thing. DQ'd because we didn't play continuously. The TD is laughing at us and appeared to be enjoying this way too much. When people were met with laughters and dead ears they became very frustrated. This is were things escalated, people felt helpless and dumbfounded by what just happened.

A good tournament director knows how to deescalate tense situations. In the finals people's emotions are always high, it's a stressful situation for both teams especially after being double dipped. These high emotions mixed with a petty power trip from an ACS executive director laughing in your face is asking for drama.

If we were disqualified then why let the game keep going?
I've gotten pretty decent at discerning the truth in these matters after reading the accounts on AZ. I'm pegging your post at about 99% truthfulness. I haven't heard too many good things about ACS in recent years.

jay helfert

Shoot Pool, not people
Gold Member
Silver Member
I was on the team that took first.

We won the first match on the hill 9-8, which was played continuously on 3 tables until round 4 was over. When it was tied 8-8 we started the 5 round, which is a single rack to decide the win.

Coming out of the losers bracket we had to double dip for first place and got put on the same tables we just played on. Again, we played continuously on 3 tables up to round 4. The score is 8-6 us, the last 2 matches of round 4 are being played at the same time.

A player from the other team came over and said the ref told us we have to be playing on 3 tables. He said that he explained the situation and the ref said he didn't care and his word was final.

We wanted to finish round 4 before we started round 5. This is what every team we played did over the course of the tournament. (The comments about us agreeing to refuse starting the match are around this I guess)

The TD (ACS ED) then got on the overhead speakers saying something about continuous play but it was really hard to hear. Me and the person from the other team went over to the desk to understand whats going on.

The TD would not talk about it, listen to what we had to say. It's continuous play start the match.

Me and the other team mate walked back to the table, he racked the balls and I went to the bathroom. (I didn't screw around, seriously went to the bathroom and walked back). I get back to the table the balls are racked and seconds later one of our teammates won their game and it was over. Later I found out that she came over to the tables while I was in the bathroom and claimed that I was screwing around with the person on the other team.

We're really happy, played all weekend, came back through the losers bracket and won! The other team comes up to us and said that they were disqualified, no trophy, no cash.

We walk over and were told the same thing. DQ'd because we didn't play continuously. The TD is laughing at us and appeared to be enjoying this way too much. When people were met with laughters and dead ears they became very frustrated. This is were things escalated, people felt helpless and dumbfounded by what just happened.

A good tournament director knows how to deescalate tense situations. In the finals people's emotions are always high, it's a stressful situation for both teams especially after being double dipped. These high emotions mixed with a petty power trip from an ACS executive director laughing in your face is asking for drama.

If we were disqualified then why let the game keep going?
I don't know about anybody else but I couldn't quite understand what Spot was trying to explain to us. Maybe someone can help me out there.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Agreed, this is a pretty convoluted story. It should have ended here:

"ref told us we have to be playing on 3 tables. He said that he explained the situation and the ref said he didn't care and his word was final"

Just do what the ref says and you don't lose a bunch of money. Was the ref being irrational? In this moment, it doesn't matter.