American Heyball.............


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Agree. No doubt its tough but its very one-dimensional vanilla cinch pool. They play Ch9ball on these tables too and its not quite as bad but still not much to sweat.

I don’t really watch 8 ball either now unless it the WC and it’s streamed live. Rotation or one pocket and I’ll watch. My tv is on a YouTube pool video about 90% of the time. Maybe that’s why I’m not married IDK but it sure is peaceful around my home table


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
as poorly advertised as one could expect, they had a champion of champions today with corey invited, along with winners and high finishers from other continents. seems corey got 2nd and (i think) 15k:

I watched the finals late last night. In Australia I think. Yes Cory got second. 7-2 finals I think. His opponent made some crazy shots he fired in at 100 miles a hour. Cory caught a few bad rolls and simply missed more shots.

Interesting the announcers bought or consigned all 16 tables before hand and sold all of them during the tournament for 4k US ea. Sounds like they ended up keeping two for themselves including the TV table.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I watched the finals late last night. In Australia I think. Yes Cory got second. 7-2 finals I think. His opponent made some crazy shots he fired in at 100 miles a hour. Cory caught a few bad rolls and simply missed more shots.

Interesting the announcers bought or consigned all 16 tables before hand and sold all of them during the tournament for 4k US ea. Sounds like they ended up keeping two for themselves including the TV table.

corey beat this guy the last time iirc. anyway congrats to corey.

i see now the event was on the WPA main page, but i wouldn't have known about it if a player i know didn't play in it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
as poorly advertised as one could expect, they had a champion of champions today with corey invited, along with winners and high finishers from other continents. seems corey got 2nd and (i think) 15k:

Corey got $20,000 for 2nd place plus had free air fare


Older and Wiser
Silver Member
I am delighted to see the players getting these nice paydays, but as a fan, I have watched Heyball as few times and find it very boring. To each his own.


Well-known member
I am delighted to see the players getting these nice paydays, but as a fan, I have watched Heyball as few times and find it very boring. To each his own.
There's such a small amount of truly elite Chinese-8 players - The amount who can make an out from nowhere, or play safe in ways we couldn't dream of.

The problem is finding games where these players match up. Certainly a much more fun game to play than it is to watch.

I do not mind leaving it on as background noise in my house. Got an enormous TV, and I just leave it on while I am reading, cooking or doing other things. Much the same with snooker. It reminds me of being a kid, when my dad would leave snooker, or a test match (cricket) on in the background throughout the day.

Societies around the world have added so much nonsense into our daily lives, that we just don't have the attention span to deal with this anymore. Too busy button clicking and arguing about political nonsense most people are not really qualified, or well read enough to discuss 🤣


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
This game will be like bonus ball. The pros will go to get the free money until it dries up.

No one will be buying the tables, the balls, or practicing the game anywhere except at the tournament venue.

It’s a step backwards, imo.


Well-known member
This game will be like bonus ball. The pros will go to get the free money until it dries up.

No one will be buying the tables, the balls, or practicing the game anywhere except at the tournament venue.

It’s a step backwards, imo.
Dunno about that, there's an enormous domestic market.
It's a national sport here. Like American Football is for you guys.
I don't see it going anywhere. They will keep trying to globalize it.
I think at the moment, they have all this money, but do such a poor job with branding, marketing and pushing the game.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Dunno about that, there's an enormous domestic market.
It's a national sport here. Like American Football is for you guys.
I don't see it going anywhere. They will keep trying to globalize it.
I think at the moment, they have all this money, but do such a poor job with branding, marketing and pushing the game.
It’s subsidized isn’t it?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Dunno about that, there's an enormous domestic market.
It's a national sport here. Like American Football is for you guys.
I don't see it going anywhere. They will keep trying to globalize it.
I think at the moment, they have all this money, but do such a poor job with branding, marketing and pushing the game.
I meant for the USA. It will never in a million years catch on here. I doubt it will catch on anywhere outside of China either. "Maybe" in other parts of Asia, it has a chance.

Establishments with tables are already at a huge business disadvantage per unit area compared to restaurants and about most other brick and mortar places. They don't have room for additional tables. They won't be swapping out Western style tables for C8B tables.

Plus as mentioned many times since this game came out, its even more boring than American 8 ball, which is boring as hell.



Well-known member
I meant for the USA. It will never in a million years catch on here. I doubt it will catch on anywhere outside of China either. "Maybe" in other parts of Asia, it has a chance.
I know what you mean - that's why I said it will be a bit like 'American football' or Baseball. 'World Series' involving basically a domestic circuit 🤣
It's pretty big in SE Asia, Thailand especially. Malaysia, Myanmar also have some good players/action (I am surprised Vietnam is less involved and is more into the US tables tbh)
Establishments with tables are already at a huge business disadvantage per unit area compared to restaurants and about most other brick and mortar places. They don't have room for additional tables. They won't be swapping out Western style tables for C8B tables.
Totally agree with you, I don't think it will be a game for everyone as it is here - but a bit like 4" pockets, there will be aspiring players or pros that will want a table or two I imagine.
Plus as mentioned many times since this game came out, its even more boring than American 8 ball, which is boring as hell.

I know what you mean. Much like snooker, as global society has changed, and the way we consume media being an invasive time virus, no one has time to sit down and watch the 'chess like' battle of longer games.


Well-known member
It’s subsidized isn’t it?
They have a national team, training for youth levels etc etc
They also subsidize many foreign players to attend with hotels, visas and some expenses paid (some I would describe as just beaters, lord knows how they make the grade... no surprise Chinese players will dominate when you look at some of the players they rake in for these events)

But what I really meant is, the companies who fund a lot of the events must hire the most unintelligent marketing, branding and advertising personnel...

Some of these events have so much spent on them, and you wouldn't even know they were running. Lights, fireworks and huge payouts, but the worst coverage. The highlights and reporting of the events is so sub-par. It's horribly covered - if you ever check IG, YouTube etc and even on domestic social media it's so half-assed.


Silver Member
Table sales? Chinese Baroque simply doesn't fit the Murkhan sense of decorum.

And the pockets really are no good for pool.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
They have a national team, training for youth levels etc etc
They also subsidize many foreign players to attend with hotels, visas and some expenses paid (some I would describe as just beaters, lord knows how they make the grade... no surprise Chinese players will dominate when you look at some of the players they rake in for these events)

But what I really meant is, the companies who fund a lot of the events must hire the most unintelligent marketing, branding and advertising personnel...

Some of these events have so much spent on them, and you wouldn't even know they were running. Lights, fireworks and huge payouts, but the worst coverage. The highlights and reporting of the events is so sub-par. It's horribly covered - if you ever check IG, YouTube etc and even on domestic social media it's so half-assed.

i assume he meant government subsidized, not that JOY subsidize foreign players

Bob Jewett

AZB Osmium Member
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Silver Member
I have a friend who does a great deal of business in China. He is familiar with the world-wide cue sport business. He says that most people who play cue sports play Chinese 8-ball (heyball). That is a lot of money.