Anybody have problems shooting with glasses?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I love shooting on 9 footers, but I find more times than not, my full table shots suffer dramatically. Since I stay low and centered on the cue I have to look above my glasses.. So I primarily shoot bar box. I don't mind it, but it is keeping me from being well rounded in general.. Just wondering if anyone else has this damn problem, and short of laser surgery, how do you deal with it?

Happy new year everybody!!!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I had this same problem, glasses don't help much if you are looking over them and everything is blurry, i tried pushing them all the way up into my brow and it didin't help.

Been wearing contacts for a while, hope to get laser surgery one day.

So yeah try contacts.:smile:


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I stand higher as a result. If my head isn't in the exact position needed then my sight picture will be skewed due to astigmatism and due to looking through the lenses at a funny angle.


Pool players have more balls
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Silver Member
I'm wearing Ray Ban shooters glasses with a special RX made for playing pool. THey are wide rim...I do see about my brows.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I didn't like to wear contacts too much as my ophthalmologist told me my eyes weren't getting enough oxygen so I had to wear glasses 90% of the time. I also didn't like having to care for contact lenses so what I did was buy those daily wear contacts. I only wore them during sports and threw them out when I was done. A 3 month supply lasted me a year as I only wore them 2-3 times a week.

I got laser eye surgery about 2 years ago and it was the best thing I could have done. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages IMO. Due to my high prescription I was spending $500-$800 every couple of years on classes. $2800 on eye surgery was very much worth it.


Silver Member

I love shooting on 9 footers, but I find more times than not, my full table shots suffer dramatically. Since I stay low and centered on the cue I have to look above my glasses.. So I primarily shoot bar box. I don't mind it, but it is keeping me from being well rounded in general.. Just wondering if anyone else has this damn problem, and short of laser surgery, how do you deal with it?

Happy new year everybody!!!

The best news ............................................................
eye surgery 7th 15th and 16th jan.:dance:

now I will be able to see how ugly all you homies look
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JTs cuerepair

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
couple things to do

Google billiard glasses, There are a couple of website / company that make glasses just for pool players. With big frams and lens so that when your bent over in your shooting stance you dont see anything from the frame. Just a clear view of your shot.

This is what I did, I went to my eye doctor and had a very very good eye test. Then I said I dont care about what my eyes need for every day glasses, I want to see crystal clear 20/20 from 2-10 feet, The length of a pool table. So the percription he game me was what I needed to see just that. 20/20 sight from 2-10 feet. I then took that percription and went to a different eye glass place that I new had a super bug lens and a wireless frame and thats what I shoot with now. Check around this has come up here many times before, There are things you can do that you will be happy with...


i got contacts, took me a good few months to figure em out but very happy with em now.
one day accuvue moist, only wear em when i play, very happy with em.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Billiard glasses are a new one on me! I will look into the suggestions so far and see what I can live with. Can't wait to see how my game improves!


Pool players have more balls
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Multiverse Operative
Silver Member
Adjust Glasses

I love shooting on 9 footers, but I find more times than not, my full table shots suffer dramatically. Since I stay low and centered on the cue I have to look above my glasses.. So I primarily shoot bar box. I don't mind it, but it is keeping me from being well rounded in general.. Just wondering if anyone else has this damn problem, and short of laser surgery, how do you deal with it?

Happy new year everybody!!!

I wear glasses and I havent had the problems you are talking about. You arent going to play well looking over your glasses for sure. I did know a man who used to get over sized lenses and have the Center ground higher so he could see better when he was playing without straining his neck and he played really well. When my glassed do bother me its because the nose piece needs adjusting tighter and this keeps the glasses higher up on my nose and no problems.

What you are desribing to me sounds like you just need to adjust your head a little, I get plenty low enough but still see the ball just fine.

Just another lovely day in paradise......

336Robin :thumbup:

King T

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Easy fix

There are three companies who make glasses for pool players. They have a adjustable nose bridge so you can set them to your hight.

I use them, they will improve your game over night, with no adjustment
try the DeCot Hy-Wide


Hearing the balls.....
Silver Member
I love shooting on 9 footers, but I find more times than not, my full table shots suffer dramatically. Since I stay low and centered on the cue I have to look above my glasses.. So I primarily shoot bar box. I don't mind it, but it is keeping me from being well rounded in general.. Just wondering if anyone else has this damn problem, and short of laser surgery, how do you deal with it?

Happy new year everybody!!!

If you wear glasses, you will always have a dis-advantage to guys who don t need to wear glasses.
The best option is for sure, if lenses working for you. Second is are pure billiards-glasses. (well done, measured and worked out by a knowledged optician).

I m unfortunatley able to wear lenses- so i ordered billiards-glasses. huge difference :) You can use your stance *how you want* without trickying around looking over it etc. -

lg from overseas,

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Try this guy Buddy. He is a member here also.
These are what I wear when my eyes are feeling gritty.

Very reasonable and he will work with you until you are happy with what you get.
I'll give you an example. In one thread I mentioned that I wished that I had gotten my progressive instead of just for far.
He pmed me and offered to change the entire lenses for me for just the cost of the progressive that I should have bought in the first place. Pretty decent of him, yes.

Many of the members here have them.

You can get them for distance or have your progressive lenses for near and far too.

Well worth the money.

For the last few years, the small square frames have been in style. I look right over top so I just quit wearing them.
I had asked a couple of opticians and they told me to pick out a pair of frames and they would alter them. Well, by the time you pay for a pair of frames and then the RX, you are far better off just buying the billiard frames with your RX in them.

This is what the guy does and he knows what we need as billiard players. He is not guessing.
The difference between night and day when looking at the far end of a 9 footer.
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I love shooting on 9 footers, but I find more times than not, my full table shots suffer dramatically. Since I stay low and centered on the cue I have to look above my glasses.. So I primarily shoot bar box. I don't mind it, but it is keeping me from being well rounded in general.. Just wondering if anyone else has this damn problem, and short of laser surgery, how do you deal with it?

Happy new year everybody!!!

PROBLEM SOLVED...Trust me on this one. I would have quit pool long ago if it wasn't for Gordon Harrison Opticians who make EXCELLENT pool glasses.

They're SORT of like fairly large regular glasses but mounted sort of "upside down" so a MAJOR portion of the lens is well above you eyebrows.

Standing up looking forward, if you cast your eyes up you can virtually see the ceiling in focus.

When you're down on shots 100% of a 9 ft. table is in full focus.

I'm on my second pair only because my RX changed over the years.

Go to the website and you'll get a good idea about what they are and they ARE GREAT!!!!

(I have nothing to do with the company except as a paying customer).


PS: While my regular glasses are Progressive lenses....I've gone for the less expensive single vision pool glasses that are optimized perfectly for playing pool.

Dr. Harrison...who is a REALLY nice guy will work with you on focal plane issues.

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
Wow, I can't believe it. Is this the same Dr. Harrison from Billiard Eye glasses .com that I posted right before you did.
What a coincidence.
Could have saved you some typing.


Pool players have more balls
Gold Member
Silver Member
Mine had to made 3x times until they got it right. Make sure the person doing to glasses understands they might have to send it back to the lab (at no charge) until they are 100% correct.

Alf Taylor

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Not really a problem

I just went to my optometrist and told him I wanted big frame glasses that would allow me to see everything within twelve and a half ft. (The distance from my eyes to the far corner on my nine ft. table). They've worked fine for years.
Now, I wish I could fine a remedy for my gosh awful stroke.
Keep it visual. Alfie


If not now...
Silver Member
Billiard glasses are a new one on me! I will look into the suggestions so far and see what I can live with. Can't wait to see how my game improves!

Your game may NOT improve, btw.

Be careful before you choose any surgery options. Know for sure what it is you want your eyes to be. That means trying all the suggestions first, then getting cut.

From one who has done all of this over a 10 year period.

Jeff Livingston