Anybody recognize this old table?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I really like it! Be a great restoration project..

Here's one I'm getting ready to start on soon. A 1964 Brunswick Viscount.


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Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
You may be bringing a few guests along with the table. Unless that is dust in the air or on the camera lens, there seem to be a few Spirit Orbs in the second picture.

Nice table tho, I would get it if I could regardless of the Table Ghosts.

The Kiss

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
First Glance made me think a Gandy. Then you said it was down South makes me think Gandy as well. That's my guess. I'd say 50s Art deco style for sure


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Pool table

It looks like an early 60's amf table....some had red pockets and some had white pockets......believe it or not ronnie allen and james christopher had a pool room in paramount calif at 5 pts shopping ctr and they had white pocket tables like this....1968..69 hope that helps....sparky in texas


Silver Member

Think it's a 9' and no markings. It's supposed to be c. 50s/60s. There's an opportunity to get this, but don't know if it's worth fooling with. ????

Interesting comment about the marble. Never heard of anything like that before.

Thanks all in advance for any help. :)

I've seen marble on a few different tables...



AzB Gold Member
Silver Member
Anybody else see the face in the second picture on the right in the dark? or is it just me?

You guys are freaking me out on this table. I see what you're saying :shocked2:

Thanks for all the leads on this, both here and offline. It'll be seen in person tomorrow and if there is any kind of identifying info, will report back here.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I spent an hour today scouring the interweb only to come up with nothing. I am reall curious to find out the history behind this table. Hope you find out more!


AzB Gold Member
Silver Member
I spent an hour today scouring the interweb only to come up with nothing. I am reall curious to find out the history behind this table. Hope you find out more!

I'm right there with you. My web search produced zilch.....and that's pretty unusual in this day and age.


Silver Member

Does that play any better than standard slate?

Only the picky people can tell the difference. I don't think I've tried a jump shot on marble, granite is popular in the UK, I have a few cosmos 9' tables for sale that have granite instead of slate, I have not hit a ball on one so I can't respond how granite plays.



Burn all jump cues
Silver Member
Only the picky people can tell the difference. I don't think I've tried a jump shot on marble, granite is popular in the UK, I have a few cosmos 9' tables for sale that have granite instead of slate, I have not hit a ball on one so I can't respond how granite plays.


I heard (maybe wrong) that marble sweats. Johnnyt