APA Question...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Is this a legal pocket marker in APA 8-Ball?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Hmmm, I'll leave this one alone. I think chalk is not legal but where you drw the line, I cant answer. Interesting question.... if its me, I def do not use it and use something that would make a better marker


I'll need an Orange Crush
Silver Member
Off the top of my head, I don't think you can use "chalk" as a marker,... and it would be questionable if that is more than chalk or not.

... that said, I think we are all adults and if someone 'calls' a pocket, that should be enough.... (though I've met a few jerks that will cheat any way they can)


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Off the top of my head, I don't think you can use "chalk" as a marker,... and it would be questionable if that is more than chalk or not.

... that said, I think we are all adults and if someone 'calls' a pocket, that should be enough.... (though I've met a few jerks that will cheat any way they can)

Agreed, and while it is technically "probably" legal, its one of those that somebody could be a jerk about tryin to screw you out of a game.


I'll need an Orange Crush
Silver Member
Okay, I must be really bored because I looked it up. Here's what the team manual says:

"To properly mark the pocket, a coaster or some other
reasonable marker (to avoid confusion, we do not recommend marking the
pocket with chalk)"

thrash attack

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Technically you can mark a pocket with a piece of chalk. the rules only state they don't recommend it. Your local rules may be different than national though.

Edit: looks like I'm a couple minutes late


Silver Member
Technically you can mark a pocket with a piece of chalk. the rules only state they don't recommend it. Your local rules may be different than national though.

This is exactly the type of rule I hate seeing in writing. If the governing body doesn't want you to mark the pocket with chalk, for Pete's sake, explicitly say so in the rules. They "don't recommend it"??? Why bother to say anything then, since they in all actuality made no ruling at all?



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
In most APA leagues you cannot use chalk or current currency as a pocket marker but you can use a personal chalk holder


Ret Professional Goof Off
Silver Member
Whenever the other player requires me to mark the pocket I use a wrapped condom. Always good for a few laughs and a attention getter. The problem is that I have been carrying it around so long I think it is dry rotted.


I have used that type of pocket chalker at APA Nationals. It is absolutley legal!

That is absolutely correct. The rule disallowing money and chalk to be used as a marker is to take away from quarters layed on the table or random chalk pieces being used as an excuse for pocketed 8-balls. A personal chalker is more than just chalk, so it can count as a marker.


Got a little dog in you?
Silver Member
Whenever the other player requires me to mark the pocket I use a wrapped condom. Always good for a few laughs and a attention getter. The problem is that I have been carrying it around so long I think it is dry rotted.

Lol...consider it stolen. When we see each other in Vegas, I'll surrender the condom back to you.


Silver Member
Okay, I must be really bored because I looked it up. Here's what the team manual says:

"To properly mark the pocket, a coaster or some other
reasonable marker (to avoid confusion, we do not recommend marking the
pocket with chalk)"

That's how our league works. Before the match it is mutually agreed upon that something "IS" the official marker.


Ball Banger

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Is this a legal pocket marker in APA 8-Ball?
View attachment 127894


If you are going to play APA, Get used to lots of BS rules and nit picking. APA is just what the name applies, AMATURE all the way. I have never seen adults act more like children than during an APA match. I got accused of both Sandbagging and cheating to win during the same match. It didn't take me but two nights of APA to realize I was in the wrong league. 3 of us on the same team quit APA after witnessing APA BS. Life is too short to deal with that kind of BS.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member

If you are going to play APA, Get used to lots of BS rules and nit picking. APA is just what the name applies, AMATURE all the way. I have never seen adults act more like children than during an APA match. I got accused of both Sandbagging and cheating to win during the same match. It didn't take me but two nights of APA to realize I was in the wrong league. 3 of us on the same team quit APA after witnessing APA BS. Life is too short to deal with that kind of BS.

Unfortunate that you had such a bad experience, and sadder still new players find this as "the way it is". Because it isn't like that everywhere. Our APA league runs pretty smooth, with minimal BS. (Face it, in any organization or league with a number of participants, you will eventually encounter BS. It's the same way in any sort of group, sports, public service, politics, you name it. The more people you have together, the more likely you get some sort of crap.)

These are the kinds of situations that give APA specifically, and leagues in general a bad name. And it's a darned shame, especially for the rest of us who have a pretty good experience.

As far as markers go, while it is somewhat OK to use chalk, why bother to make it an issue? Use your cell phone, or wallet, or pocket knife, tape measure, or keys.... you get the idea. Those are all things I've seen used in our league. Simple is better.

Ball Banger

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Unfortunate that you had such a bad experience, and sadder still new players find this as "the way it is". Because it isn't like that everywhere. Our APA league runs pretty smooth, with minimal BS. (Face it, in any organization or league with a number of participants, you will eventually encounter BS. It's the same way in any sort of group, sports, public service, politics, you name it. The more people you have together, the more likely you get some sort of crap.)

These are the kinds of situations that give APA specifically, and leagues in general a bad name. And it's a darned shame, especially for the rest of us who have a pretty good experience.

As far as markers go, while it is somewhat OK to use chalk, why bother to make it an issue? Use your cell phone, or wallet, or pocket knife, tape measure, or keys.... you get the idea. Those are all things I've seen used in our league. Simple is better.


I am sure you are happy with your league. But I read and hear more negative than positive feed back about APA. Just read what is being said about APA on this site as well as other pool forums. You don't hear half the negative commends about ACS or BCA Etc Etc.


Rattling corners nightly
Silver Member

I am sure you are happy with your league. But I read and hear more negative than positive feed back about APA. Just read what is being said about APA on this site as well as other pool forums. You don't hear half the negative commends about ACS or BCA Etc Etc.

Well, yes, it is quite fashionable to beat on the APA. And who knows, perhaps it is deserved in many places. I can only speak from my experience.

The biggest, or most popular, or most successful entities will always get bashed, and it will be fashionable to do so, to be cool. That is why you hear all the negatives about APA here. It wouldn't be "cool" to support the APA publicly, "cuz everyone hates it". At least all the "cool' people, the "good players", do. Just like the Yankees, the Cowboys, Wal-Mart or Obama. Pack mentality. Doesn't make it true. Doesn't mean it isn't, either. But I have seen plenty of posters here on various threads that have had good-to-great experiences with APA, so I know it isn't just me.

As far as ACS or BCA, I have no experience with them, so I cannot compare/contrast. They are smaller, and less prolific, so there will be less railing against them, by nature. But I think you would be naive to think that there isn't someone unhappy with something those leagues do, too. It's the nature of the beast. Any time you get a group of people together for any length of time, you will get difference of opinions, which will foster unhappiness, which will foster proclamations of how awful things are in that group of people.

Have fun doing what you're doing, and if there isn't enough fun in it to overcome what you don't like, move on. In this or any other venture you undertake.

Derailing the thread, are we? :embarrassed2: Use a distinct object for your marker, and leave the cue holder in your pocket. It's just easier. Make everything as easy as you can in life, its... well, easier.
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