I couldn't agree more. If MR. Bond feels like i don't know shit about shit, he should share the information he has to support that claim!
The information I have is nothing.
You have provided exactly nothing to convince me that you are an expert on cushion performance.
As a matter of fact, all you did was (insult me and) ask me a bunch of hypothetical questions instead of offering up your expertise. Your choice I suppose.
....or stop acting like he knows something about working on pool tables, then putting out faults information to the public!
Glen Glen Glen. Apparently you don't read very well. And you must have forgotten where I live.
First of all, I don't put out false information. Ever.
And here in Chicago, Mr. Chambers and I study rails like teenage boys study teenage girls. Which is a lot. I know plenty about working on tables you silly man.
This kind of actions towards me is childish and uncalled for,
Asking you to provide factual information about cushions (rather than opinions) is childish?
Oh wait now I get it...
That must be why you're so rude and snippy to people. Because you think that when they ask you to seriously explain something, they are being childish.
Ok now I understand.
if he has the proof to show where I'm wrong about what i stated about the cushions, he should have just posted his results.
Geez man. Again with the reading issues Glen. I never said you were wrong. I simply asked for some kind of proof that you have ever seriously tested any brand of cushion.
Actions like this seem to always come from people that don't agree what what I've posted,
What's funny is, I never disagreed with you. Silly man.
but just can't seem to back up their claims with proof, so everyones just suppose to take their word for what ever they say
But wait, just a minute ago you said that asking for proof is childish and uncalled for.
And to further prove the point, why in the world would anyone claim Superspeed cushions can be installed on any pool table....unless of course they have no idea what they're talking about, because that's just more wrong information being feed to the public, we have enough of that going around already, don't need more of it from him!!
Lets review Glen, since you seem to be having a memory lapse:
Originally Posted by mchnhed
Question: Are Superspeed's good cushions on other brands of tables or just Brunswicks?
Answer posted by me:
Superspeed are good cushions for any table, provided the rails have been properly modified to accept them.
The same can safely be said about Artemis and Klematch as well.
No false information here.
Have a great day