Just so people know where I'm coming from on this, watch this segment of the video. Watch up to 19:35 which is less than a 60 second clip. What Stan is saying here is that his book will not discuss why all shots can be made with just a few perceptions but only HOW TO DO IT. He is saying that the "math" hasn't caught up to the perceptions. He is really saying that physics can't explain it. The issue is that he keeps saying that nobody has been able to explain his system with physics. The reality is that, yes, simple physics and geometry have been able to explain it. He simply refuses to accept it.
Also, Stan says earlier in the video that it is impossible to come up with a new way of aiming by using math first and then perceptions. Simply impossible. Well, talk to Brian Crist about that as he pretty much did that with Poolology. He used the inscribed angle theorem as a basis for his brilliant system.
Here is the video:
Edit: for some reason you can no longer imbed a video that will start at a particular point. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Anyway, scroll the video to 18:50 minutes in.