Cleaning Leather Cases


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I guess this should really go in the "ask the casemaker" section but here goes.

What is the best product to clean a leather case?




Addicted to the Sport
Silver Member
Also, (for whomever reads and responds to the first post) I have a couple of ball point pen marks on my light colored (Deerskin colored) cue case. What might take them off without (further) harming the case?

Thanks in advance.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
the lexol leather cleaner is really good. the follow with the lexol leather conditioner. you can get touch up markers for leather to cover up some of the scuffs and worn areas, i have one from Mohawk.

I've never tried removing ballpoint pen ink from leather, not sure if the lexol cleaner would be effective on that or not. I did see this though that might do the trick:
i've heard of people using rubbing alcohol and various other household solvents, but this had a pretty chance of damaging the finish and color on the leather. supposedly the ink sticks won't damage the leather's finish.


someone once told me they clean their case with WD-40.

try at your own risk ive never cleaned my case


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Good Lord. :eek:
Saddle soap and mink oil to polish work for me.

Don't be shocked. I use WD-40 to clean the glue off of leather wraps after installation. Works very well in that situation. I can't say about it's usefulness in others however.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks for the responses.

I have used Lexol in the past.

Didn't know if there was anything better out there.

