Dime and or Nickel radius powered shaper


Looking for something similar to this. Really just looking for the radiusing tool or end.


Looking for comments.

What is the fastest way for a layered tip to be shaped.

Need shaping accomplished in under 2 minutes...


This needs to be something other than a lathe. Something relatively small or portable. Not looking for sarcasm.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
do you use a lathe? i thought that people who used lathes shaped the tips during instillation with a razor


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Unfortunately, your question isn't very clear.
Are you asking about an initial install or maintaining the tip's shape?

Once a layered tip has been installed and shaped on the lathe, then that shape can be maintained easily with any number of cue accessories out there (or even sandpaper.)

If you're installing the tip on something other than a lathe and are looking to shape a layered tip- that's different. Many of the cue maint. products should still work, but just take more time. A belt/disc sander would get the basic shape and then you could touch it up with your preferred tip tool.

As for the "PowerShaper 2," I doubt any cuemaker or professional repairman is going to have any experience with that (since they have access to the proper tools).

The website description of the tool is vague; if the "grit" is based on sandpaper, then it will wear out quickly. If metal-based it will last longer but may still "gunk up" with leather and need to be cleaned. How easily it can be cleaned depends on the design of the tool. On one hand they say the tool "keeps the tip in optimum shape," and on the other they say one tip tool starts the shape and the other finishes it.

In summation- you can do an initial tip shaping on a lathe in two minutes; I don't know of any other way to do it the same or less time without a lathe.

If you're just maintaining your tip- what's wrong with the hundreds of other tools out there? I just can't imagine anyone pulling one of these out at the poolroom to use it.

I take that back- if someone came in with a neon pink soft case, matching glove (worn on the wrong hand), and a Budweiser pool cue, then I'd expect them to pull something like this out to complete the hustle.

Best of luck.


Fast shaping

First off thanks for the responses.

I am talking about a new install. I have both Willards Dime and Nickel shapers. Great tools.

However when you are dealing with a new install and dont have a lathe, I am looking for a tool that will shape the long layered tip to a nickel or dime radius very quickly. This needs to be done without delamination.

Willards and a brand new non shaped layered tip dont really mix. It can be done but will take 15-30minutes.

Looking for something such as the powered shaper above, however am open to other suggestions.

Hope this clarifys.

Next time I am in Florida...I will bring that pink get up and battery powered tool....complete with dorky hair do, Hustle complete. LMAO

Here is the problem. I have the Willards Nickel/Dime shapers along with the Willards tipper/trimmer. I can install the tip as well as a lathe.

The shaping of the tip becomes a long task on layered tips. LePros or Elkmasters...are a breeeze.

There has to be something out there to expedite this process on a layered tip.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Why not use the tool you posted the link to for initial shaping and then finish it up with a normal tip tool? Once you have a nickel shape it doesn't take much to go to a dime.

I would be careful with that tool and layered tips, sounds like a good delaminating device to me.

Without a lathe I don't think you're going to find something that will speed up the process much. IMO

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
I have a Porper Cut Rite. Put the tip in and give it a couple of twists.
Can't get a more perfect nickel by hand. A little touch up with a sander and you're good to go. Takes all of about 5 seconds.


Angelic Hotdog
Silver Member
If I were starting from scratch I'd get that portable roller set that is used for tip work. Pad the rollers some then get a slow turning electric screwdriver and make two attachments one nickle and one dime shaped that would use the small round stickon sand papers. Slowly hand rotate and let the electric screwdrive sand it down. That would probably work in two minutes.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
try a curved tip sander with 60 grit sandpaper, that will take it down quick. then do a clean up with higher grit paper


Porper Cut Rite and 60 deg curved sander

I am familiar with the porper cut rite however have not used this item. I know it uses blades.
Does it work well on layered tips such as the kamui or moori? Have you ever used this item a new install that wasnt shaped at all?

How long does the blade last? There is alot of tip to cut on a new install, will it where the blade dull fast?

Someone else mentioned a 60 deg curved tip sander?

Can you post a link? I am not familiar with what you are describing?

If Willards would come out with their Nickel and Dime shapers with a Hexagon bolt fastened as a drill bit attachment...that would be ideal, I would think.
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Silver Member
Wondering why this needs to be done in less than 2 minutes??:confused:
With a new install and no lathe. The time would be used up trimming the sides of the tip even to the ferrule. Shaping dome to nickle or dime could be done with any number of tools. One of these might help with the sides.
Tip trimmer 001 (Medium).jpg

Tip trimmer 002 (Medium).jpg

Tip trimmer 003 (Medium).jpg


It's Not Rocket Science
Silver Member
If the end of that tool spins like a grinder I would be leery of it catching and tearing up the furrule. Although a rasor blad and 2500 rpm is pretty menacing also. I guess it could be a good product. Won't know until you try.



RADIUS only....Not worried about the sides

I have the Willard Tipper /Trimmer a $500.00 machine for putting the tips on and bringing the side even with the ferrule. It works as well as a lathe for this purpose. The problem is only the radius.

Bringing a new install tip to a nickel or dime radius quickly.

I am now leaning toward a dremel type tool with a sanding drum or a Porpers cut rite for the shaping of the tip only.

I also have the Willards nickel and dime scuffers. With these items it takes almost 30 minutes to acheive a nickel or dime radius on a new install. 10 or 11 layer tip.

Wanting something to speed this process up. Radius only...everything else is perfect.



machine shop entrepeneurs......

Make a drill bit style cue tip radius shaper. Nickel and dime...something with carbide like the Willard's. Market it and sell it by itself. Everybody has their own drill or screwdrivers laying around already.

I will take one of each size...

this shouldnt be a hard task and Ill bet they would sell...


Grandpa & his grand boys.
Silver Member
I'd like to see the one Pool Dawg shows with a dime shaper.
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The Barefoot Cuemaker
Silver Member
However when you are dealing with a new install and dont have a lathe, I am looking for a tool that will shape the long layered tip to a nickel or dime radius very quickly. This needs to be done without delamination.

As a cue maker, I too am looking for something that can shape a flat tip to a nice dime or nickle dome quicker and easier than I can on a small repair lathe.

I guess that device would put us cue makers out of the re-tiping business as then anyone could re-tip their own cue with professional results.
