Good grief...Just read a blog from guy who claims he used to work for your company. :yikes::yikes:
I had about 65,000 employees over a 12 year period. There was lots of turnover in the phone rooms. My executive staff of 30-40 people I had almost no turnover-great people. I went into the operations once a month. I always worked from home and never met 99.99% of the people whom I employed. They had health insurance, paid vacations. The whole bit.
A majority of the harmful complaints were not customers at all but rather disgruntled employees. I know this because every customer was assigned a unique number and we could track the real complaints from the upset employees. Also the employees had insights and could make more damaging complaints because they worked there.
We had 1 complaint per 1000 paid memberships(customers) this number was very consistent over the last 10 years in biz. The first 2 years we made mistakes and pissed off customers.
As was posted about the “Cash Plus Card” in my FTC compliant-the one I settled with the FTC I did about $250,000 in sales when I got in trouble. I was green and didn’t know the rules. I flew to Washington DC and told the FTC & my lawyers that I wanted to be in full compliance with ALL Local, State & Federal Laws and continue in the business. They believed me.
I signed a consent decree and that was a list of rules which I had to follow to the letter in addition to any new laws to stay in biz. That was in 98, so for 10 years I played by the rules.
When I felt it was safe and we met the standards of compliance administered to me then I scaled the biz up larger. Some States & the Feds had conflicting laws much like the weed laws now. Legal in some States but not Federal. In those cases I didn’t market into conflicting States. Didn’t take chances. So I was in biz in roughly 39 States.
We did have real complaints where customers were misrepresented and every time we were aware of that we cured the problem much to the customers favor.
Additionally after 5 years in biz we approached 2 of the 3 credit bureau’s to report our customers trade line with us-it was defined as a “merchant card and merchant line of credit” same as Sears. It took about 24 months to get the credentials to report to them. The reason it wasn’t all 3 is Experian didn’t recognize sub-prime people. Mite have been Equifax. Trans union did recognize our customers. It took ~24 months of microscopes up our asses and more disclosures if trade practices to get that approval. That helped calm down the FTC as it is simple checks and balances.
We never touted credit repair, because we didn’t repair credit.
We also leased names(data for junk mail) for a one time solicitation from those 2 credit bureaus. We made millions from that. People often wonder why they get junk mail(back then more so than now) well the bureau’s make more $ leasing your private information than they make running your credit score. They are the people who create junk mail and back in the day the telemarketers. Most people wonder how they got on the “list”, now you know.
There is lots more to this, I never spoke about this ever as I was in biz and signed confidentiality agreements. I honored those as well. We played by ALL the rules. Made mistakes early on and “came into compliance”. That’s the FTC’s way of saying we corrected a bad biz.
So go ahead and post all you like about my mistakes and realize that was $250,000 in biz done wrong. But not so wrong they hit me with a cease and desist or even worse criminal charges. They struck a deal with me I could live with and they could too. So again $725,000,000 in sales playing by the rules and $250K making rookie mistakes(enclosing a application for a general credit card like a Visa) that’s what got me in trouble-marketing 2 credit offers simultaneously, so took the general credit card offer out and just sold the merchant card for use in my catalog.
If that makes me a bad guy, then feel free to hate me.
Proof is there, kept all the $, same location for 12 years and never got in any serious trouble. That’s not luck, wake up and read the memo “I play by the rules”, hell I'm scared not to. Show me one “scam” That lasted that long that was that big for that long in the same place. Please show me one.
I can talk openly now as the final NDA agreements have long expired.
I’ll never feel a bit of guilt or apologize for those trade practices. Again what I did in 93-96 was a totally different biz and yes I did harm and live with bad feelings everyday because of that.
So hate away, keep trying to beat me here, the FTC couldn’t. FBI only gets involved if it’s deemed criminal activity by the FCT. The FTC never got to 2nd base with us. So for all you haters and arm chair keyboard warriors, ask yourself this.....are you smarter than the Government and FTC who didn’t win. Fatboy won, I don’t win every game in life, but I won the big one. $725,000,000 from 96-08-that’s a $1,000,000,000 factoring in inflation.
That’s winning,
My best to everyone,
P.S. I’ll go the distance with this, so please try and break me pissed off jealous employees tried, the Govt. I’d bet it’s unlikely any AZB genus can either. Windows I’ll lay +500