It's not what I want, it is what it is. An A player is an A player no matter where they are, just like a car that can drive at 140mph can drive that in any state. I don't see how people can possible define ABCD ranking as any different from what they are. [...]
The problem is YOU want to the be the one that says what they "Are."
Here is the "A" division at Western BCA --They also have many thousands of players and a long history. As you can see these "A" players are generally between 500 and 600 and average 547.
Why doesn't someone in WA or OR get to say what "A" speed really IS? Why can't they say, THIS is what A-speed really is, and those saying something different in MA are just wrong.
Usually when we use a word or label, we start with a general agreement of what it means. We are not even close to agreement on what "A" means. Your association of "A" with particular skills would be fine if you got the people in Minnesota and the people in Oregon to adopt the same understanding. I don't see that happening. The label has history and roots in those places, as it does in your area.
But until you have that general agreement, saying it over and over again that you have the TRUA A-speed with different analogies just doesn't make it closer to true.