Funny pic/gif thread...

Nick B

This is gonna hurt
Silver Member


Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Silver Member

My brother and I were on a short road trip. A blonde that could only gently be described as homely had a flat on the side of the road. As I pulled over my brother looked at me, "Figure nobody else would stop?" "you got it."

She had her jack under the sheet metal of her fender. The jack wasn't long enough to raise her car so while my brother prowled in her trunk I went to my truck to grab a block or two or my jack. Less than a minute later he came running over laughing. "She really is blond, she wanted to put the spare tire under the jack!"

The young lady was PISSED!



Smorg is giving St Peter the 7!
Silver Member

A friend of mine took his old Labrador in for minor surgery. The vet said that he wasn't using them at his age and they could cause issues, a snip job was recommended. Poor ol' Hawk went in for minor surgery and woke up without any balls. It might have seemed like minor surgery to the vet ...

If your doctor wants to do minor surgery make sure you are wearing heavy duty protection around anything you don't want to lose before you go to sleep!
