GOLD CROWN by: Hess & Assoc.

Lt Dan

Thanks Ernie & Steven, Hope my pics do your craft justice! 016.jpg




rail3 (3).jpg
see more of Ernie's work at the Pool Loft
Joliet, Illinois
2629 E. Cass st.


Silver Member

Your in shoulda stoped in here and asked around for a suggested mechanic...I coulda drove up....


PHD in table mechanics
Silver Member
Looks great nice pictures. I used to live in Joliet on the weekends and during the week in Green bay Wi. About 7 years ago.

Great table,


New member
Silver Member
That is a BRUTAL way of replacing inserts! Hopefully he was fixing another persons hack job!


PHD in table mechanics
Silver Member
Over all it looks good, inserts need more help but at least he tried instead of blowing it off and sub complaining of rattle's and thuds. He may need to invest in some more tooling but he is trying. Not every one has an expert they can call on for help or have pictures from how others do it. So he thought it and did the best he could.

I was wondering why he did it that way also I assume he was a rookie and next time he will do it different since he knows what not to do and how to do it better next time.


Well-known member
Silver Member
Thanks Ernie & Steven, Hope my pics do your craft justice!

View attachment 157616

Joliet, Illinois
2629 E. Cass st.

For what its worth, that's not the correct floating nut plate that goes into the GC's, the correct ones are a 1/4" they don't bend in the middle, or pull the threads out to easy from over tightening the rail bolts;) I'm not knocking on your mechanic...but he needs a little more training/experience before I'd recommend him on to someone else, but at least it seems he's trying at this point to do his best;)



New member
Silver Member
Get the hell out? are you on meds now Glen

I have been avoiding this site for months, just occasionally checking in if I had a customer email. That is the first human and even a little humble response I have read from RKC since posting here. Way to go.

No, the work is got up to Glens in any way. However I like that there were some comments stating that its someone who will learn from it and continue to get better. You guys are learning, no need to go extremist like the last few pissing contests I was involved with here. This is a good example of getting something productive going and I hope it wasn't just a brief period of clarity after some trim.



Well-known member
Silver Member
I have been avoiding this site for months, just occasionally checking in if I had a customer email. That is the first human and even a little humble response I have read from RKC since posting here. Way to go.

No, the work is got up to Glens in any way. However I like that there were some comments stating that its someone who will learn from it and continue to get better. You guys are learning, no need to go extremist like the last few pissing contests I was involved with here. This is a good example of getting something productive going and I hope it wasn't just a brief period of clarity after some trim.


Rob....I COULD have ripped the mechanic a new ass that did the work on them rails....BUT....because his work was being shown as a how he addressed the problems with the rail bolt floating nuts needing to be replaced....I passed...ONLY...because his method wasn't being touted as "this is how you fix this problem" said to myself..."self....he's at least trying, I hope he gets better...BUT...if I see another set of rails like them....I"m going to go OFF on him" passed on this a nice way;)



Well-known member
Silver Member
I have been avoiding this site for months, just occasionally checking in if I had a customer email. That is the first human and even a little humble response I have read from RKC since posting here. Way to go.

No, the work is got up to Glens in any way. However I like that there were some comments stating that its someone who will learn from it and continue to get better. You guys are learning, no need to go extremist like the last few pissing contests I was involved with here. This is a good example of getting something productive going and I hope it wasn't just a brief period of clarity after some trim.


By the way...welcome back:smile:


PHD in table mechanics
Silver Member
table owner emailed me awhile back and said he did the work and not a hired hand, he also posting another thread on his personal work on the table he is doing all himself and it looks pretty good for a first timer.



New member
Silver Member
Rob....I COULD have ripped the mechanic a new ass that did the work on them rails....BUT....because his work was being shown as a how he addressed the problems with the rail bolt floating nuts needing to be replaced....I passed...ONLY...because his method wasn't being touted as "this is how you fix this problem" said to myself..."self....he's at least trying, I hope he gets better...BUT...if I see another set of rails like them....I"m going to go OFF on him" passed on this a nice way;)


Maybe there is something to be learned here? Something about bees and vinegar. Anyways, still on fence on how much I want to participate. I see some common areas that would be better as a group, but not many. It is still business after all, and prime for molestation from those like ABIA. Wanna have some fun, check out the other extensions for that particular site! I will be the first to admit that I did feed the ego a little too much before, but I was not the only one. My goal has always been to constantly improve across the board, I don't care about who started the path earlier and whom I passed. This thread seemed like a good place to start as there was no flaming going on. If the mechanic section can stay between mechanics only there could be the option of doing some very cool things. Maybe even having to be approved by AZb as a mechanic to view..? Too easy for a ballbanger to read enough on here to think he was able to make a living. You all know what I am talking about as the more people doing it the less you make off it.

Still wondering if the wind is at my face or back here


New member
Silver Member
Rob....I COULD have ripped the mechanic a new ass that did the work on them rails....BUT....because his work was being shown as a how he addressed the problems with the rail bolt floating nuts needing to be replaced....I passed...ONLY...because his method wasn't being touted as "this is how you fix this problem" said to myself..."self....he's at least trying, I hope he gets better...BUT...if I see another set of rails like them....I"m going to go OFF on him" passed on this a nice way;)


I agree its in bad form to rip anyone but don't you think people should still be educated as to right and wrong. A newbie coming on here and seeing rails cut up to replace inserts and everyone saying nice job confirms this is an acceptable method of repairing.

No one is criticizing the workmanship,just the method.


Well-known member
Silver Member
When I looked at the pic I thought he might have been rebuilding that part of the rail bottom because it was previously
hacked or somehow bombed out. OP didn't really specify why he did what he did for the nut plate area repair (or I missed it).


New member
Silver Member
When I looked at the pic I thought he might have been rebuilding that part of the rail bottom because it was previously
hacked or somehow bombed out. OP didn't really specify why he did what he did for the nut plate area repair (or I missed it).

He did not specify but VERY obvious!LOL. Notice the slot all the way from the stud to the front of the rail. Rails do not wear out just in that area. He also has a nut plate sitting there as a replacement. He may have not known the proper way to replace. The job he did though was very nice workmanship.


Well-known member
Silver Member
He did not specify but VERY obvious!LOL. Notice the slot all the way from the stud to the front of the rail. Rails do not wear out just in that area. He also has a nut plate sitting there as a replacement. He may have not known the proper way to replace. The job he did though was very nice workmanship.

Unless it was stripped before and someone tried to yank the rail off and the wood with it. Maybe OP will comment on this.


Well-known member
Silver Member
Thanks Ernie & Steven, Hope my pics do your craft justice!View attachment 157613

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see more of Ernie's work at the Pool Loft
Joliet, Illinois
2629 E. Cass st.

As Scruffy did call my attention to this detail, I guess I'll comment on the repair. When you cut a channel in the rail to remove the floating nut plate, what you're doing is in fact cutting out the strength of the cross strands of the wood fibers when you do that, I do realize that you glued wood back to replace what you cut out, but it'll never replace what you cut, that being said, the best fix is to drill out the shank of the broken off bolt starting with a smaller drill bit first to pilot a hole through the remaining stud, followed up by a 3/8" drill bit to remove the remaining portion of the stud, then remove the nut through the front of the cavity, replacing it with the same kind of nut plate. It's not a hard fix, just takes a little time...but fixing the rail as I described don't deteriorate the value of the rails structure in the end.



Silver Member
rail bolt trapped in GC rail

I liked the method jay used at alsip seminar to remove a rail bolt..... a multi tool works great as well with a cutting attachment....