We had our MVP tournaments for both 8 and 9 ball this weekend. My GF and I made it for both formats.
Eight ball had more people overall, since most leagues are in that format, and that one was Saturday. I won my first match against a guy from my own league, then lost to a guy that works for, and plays out of the pool hall where the tournaments were held. That match started close, a 5-5 race, and we traded games for a 2-2 start, but he took the next two to break that cycle. We traded games again from there, so he got to 5 first. I'd frequently get myself down to the 8, and constantly over-roll my position. He played a couple good defensive shots that left me kicking two rails, and twice I scratched on the 8. Frustrating. Won my matches on the losers side, and was now back to the other side in the semifinal against another guy that plays in a league at this pool hall. I just couldn't connect the dots in that match, and lost 5-2. My GF won her first few matches and once she got past the point where a loss would put you to the loser side, she lost and was also eliminated.
Sunday was 9 ball, and I caught a bye first round. For this tournament, the LO grouped the 7s, 8s, and 9s together. I was moved to an 8 at the start of this current session, and have only played 3 matches at that level, so not too enthusiastic about my prospects. It'll be nice not have to spot people 20+ balls though. Anyway, I'm up with the big boys now, and ended up playing a 9 that is one of the top players in the leagues. He glided through the first two racks with me only getting 2 balls, and it felt like I was going to get a lesson in cue control. He got caught with some bad rolls after that and next thing you know, we're back within 10 balls of each other, which is the difference in the handicap. It stayed like that for the rest of the match, and he ended up winning in what turned out to be much closer than I thought it would be. Next match was a buddy, we play on the same 8 ball team, and were also on the same 9 ball team until our handicaps pushed us to other teams. (that APA business model working it's magic) We know each other's games, and are pretty close. He won our last match and I got this one, so still in it. My next opponent was a young guy that I've seen play a few times, and he's very good. His position play was right up there with that 9 I played earlier, and he is another guy that plays in a couple leagues out of this pool hall. We started with him taking almost the first two racks, something like 17-3 or 18-2, he seemed like he was on cruise control. I fought back and got it to us being tied at something in the mid 30s, but then he found that gear again. Seemed like he went back to playing aggressive and less defense, which worked, and despite me having to spot him 10 balls, he crushed me by over 10 when it was over. My GF did a repeat performance of her prior day, winning her first three matches, then losing when the move to the losers side was past.
So I like that my GF did as well as she did. She played completely without anyone helping, and she did pretty well. I'm going to have to remember that when I feel like taking a time out to change her strategy in weekly matches. I'll let her call the time-outs instead.
On my side, I need to play more on better tables. Our league is all Valley and Great American tables, none are level, and the cloth is s-l-o-w on almost all of them. Add in dead balls, a few heavy cue balls, and rails that buzz and rattle when balls hit them, and you find yourself playing a different game. I guess I'm a banger on our league tables. I'm hitting everything way to hard on the Diamonds at the tournaments. Rattling a ball and leaving it in the jaws in 8 ball isn't as bad as in 9 ball, but it happened frequently in both. Can't get away with that playing good shooters. I also noted a few instances where my normal use of the diamonds for calculating banks and kicks was way, way off. Like off by half a diamond or more. I've read how the Diamond tables bank short, but that reality hit me hard this weekend. This single factor cost me games in both formats. I tried just moving my aim a half-diamond, and tried hitting with a tip of running english, but had no confidence in either.
Anyway, it was a good weekend of pool. We both won more than we lost, and didn't lose to anyone from our local leagues, so we'll take that as a bright spot. Our local leagues had 5 people make it through to qualify for Singles Regionals, so we were well represented. Got a chance to meet a few new guys that I've seen at these before, made some new friends, and had a fun weekend. My GF had pretty much the same feel for her time.