How Many Aiming Systems Do You Use


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm not sure but I feel this got buried in the other thread so I'd like to try again here:

It seems like everyone knows around a half dozen aiming systems, give tor take, well enough to pass on to someone else. So the next logical questions Is: how many of these systems to you actually use shot-to-shot, day-in-day-out?

Me, I know half a dozen systems and use... none of them -- zippo. I also know a few kicking systems but when I have to go one or three rails I use exactly: zero. (OK, one time I used the Spot on the Wall.) I have books, and videos, and DVDS with huge steaming piles of aiming systems... but I use none. As I've oft said, I just see the shot and shoot the shot.

I use no systems though I have the knowledge and resources to do so if wanted. How 'bout you?

Lou Figueroa


I said: "Here kitty, kitty". Got this frown.
Silver Member
I use no systems though I have the knowledge and resources to do so if wanted. How 'bout you?

Lou Figueroa

I only have one system. Edge to edge. Wish I knew the others but the pool teacher I go to says my system (just like his) is good enough.


Maker of Joey Bautista Cues
Silver Member
Equal opposite parts or opposite contact points is geometrically correct but nobody teaches it?


Silver Member
I use a type of "edge to edge" but put my own tweak on it. Use it for anything that is longer distance so I really see the spot I need to hit.

Only a few diamonds away, my brain is comfortable knowing the spot, but further away, it needs a little "help" to focus in on the right spot.

I find it hard to believe nobody uses the diamond system to kick ? I mean, for a one rail kick, it's almost impossible not to be accurate..... as long as your speed is good.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Me, I know half a dozen systems and use... none of them -- zippo. I also know a few kicking systems but when I have to go one or three rails I use exactly: zero. (OK, one time I used the Spot on the Wall.) I have books, and videos, and DVDS with huge steaming piles of aiming systems... but I use none. As I've oft said, I just see the shot and shoot the shot.
I use no systems though I have the knowledge and resources to do so if wanted. How 'bout you?
Lou Figueroa
When you use the word "know"...does that mean you "know of" or "know how to do"...?
If you mean you "know how to do"..I'm not buying it. Because that is a contradiction in what you've stated many times, you use no systems, you just see the shot and shoot the shot.
You cannot learn any system without executing it and practicing it at the table.
Yet you say you use 'zippo' systems?
How can that be??
How did you learn the systems you say "you know"..?


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I find it hard to believe nobody uses the diamond system to kick ? I mean, for a one rail kick, it's almost impossible not to be accurate..... as long as your speed is good.[/QUOTE]

Yes indeed!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I use a type of "edge to edge" but put my own tweak on it. Use it for anything that is longer distance so I really see the spot I need to hit.

Only a few diamonds away, my brain is comfortable knowing the spot, but further away, it needs a little "help" to focus in on the right spot.

I find it hard to believe nobody uses the diamond system to kick ? I mean, for a one rail kick, it's almost impossible not to be accurate..... as long as your speed is good.

Every shot, all the time?

Lou Figueroa


I said: "Here kitty, kitty". Got this frown.
Silver Member
I use Robin Dreyer's 2-4, and 3-5 rail system. He's got it down perfectly but he hasn't written the book. You would have to go to him to learn it. I'm laughing here because pool players just do not need lessons, unlike golfers, tennis players, etc.
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AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I use Robin Dreyer's 2-4, and 3-5 rail system. He's got it down perfectly but he hasn't written the book. You would have to go to him to learn it. I'm laughing here because pool players just do not need lessons, unlike golfers, tennis players, etc.

Well, now you're speaking in tongues.

My only question, agin, is do you use a particular aiming system on all shots.

Lou Figueroa
tough room

cookie man

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I'm not sure but I feel this got buried in the other thread so I'd like to try again here:

It seems like everyone knows around a half dozen aiming systems, give tor take, well enough to pass on to someone else. So the next logical questions Is: how many of these systems to you actually use shot-to-shot, day-in-day-out?

Me, I know half a dozen systems and use... none of them -- zippo. I also know a few kicking systems but when I have to go one or three rails I use exactly: zero. (OK, one time I used the Spot on the Wall.) I have books, and videos, and DVDS with huge steaming piles of aiming systems... but I use none. As I've oft said, I just see the shot and shoot the shot.

I use no systems though I have the knowledge and resources to do so if wanted. How 'bout you?

Lou Figueroa

CTE PRO-ONE Every shot


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
How Many Aiming Systems Do You Use
just curious
why do you want to know??