I cheated to win my match


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Actually, she THINKS I cheated. I was playing in a tourney last night. It's a free entry deal. The bar adds $5 per person to the pot. We usually have about 20 to 30 players. There's a lady who comes almost every week with her boyfriend, and I have known her for a long time. We have never really been close friends, but speak to each other.

It's a race to 1 in the winners side, and on the loser's side, it's a race to your handicap. She's a 1 and I have to go to 3. First rack, I let her shoot about 3 or 4 times because of the way the balls were laying. She plays pretty good, but I figure she can't finish the rack. I won.

2nd game, I break and run out a pretty tough rack, and while I am dropping the quarters in, she says, "nice run, even if you did foul." I thought she was kidding with me, and said, "I do that once in a while." She gave me this look, so I asked which foul she was talking about. She say's I have to keep at least 1 foot FLAT on the floor. I told her I had a foot on the floor, referring to a shot where I had to sit on the edge of the table, half way thru the rack. She says, NO, you didn't. It says in the rule book, "you have to keep 1 foot FLAT on the floor".

I ran out the next rack on her, and sent her home. The more I thought about it, the more I felt like she was calling me a cheater. So, first thing this morning, I printed out the rules fromVNEA, BCA, and the World Standardized, concerning having 1 foot TOUCHING the floor. I am gonna give them to her next week, and suggest that if she's wants to be a nit picker on rules, maybe she should go to law school and give up pool.

The least you can do, if you're gonna quote rules, and suggest someone is violating them, is LEARN them. Then find a new hobby that you can enjoy, preferably by yourself.


AZB Horse 2016
Silver Member
Actually, she THINKS I cheated. I was playing in a tourney last night. It's a free entry deal. The bar adds $5 per person to the pot. We usually have about 20 to 30 players. There's a lady who comes almost every week with her boyfriend, and I have known her for a long time. We have never really been close friends, but speak to each other.

It's a race to 1 in the winners side, and on the loser's side, it's a race to your handicap. She's a 1 and I have to go to 3. First rack, I let her shoot about 3 or 4 times because of the way the balls were laying. She plays pretty good, but I figure she can't finish the rack. I won.

2nd game, I break and run out a pretty tough rack, and while I am dropping the quarters in, she says, "nice run, even if you did foul." I thought she was kidding with me, and said, "I do that once in a while." She gave me this look, so I asked which foul she was talking about. She say's I have to keep at least 1 foot FLAT on the floor. I told her I had a foot on the floor, referring to a shot where I had to sit on the edge of the table, half way thru the rack. She says, NO, you didn't. It says in the rule book, "you have to keep 1 foot FLAT on the floor".

I ran out the next rack on her, and sent her home. The more I thought about it, the more I felt like she was calling me a cheater. So, first thing this morning, I printed out the rules fromVNEA, BCA, and the World Standardized, concerning having 1 foot TOUCHING the floor. I am gonna give them to her next week, and suggest that if she's wants to be a nit picker on rules, maybe she should go to law school and give up pool.

The least you can do, if you're gonna quote rules, and suggest someone is violating them, is LEARN them. Then find a new hobby that you can enjoy, preferably by yourself.

longs u have any part of ur foot on the floor your good


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Thanks Rob

longs u have any part of ur foot on the floor your good

I know what the rule is. If that was really the rule, I would have seen a hundred fights in Vegas over nit picking it. I've played in Vegas league tournie's the last 15 years and I've been playing in all kinds of tourney's, including some pro events for 30 years, and never heard anything like that.

Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
That and it goes without saying, suggesting a foul after the game is over is kind of pointless, unless as you said, she was being a nit picker.
She should have reminded you, as you were setting up for your shot, to keep one foot on the floor. Anything after that is pointless and the benefit of the shot will usually go to the shooter anyway.


Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member
You cheated to win a match...PUNISHMENT will be you have to Marry one of these,


Rat in a cage
Silver Member
Next time you play her..Consider moonwalking over to the nine ball on your last set..Step on your tippie toes..fire the ball in and go woooooooooohoooo


Silver Member
I would probably handle it a little in a little different way. If this is a place you hang out in, and you have said you have always been on speaking terms with her, there is no need to really make an enemy.

I would probably tell her that when she first said what she said you thought she was joking and thats why you replied as you did. Then after you got home you thought about what she said and figured she just misunderstood the rule, and to keep her from making the same mistake printed out the rules so she would have a better understanding.

If she is still crappy about it after that, then handle it as you wish. But at least you handled it like an adult instead of just heading out to make an enemy.

Thats just me. Yes, she was in the wrong, but how you handle it could effect how others see you.



Blue Hog ridr

World Famous Fisherman.
Silver Member
CC, can you spare one of your harem? Its snowing in my part of Canada and I could use the warmth.

Next time you play her..Consider moonwalking over to the nine ball on your last set..Step on your tippie toes..fire the ball in and go woooooooooohoooo

Now thats the way Fred Flintstone would have done it.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I agree 100% with Woody. No need to cause unnecissary heat which you will either have to deal with every week if she keeps coming, or chase her off of coming because she feels attacked. She made an incorrect statement, and after the fact of when it was useful. I'd just present her with the rules politely and look at is as an opportunity to help someone with less experience learn the rules.

cardiac kid

Super Senior Member
Silver Member

We have a guy in our local BCAPL league who believes he is a walking rule book. At every opportunity, he jumps in to other peoples matches and tells them what the rule says. For years I've carried the BCAPL rule book in my cue case. Regardless of what the book says, he continues to spout about contacting BCAPL directly because my book is wrong. Seems most everyone today is an expert on the rules of play. Wish you were the only one with this malady!

Good luck at the Brickyard next month.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member

I agree 100% with Woody. No need to cause unnecissary heat which you will either have to deal with every week if she keeps coming, or chase her off of coming because she feels attacked. She made an incorrect statement, and after the fact of when it was useful. I'd just present her with the rules politely and look at is as an opportunity to help someone with less experience learn the rules.

I've been considered the top player around my area for a long time, and also have a pretty good reputation. I'm always more than fair with everyone, and think it's stupid to argue over rediculous stuff. As for helping others, I have always told other players, "if you have a question about something, never be afraid to ask. If I can help you out, I will." My whole team is the same way.

I was sitting with a couple of other league players about half an hour before I played her, and told them I was planning to set up some free clinics at that bar, and the one owned by my stake horse. Just as my way of paying back to the sport. The lady in this scenario, from what I have heard, does the rule book stuff with a lot of other players. She didn't ctually try to call it on me, but wanted me to know I had fouled, and in a sense, cheated her. I'm sure by next week, I'll explain it to her without making an enemy. But I'll also let her know she needs to lighten up a bit and have some fun.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I quit

You cheated to win a match...PUNISHMENT will be you have to Marry one of these,

I think I'll resign my position in pool, and pass on the marriage deal. Trust me, I'll have withdrawal symptoms, and may even have a stroke from not playing. But I refuse to get married


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
What woody said plus

What woody said; give her a chance to understand that she's wrong and deal with it, if she doesn't take it, open season....
plus, I would donate a copy of the official rules that she apparently likes to quote to intimidate people so that next times she pulls it,tell her to show you the rule.. might give everyone a chance to learn, and at least cut the BS sharking withe the rules.


Silver Member
I was sitting with a couple of other league players about half an hour before I played her, and told them I was planning to set up some free clinics at that bar, and the one owned by my stake horse. Just as my way of paying back to the sport. The lady in this scenario, from what I have heard, does the rule book stuff with a lot of other players. She didn't ctually try to call it on me, but wanted me to know I had fouled, and in a sense, cheated her. I'm sure by next week, I'll explain it to her without making an enemy. But I'll also let her know she needs to lighten up a bit and have some fun.

Thats great man!

Didnt realize where you were from when I posted. I may be at the brickyard at the end of the month. If so, Id like to say hi. Always nice to put faces to the names.



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
heh i have ran into several people like that ... but on opposite sides ... normally i run into higher ranked people (apa junk) then i am .. that say i either cheated in one form or another .. or try to accuse me of sandbagging ...

normally it is the result of them messing up on something that they should not have messed up on and for the rest of the games afterwards they are looking for reasons to blame it on everyone else...