Is it your ability or attidute-that's holding you back

tom mcgonagle

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The last few times I've played, I noticed, right from the start, I'm playing more and more whiner's. My opponent the other night broke the first rack and made two balls and the cue-ball stopped dead in it's tract, in the middle of the table. The one was close to the back rail and the seven-ball blocked my opponent from seeing the one-ball. He focused on not being able to see the one, and openly complained about his fate. It was the first game in a race to seven. It wasn't the end of the world.

I hate playing whiner's. They only focus on the bad things, that happen to them.

I might hate playing them, but I love beating them. If they only knew how much harder I play against them, they might learn to sit down and shut-up.

I once told one of the perpetual whiner's, I beat for years, that never gave me any credit for beating them and would run around the room, telling everyone, "He only wins cause he gets all the rolls."

"Winners can't run around telling stories to everyone in the room about how they lost a match. I think you'd rather tell stories, than become a winner."

"Oh, by the way, I lost that match, the other night. I shook my opponents hand, and told him how well he played. Like I said, "I hate whiners."


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think...

I lost the other week, because I still have all my natural teeth.... and THEY made me lose. I'm considering having them all removed and get dentures so I can play w/out them!




Silver Member
Stiff as a board!!!

I'll tell you what's holding me back. It's my age (going on 57), my two bad shoulders (rotator cuff surgery on right shoulder causing 15% loss of range-of-motion, adhesive capsulation on left shoulder causing permanent stiffness), my chronic lower back spasms, my degenerated vertabrae in my neck (causing permanent stiffness and loss of range-of-motion), my bad eyesight (must shoot pool wearing glasses) and the fact that my body's metabolism is such that I am overheated in almost every poolhall/bar I shoot in (causing me discomfort and constant sweating). I am not whining, I am just stating the facts. These conditions/symptoms are very detrimental to my abilities. I feel like I have the knowledge and mental capabilities to be a fairly decent pool player if the physical problems didn't exist. So, as it is, I pretty much suck at pool :embarrassed2:. FWIW, I still get a thrill every time I am playing, either in a match, just for fun with an opponent, or just practicing by myself. Pool is the nuts!!!



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The last few times I've played, I noticed, right from the start, I'm playing more and more whiner's. My opponent the other night broke the first rack and made two balls and the cue-ball stopped dead in it's tract, in the middle of the table. The one was close to the back rail and the seven-ball blocked my opponent from seeing the one-ball. He focused on not being able to see the one, and openly complained about his fate. It was the first game in a race to seven. It wasn't the end of the world.

I hate playing whiner's. They only focus on the bad things, that happen to them.

I might hate playing them, but I love beating them. If they only knew how much harder I play against them, they might learn to sit down and shut-up.

I once told one of the perpetual whiner's, I beat for years, that never gave me any credit for beating them and would run around the room, telling everyone, "He only wins cause he gets all the rolls."

"Winners can't run around telling stories to everyone in the room about how they lost a match. I think you'd rather tell stories, than become a winner."

"Oh, by the way, I lost that match, the other night. I shook my opponents hand, and told him how well he played. Like I said, "I hate whiners."
What holds me back is my attitude, or to be more accurate, by inability to "bear down" and focus...apply the killer instinct that come naturally to others, etc.

I think about a million things and sometimes it seems that I look for distractions instead of having a Souquet-like focus and approach to the game.

I don't know what it is or why I continually do this, but it has been a battle for me for years. I have a lot of ability, but without the mental discipline the ability is useless. In tournaments I would have flashes of brilliance then lose to the unlikeliest of players, in just about any situation.

I have lost lots of matches over the years (including gambling) because I have this mental problem (lack of focus). Maybe I just do not have a winning could be that simple.

Regarding your second point about whiners, that affects me in two different ways:

1. I get so annoyed by them I allow it to affect my game.
2. I recognize that they have already mentally beaten themselves so I decide to torture them.

The very fact that I deal with this using such opposite methods is testament to my mental inconsistency!

Oh well...


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When I play a whinner I see my oppoinent already looking for an excuse why he is going to lose.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think the title of your thread could be reused for a whole different view on this, but to answer your question....
I too hate to play whiners, but I haven't figured out how to crush them yet. There are a number of them around these parts that can play real well. They use the whining to make you think they suck, when they are ahead of you it realy gets into your head how bad you must stink at this game. Part of my mental game that needs work!


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
The last few times I've played, I noticed, right from the start, I'm playing more and more whiner's. My opponent the other night broke the first rack and made two balls and the cue-ball stopped dead in it's tract, in the middle of the table. The one was close to the back rail and the seven-ball blocked my opponent from seeing the one-ball. He focused on not being able to see the one, and openly complained about his fate. It was the first game in a race to seven. It wasn't the end of the world.

I hate playing whiner's. They only focus on the bad things, that happen to them.

I might hate playing them, but I love beating them. If they only knew how much harder I play against them, they might learn to sit down and shut-up.

I once told one of the perpetual whiner's, I beat for years, that never gave me any credit for beating them and would run around the room, telling everyone, "He only wins cause he gets all the rolls."

"Winners can't run around telling stories to everyone in the room about how they lost a match. I think you'd rather tell stories, than become a winner."

"Oh, by the way, I lost that match, the other night. I shook my opponents hand, and told him how well he played. Like I said, "I hate whiners."
Was it a tournament?

tom mcgonagle

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
It was a small Tuesday night tournament, $20 dollar entry fee. The person I was playing and I are to familiar to each other.


Cowboys are my hero's
Silver Member
Leave your problems, job, and other BSD outside the Pool Room, when you go to play. Its a mind game, as much as a game of skill, and if your mind is wandering IMHO you will play for DOO DOO.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
the only reason I lose is the the other guy just happens to be better than me a young guy named tyler van wulven just beat the crap out of me but it wasn't my fault it was my friends fault for not making me practice enough


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
When I owned my poolroom, I was always looking for a game (still am). There were some strong players a couple of A's; lots of B's and some very strong C's. When I would play one of the whiners and they started, I would agree with them. I would say..."ohhh!! You got screwed on that shot! That is a bad roll! Man, that stuff always seems to happen to you!" etc. I would do anything to keep them focusing on how and where the balls were rolling. They whine because they are used to getting what they want. When they don't get what they expect, or think they deserve, they whine. But because they are good players, when they focus on the task at hand, they would shoot well. Like I said, keep them focused on the bad things that are "happening" to them. You don't want them to get in stroke. Let 'em whine all they want.
