jensen on order
am currently in jensens part of the country. I met him and his wife last week both great people,they both make you feel like family. anyway stopped by his house, hit a few balls ,then ordered a cue.this is the second cue that i have played with and HAD to have, the other was a searing & lucky enough to buy three searings within a week. if you're wondering what else i have played with to determine jensens cues play great heres a little list of what i currently own 3 searings, 3 richard blacks, 2ted harris, 2 old JW, manzino, tad, southwest, mottey, gilbert, bobby hunter, pfd 10th anniv. & a few others. of these i play with the ted harris exclusively. searings play great but they are all being refinished by the man himself then maybe closet queens not sure yet. mottey is incredible, jw is excellent, also pfd.1 richard black is great the other 2 not so much. It will be very hard NOT to switch to the JENSEN full time, maybe i should get 2 or 3 or anyway you get the idea. GREAT HITTING CUES IF YOU GET THE CHANCE TO HIT SOME BALLS WITH ONE DO NOT PASS IT UP. as far as the cues i didnt mention playing great above its probably because i have not hit many balls with them. Im sure the others play great as well, as these are some of the best cue makers in the world, thats why i bought them after all ! so dont think i'm bashing this is not the case. It's sad that i even have to make the last statement but such is life on AZ.