Johnny Archer's New Room


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Boy has the state of pool changed - new rooms opening with only 3 nine footers. I get it, I understand it, and I wish all the new room owners all the best in their businesses. This is just an observation, a room here in SW Florida just took out all the larger tables and installed Diamond 7 footers as well. Nine foot pool in the U.S. is dying a slow death, maybe it is almost dead, I don't know - but, to me, it is sad.

There was always something magical as a teen when you approached the bottom or top of a stairwell and heard the click of the balls and then after a few more quicker steps looked out to a room full of those 9 foot Gold Crown I tables - then that unmistakable smell of a pool room! There really was no music, no bar, no food, and almost never a woman in the rooms that I frequented as a kid - it really was just pool Mister - and there were no shorty tables in sight for sure!

I think that the scarcity of 14.1 play since the COM movie and ESPN's need for a fast game to replace 14.1 were the first warning shots fired in the direction of 9 footers in the U.S. Then, the internet and video games grabbed attention spans of our youth and shortened their mind's vision of what is needed to master the large table.

When even a pro player needs to affix his name to a room now dominated by shorties, we know where pool has gone here in America - again, I say, to me, this is very sad . I wish Johnny "All the Best" - sincerely, but sadly.
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Positively Ralf

AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I think people need to quit whining about this 7 foot table nonsense. Whether you like it or not, those league players help the places stay open more so than the aspiring pro player/shortstop/A level player.

Besides, if the place has 3 9 footers, whats the problem? If the days of 9 footers is really dead an all everyone wants to play on is 7 footers, then you should have no problem getting on the 9 footer to practice or play your friends.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lamenting is not the same thing as whining.
It was a well written post and I totally relate to it.

About 20 years ago, after getting out of the Air Force, I decided to make a one hour journey to Billiards Playground in Kalamazoo, Michigan. This was where the US Open One Pocket tournament was held for several years, and it was a really cool room with an old vibe. One Saturday afternoon I just jumped in the car and headed north. I couldn't wait to walk into that sea of 9 foot tables and smell that mix of smoke, alcohol, and chalk dust. Well I got there and they hadn't replaced their 9 footers with bar tables, it was much worse -- the whole room was long gone.

On the long drive home I had to tell Vincent to stop laughing at me several times.

Not whining.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Old school pool rooms I learned to play in one in the mid 60's in N.J.
7 9 foot Anniversary tables with slow cloth and composition balls.
Old school wooden phone booth with the mouth piece separate hanging from a cord.
1 pinball machine,no jute box.
Hardwood floors.
Gray peeling paint on the walls.
One bath room.
Soda and snacks only.
No females they were allowed but none came in.
Couple times a week a detective we called Vinnie the cop came in and looked the place over.
A few wise guys did hang out now and then,it was N.J. after all.
And only 50 cents per hour per player or 35 cents for 1/2 hour.
The houseman kept your starting time on notes clipped to a board.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Boy has the state of pool changed - new rooms opening with only 3 nine footers. I get it, I understand it, and I wish all the new room owners all the best in their businesses. This is just an observation, a room here in SW Florida just took out all the larger tables and installed Diamond 7 footers as well. Nine foot pool in the U.S. is dying a slow death, maybe it is almost dead, I don't know - but, to me, it is sad.

There was always something magical as a teen when you approached the bottom or top of a stairwell and heard the click of the balls and then after a few more quicker steps looked out to a room full of those 9 foot Gold Crown I tables - then that unmistakable smell of a pool room! There really was no music, no bar, no food, and almost never a woman in the rooms that I frequented as a kid - it really was just pool Mister - and there were no shorty tables in sight for sure!

I think that the scarcity of 14.1 play since the COM movie and ESPN's need for a fast game to replace 14.1 were the first warning shots fired in the direction of 9 footers in the U.S. Then, the internet and video games grabbed attention spans of our youth and shortened their mind's vision of what is needed to master the large table.

When even a pro player needs to affix his name to a room now dominated by shorties, we know where pool has gone here in America - again, I say, to me, this is very sad . I wish Jonny "All the Best" - sincerely, but sadly.
Wait till you see the pool tables of the future!....



AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Boy has the state of pool changed - new rooms opening with only 3 nine footers. I get it, I understand it, and I wish all the new room owners all the best in their businesses. This is just an observation, a room here in SW Florida just took out all the larger tables and installed Diamond 7 footers as well. Nine foot pool in the U.S. is dying a slow death, maybe it is almost dead, I don't know - but, to me, it is sad.

There was always something magical as a teen when you approached the bottom or top of a stairwell and heard the click of the balls and then after a few more quicker steps looked out to a room full of those 9 foot Gold Crown I tables - then that unmistakable smell of a pool room! There really was no music, no bar, no food, and almost never a woman in the rooms that I frequented as a kid - it really was just pool Mister - and there were no shorty tables in sight for sure!

I think that the scarcity of 14.1 play since the COM movie and ESPN's need for a fast game to replace 14.1 were the first warning shots fired in the direction of 9 footers in the U.S. Then, the internet and video games grabbed attention spans of our youth and shortened their mind's vision of what is needed to master the large table.

When even a pro player needs to affix his name to a room now dominated by shorties, we know where pool has gone here in America - again, I say, to me, this is very sad . I wish Jonny "All the Best" - sincerely, but sadly.
They are adding more tables as needed. They ain’t cheap.

Biz has been solid for a soft opening. Numbers have been very good.

The old days of 16 9’ tables and 3 7’ tables are long gone. It’s not my idea of a perfect room, but what I like don’t matter and wouldn’t survive.

He opened a room while most are closing down. Doing better than most.

Can’t complain about a new room, sports bar, food establishment. Not a pure hardcore pool room-but that’s not a viable biz now.

Fatboy 😀


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
I’m the Valley barbox banger that many here love to denigrate. No Diamonds, no 9’s, within two hour drive. One of the leagues I play in, is an hour away. I go because it is an open, non-handicapped league. Good challenge, and lots of fun. If a local hall, full of 9’s, existed, I would play there. Not afraid of 9’s, not incapable of shooting well on 9’s, there just aren’t any around.


AzB Gold Member
Gold Member
Silver Member
Boy has the state of pool changed - new rooms opening with only 3 nine footers. I get it, I understand it, and I wish all the new room owners all the best in their businesses. This is just an observation, a room here in SW Florida just took out all the larger tables and installed Diamond 7 footers as well. Nine foot pool in the U.S. is dying a slow death, maybe it is almost dead, I don't know - but, to me, it is sad.

There was always something magical as a teen when you approached the bottom or top of a stairwell and heard the click of the balls and then after a few more quicker steps looked out to a room full of those 9 foot Gold Crown I tables - then that unmistakable smell of a pool room! There really was no music, no bar, no food, and almost never a woman in the rooms that I frequented as a kid - it really was just pool Mister - and there were no shorty tables in sight for sure!

I think that the scarcity of 14.1 play since the COM movie and ESPN's need for a fast game to replace 14.1 were the first warning shots fired in the direction of 9 footers in the U.S. Then, the internet and video games grabbed attention spans of our youth and shortened their mind's vision of what is needed to master the large table.

When even a pro player needs to affix his name to a room now dominated by shorties, we know where pool has gone here in America - again, I say, to me, this is very sad . I wish Jonny "All the Best" - sincerely, but sadly.
I agree with most of what you are saying.
How about the disappearance of 3 cushion tables.


WO double hemlock
Silver Member
Lamenting is not the same thing as whining.
It was a well written post and I totally relate to it.

About 20 years ago, after getting out of the Air Force, I decided to make a one hour journey to Billiards Playground in Kalamazoo, Michigan. This was where the US Open One Pocket tournament was held for several years, and it was a really cool room with an old vibe. One Saturday afternoon I just jumped in the car and headed north. I couldn't wait to walk into that sea of 9 foot tables and smell that mix of smoke, alcohol, and chalk dust. Well I got there and they hadn't replaced their 9 footers with bar tables, it was much worse -- the whole room was long gone.

On the long drive home I had to tell Vincent to stop laughing at me several times.

Not whining.
I’ll whine for you....I used to drop into that room.
They kept it clean and had Dekoret balls.
Wish it was still there.


Well-known member
Come to Canada, you'll be in heaven, 9ft paradise lol
Ya everything around here is 9ft or some 8ft. The only 7ft i ever seen around here was in the childrens wing in a hospital . Asked the local table mechanic about that the other day and its also the only 7ft that he knows of and hes been in the business a long while.


AzB Silver Member
Silver Member
Lamenting is not the same thing as whining.
It was a well written post and I totally relate to it.

About 20 years ago, after getting out of the Air Force, I decided to make a one hour journey to Billiards Playground in Kalamazoo, Michigan. This was where the US Open One Pocket tournament was held for several years, and it was a really cool room with an old vibe. One Saturday afternoon I just jumped in the car and headed north. I couldn't wait to walk into that sea of 9 foot tables and smell that mix of smoke, alcohol, and chalk dust. Well I got there and they hadn't replaced their 9 footers with bar tables, it was much worse -- the whole room was long gone.

On the long drive home I had to tell Vincent to stop laughing at me several times.

Not whining.
You didn’t stop over to Comstock Cue Club instead?!?